

@keyblademaster333 / keyblademaster333.tumblr.com

Hey there! This is my personal blog! I don't use it often but I talk about games, anime, all that shit! So yeah talk to me if ya want!

Do you wanna know what kills me the most about Rose? She had potential to be a well written character. She grew up a mercenary, then was made assassin within probably a year’s time. Yet not once does Rose ever really discuss it. I get it that it happened and they’ve moved on but you’d think suddenly switching from generic mercenaries to a FREAKING ASSASSIN GUILD, would leave some emotions towards it. Wouldn’t it be cool if Sorey asked her about it? Like “Don’t you look back on it and think about your’e choices?” I’m not saying Sorey needs to make her seen things different, but the game literally treats the whole assassin plot as “…your’e point?” If I was Lailah I sure as hell would be worried Rose would corrupt Sorey. Again, FREAKING ASSASSIN! I don’t care if you kill only evil people, thats still pretty dark.

Nope, Rose is too good for that. She’s perfectly happy with it, doesn’t care, no need to dwell on the past right? Except thats what Dezel did, and look at how emotional people were towards him? Why? Because Dezel was given depth, regret, emotions, a past that affects him. Rose has that opportunity and the writers didn’t want to because they were so sure she’d be a success. I would of loved to see Sorey and Rose get into a argument about morality and doing whats right. Maybe thats because Tales of Vesperia handled it super well but in this story we literally have a Pure Chosen One, and a Assassin as the leads and NOTHING is done to give the two a dynamic relationship. Hence why Mikleo is labeled the heroine by some, because he has a dynamic role with Sorey that I was sure Rose would of had.

Why isn’t there a arc to her learning her powers? Why can’t we have her see Seraphs but struggle with Armatization? Like she fuses with Edna and gets absolutely horrified, maybe even considers leaving? She seemed pretty freaked out when Sorey did the whole “hand=communicate” thing. She suddenly, after a small speech from Mikleo totally is okay with them. Why? Why not have her question the Seraphs? Question Dezel, Lailah, Mikleo, any of them!

It just feels as though Rose was made because they realized “Oh shit we kicked out Alisha. We need someone to balance gameplay out-hurry and write a character who can fuse with Seraphs and doesn’t need much development go go”. Don’t even get me started on her in the Alisha DLC. It’s disgusting that Rose treats Alisha as this nobody and acts all pushy towards her. Alisa and Rose were not close yes but Rose actually liked Alisha in game. Whats a good way to have tension? Why not take a already polarizing and disliked character and make her a asshole to someone for yes sympathetic reasons, but unjustified actions.

My point is Zestiria’s writing staff didn’t think Rose out enough. She just feels rushed.


cry more

what do you think mercenaries do? the line between mercenary and assassin is an incredibly thin one. they’re both paid to kill and while one seemingly has more “honor” in zestiria’s universe, their jobs are essentially the same, especially as rose hand picks which jobs they do and don’t do based on her morality. she had already been killing people in a military setting for money, why is it suddenly when she starts killing she should have a sudden breakdown? she was raised with an incredibly specific set of skills, and became suddenly unemployed with an entire troupe to provide for. along with dezel heavily influencing her to go down that route, it’s not a transition that’s incredibly hard to make.

i also don’t know what game you played but sorey and rose clash over their ideologies multiple times. but because they both respect each other, and honestly state their cases in ways where their reasons for believing in them are obvious and well-thought out, they never come to blows over it. lailah isn’t concerned with rose corrupting sorey because ROSE AND EVERYONE SHE WORKS WITH ARE NOT CORRUPTED. if you want to make this argument it’s better to ask for more focus on lunnare and rose’s relationship with him– did she ever blame herself for his descent? was he with them when they were mercenaries and became corrupted when they made the switch? or idk we can rag on sorey for respecting rose’s opinions and beliefs because he’s not a meatheaded jock who feels morally obligated to shove his personal doctrines down everyone’s throats like 4 other tales protags. and that’s important because we’re told in game that shepherds that become too dogmatic and blind to others become, you guessed it, super corruptable!

