
World Wanderer

@marylinj / marylinj.tumblr.com

La vie ne se mesure pas par le nombre de fois que nous respirons mais par le nombre de moments a couper le souffle que nous avons vecus!

Janelle Monaé Ties a Windsor Knot While Impersonating a Puppy


I think we need to talk about the under appreciated Window Seat fandom

I mean really? With the book shelves?

It’s like an alcove of happiness.

You want a whole row of individual seats? Fine, here you go. 

Or how about a whole window bed for those snugglers out there.

Curtains.. Guys this one has curtains.

Seriously? This is basically a glass cube of bliss.

 You can even get them with corners! Not enough corners? Okay.

Ba-BAM!! Corners for cocooning. 

There’s also the Roman-esque themed seat for the historians out there. 

 If you don’t want to snuggle up in blankets with hot cocoa in this then I don’t even know why you’re on this planet. I mean dat stonework. 

This one’s an entire rectangle. Just imagine all the cuddling that could happen in there. It’s practically a fortress.

This one’s fucking curved okay? it’s just chillin, up of the ground, and curved for your lounging convenience. 

don’t like rectangles or square? Okay. Have a fucking trapezoid seat.


Exercise: Exploring New Ways of Being in Relationships

Let’s create a profile of emotional maturity that you can work towards. The following lists present a picture of how an emotionally mature person might interact and behave in relationships. Read through the following lists of new behaviours, beliefs and values and choose a few to practice. Just pick one or two at a time, and be gentle with yourself as you work on them. Some might be harder than others.

Being Willing to Ask for Help:

  • I’ll ask for help whenever I need to.
  • I’ll remind myself that if I need something, most people will be glad to help if they can.
  • I’ll use clear, intimate communication to ask for what I want, explaining my feelings and the reasons for my request.
  • I’ll trust that most people will listen if I ask them to.

Being Myself, Whether People Accept Me or Not:

  • When I state my thoughts clearly and politely, without malice, I won’t try to control how people take it.
  • I won’t give more energy than I really have.
  • Instead of trying to please, I’ll give other people a true indication of how I feel.
  • I won’t volunteer for something if I think I’ll resent it later.
  • If someone says something I find offensive, I’ll offer an alternative viewpoint. I won’t try to change the other person’s mind; I just won’t let the statement go unremarked upon.

Sustaining and Appreciating Emotional Connections:

  • I’ll make a point of keeping in touch with special people I care about and returning their calls or emotional messages.
  • I’ll think of myself as a strong person who deserves to give and receive help from my community of friends.
  • Even when people aren’t saying the “right” thing, I’ll tune in to whether they’re trying to help me. If their effort makes me feel emotionally nurtured, I’ll express my gratitude.
  • When I’m irritated with someone, I’ll think about what I want to say that could improve our relationship. I’ll wait until I cool off and then ask if the other person is willing to listen to my feelings.

Having Reasonable Expectations for Myself:

  • I’ll keep in mind that being perfect isn’t always necessary. I’ll get stuff done rather than obsess over getting things done perfectly.
  • When I get tired, I’ll rest or do something different. My level of physical energy will tell me when I’ve been doing too much. I won’t wait for an accident or illness to make me stop.
  • When I make a mistake, I’ll chalk it up to being human. Even if I think I’ve anticipated everything, there will be outcomes I don’t expect.
  • I’ll remember that everyone is responsible for their own feelings and for expressing their needs clearly. Beyond common courtesy, it isn’t up to me to guess what others want.

Communicating Clearly and Actively Seeking the Outcomes I Want:

  • I won’t expect people to know what I need unless I tell them. Caring about me doesn’t mean they automatically know what I’m feeling.
  • If people close to me upset me, I’ll use my pain to identify my underlying need. Then I’ll use clear, intimate communication to provide guidance on how they could give it to me.
  • When my feelings are hurt, I’ll try to understand my reaction first. Did something trigger feelings from my past, or did the person really treat me insensitively? If someone was insensitive, I’ll ask him or her to hear me out.
  • I’ll be thoughtful to other people, and if they aren’t thoughtful in return, I’ll ask them to be more considerate and then let it go.
  • I’ll ask for something as many times as it takes to get a clear answer.
  • When I get tired of interacting, I’ll politely speak up, asking if we can continue our contact at another time. I’ll explain kindly that I’m just out of gas at the moment.

(From Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents by Lindsay C. Gibson)


One of my favorite things about Black Panther is the fact that Shuri is a female (obviously), a princess, and very passionate about STEM… and almost everyone treats her like it’s normal. Her people don’t mock her for her passion for technology and no one tells her that she can’t do what she loves because she’s a woman. They let her do what she loves, and it’s awesome.




Bitch please. He cannot destroy his legacy. Let him continue wasting his time til impeached. He is hilarious.


@elegantpaws exactly he can’t destroy something he wasn’t a part of and didn’t create. But that is the delusional part Trump thinks he can




The MLK white people never want to quote

“First, I must confess that over the last few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Council-er or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to “order” than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says “I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can’t agree with your methods of direct action;” who paternalistically feels he can set the timetable for another man’s freedom; who lives by the myth of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait until a “more convenient season.” Shallow understanding from people of goodwill is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection.“

-Letter From The Birmingham Jail


Meghan Markle speaking to Nick News in 1993 after writing a letter to civil rights lawyer Gloria Allred, then-first lady Hillary Clinton, and Nick News anchor Linda Ellerbee in response to a sexist commercial she had seen on television. Meghan’s commitment to speaking out had a lasting impact and the commercial was changed in response to her letter.


“I fell in love with Meghan so quickly……All the stars were aligned”- Prince Harry talking about his new fiancé.


CHIIIIILE, Lawrence O'Donnell serving that BLAZING hot tea on his show tonight honey 😞

“The Nationalist’s Delusion” article by Adam Serwer with The Atlantic:

The reason Donald Trump got elected was because white voters were promised that they would no longer have to share [standing in] this country with people of color. “White nationalism has and always will be a hustle, a con, a fraud…”


Wow just wow.

What the fuck man

Just watched a clip of this on CNNs Snapchat and I’m still speechless

Oh my God someone please what can we do about this can I donate anywhere or something this is horrifying

It isn’t illegal there, donating money won’t help much,

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