rose tells us again and again why she believes in certain situations killing is the only option, but also shows that she only makes that call after gathering a lot of information and putting a whole lot of thought into it. her entire reason for meeting sorey in the first place is that she’s following him, watching him, trying to make a decision on whether he’ll be a force for good or not. if alisha had hired her as a mercenary to do this, would you suddenly think she was justified in it? again, this is a person who says a prayer for every target she kills, even if she finds them utterly repulsive– but yeah, that screams ‘remorseless killer who doesn’t care about anything and doesn’t think this out at all.’

the rest of this is more personal preference than anything, but honestly lol @ you if you think that the team wrote alisha out without the intention to put rose in her place from the beginning. that’s not how professional writers operate, i’m sorry to break it you. its fine dislike characters but i’m constantly amused at how people seem to be unable to form any actual reasons that are supported in game for disliking rose. everything they mention was specifically covered or addressed or pretty much come down to personal taste and yet they continue to throw hissy fits in her tag because definitely no one has said this about the most disliked character in recent tales of history before, right, clearly everyone needs to see the same shit rehashed again!!

I appreciate the criticism on my post! Yeah Mercenaries do odd jobs but we never learn what kind of jobs Rose and them did. Did they escort nobility? Did they fight against bandits? We never find out what they did so the fact that some noble in Rolance wanted to marry Rose leaves a big question on how. Was it because they were famous? If so the game should of shown us more of her backstory. Ironically enough I don’t hate Rose actually, I and a large amount of people who’ve played Zestiria such as my friends agree Rose’s character needed work.

The only time Sorey truly takes issue with Rose’s morality is when she kills Cardinal Forton. The problem is that it’s never properly discussed again. You’d think the game franchise which had a vigilante hero clash over what justice meant with his childhood best friend would be able to do this easily. They didn’t. The other issue with it is that the group just accepts Rose without any pause. Lailah never once feels concerned that maybe Rose could be leading Sorey astray. After all they didn’t know Rose at all to just jump to the conclusion that she was not a danger to Sorey, but the story said they had too.

Also tagging isn’t a problem, I tag things because thats how tumblr is. Maybe just avoid tumblr posts like that? I added “negativity” to say “hey this isn’t a happy go lucky post”. Yes it’s my personal preference and it’s totally fine you don’t agree with me! Thats the best thing about opinions! Crying over someone saying negative things about a character is a bit much but I’m glad you feel strongly about Rose enough to defend her! It’s just that Rose as a character was not that well handled by the writing staff to me, and thats a opinion that many agree with. Again, not saying I’m right or your’e wrong, just expressing how upsetting it is for a character with potential to be wasted.

Again thank you for the criticism! :D


Do you wanna know what kills me the most about Rose? She had potential to be a well written character. She grew up a mercenary, then was made assassin within probably a year’s time. Yet not once does Rose ever really discuss it. I get it that it happened and they’ve moved on but you’d think suddenly switching from generic mercenaries to a FREAKING ASSASSIN GUILD, would leave some emotions towards it. Wouldn’t it be cool if Sorey asked her about it? Like “Don’t you look back on it and think about your’e choices?” I’m not saying Sorey needs to make her seen things different, but the game literally treats the whole assassin plot as “...your’e point?” If I was Lailah I sure as hell would be worried Rose would corrupt Sorey. Again, FREAKING ASSASSIN! I don’t care if you kill only evil people, thats still pretty dark.

Nope, Rose is too good for that. She’s perfectly happy with it, doesn’t care, no need to dwell on the past right? Except thats what Dezel did, and look at how emotional people were towards him? Why? Because Dezel was given depth, regret, emotions, a past that affects him. Rose has that opportunity and the writers didn’t want to because they were so sure she’d be a success. I would of loved to see Sorey and Rose get into a argument about morality and doing whats right. Maybe thats because Tales of Vesperia handled it super well but in this story we literally have a Pure Chosen One, and a Assassin as the leads and NOTHING is done to give the two a dynamic relationship. Hence why Mikleo is labeled the heroine by some, because he has a dynamic role with Sorey that I was sure Rose would of had.

Why isn’t there a arc to her learning her powers? Why can’t we have her see Seraphs but struggle with Armatization? Like she fuses with Edna and gets absolutely horrified, maybe even considers leaving? She seemed pretty freaked out when Sorey did the whole “hand=communicate” thing. She suddenly, after a small speech from Mikleo totally is okay with them. Why? Why not have her question the Seraphs? Question Dezel, Lailah, Mikleo, any of them!

It just feels as though Rose was made because they realized “Oh shit we kicked out Alisha. We need someone to balance gameplay out-hurry and write a character who can fuse with Seraphs and doesn’t need much development go go”. Don’t even get me started on her in the Alisha DLC. It’s disgusting that Rose treats Alisha as this nobody and acts all pushy towards her. Alisa and Rose were not close yes but Rose actually liked Alisha in game. Whats a good way to have tension? Why not take a already polarizing and disliked character and make her a asshole to someone for yes sympathetic reasons, but unjustified actions.

My point is Zestiria’s writing staff didn’t think Rose out enough. She just feels rushed.


“Thing’s my friends have said on skype”- RP starters.

”Have you tried feeding them the McBeefpunch?” “Technically it ended with Australia... Bastards cured it.” “Mayor Humdinger is twirling his handlebar mustache.” “Apparently I'm sewing like a princess today.” “He yelled at me for laughing cuz i'm technically derailing his authority.” “If you stab yourself and bleed even a little, you have to stop and cover it. You can't keep going.” “There is a simple template to follow and you fucked it up.” “I thought you said "I died in childbirth" and I was like “What?” “Should we rest you somewhere NOT entirely made of hornets?” “All that's left for me is to top that.” “I mean that's probably a better place to fall asleep than on the stairs, which is where I used to fall asleep.” “Via the sultry sounds of my voice:Art thou in?” “Okay. I'll bop you back in as and when you want. Assuming I'm up that is.” “I WILL RETURN TO THE HOMESTEAD SOON. THEN I SHALL UNLEASH THE SUFFERING OF TALKING TO ME UPON YOUR EAR HOLES!” “YOUR DOOM HAS BEEN WAYLAID IN FAVOR OF TEA!” “Come over. I'll make you a nice microwaved meal.” “On a secondary piece of advice: Anime taught me that if bullets don't kill it try the Katana.” “Why not return them via catapult?” “I like taking a minimalist approach to things, so I intentionally keep supplies bordering low so I can get used to it.” “She'll gagong you with her rack.” “I'M NEVER WRONG. MERELY LESS RIGHT!” “JESUS NO. IT JUST TODAY DED!”


Okay I’m going to rant here.

Over the summer my stepmom made me job hunt for a Government job even when I took some summer courses at college. I spent lots of time and money mailing and sending applications, found out I need to take exams and took and passed one.

After I did I started a new, state college and I got overwhelmed by it so I stopped looking for a job while In school. She just found out I haven’t been when I told them I wasn’t.

So lemme get this straight. I’m working between 25-30 hours part-time which isn’t alot yes but also going to school 5/7 days a week. Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9 to 9:50 and 11-11:50 and Tuesday 9-10 ish, and (On Thursdays) 1:30 to 2:40. That would mean around 30-34 hours which isn’t much still but thats not counting homework, chores, working out, cooking, and studying. 

Stop telling your kids that you worked full time and went to college



You know what saddens me about Inquisition? How the big wars and events are so undermined. 

Like the Mage and Templar war is completely brushed over with nothing major. There’s no questions about it after you get one side with you. There’s no “Hey why don’t we go after the mages and free them?” or “Why don’t we go free the Templars?”. You don’t see Abominations attacking people or Templars hunting mage sympathizers.

The Orlesian Civil War is fixed in one simple level and you never get to go to the battlefield and see the horror of soldiers dying. You don’t see Elves dying or men dying like it’s said is happening. Instead you hear about it and finish it by saying “Hey you Orlesian asshole. You lead.”

You feel no connection to these events.

Thats the biggest flaw of the game. There’s no emotional connection. When I had to chose between Behlen or Harrowmont I debated for HOURS which was right. When I was going to fight the Archdemon I was racked with concern if having the Old God baby was really the right thing.

When I played Origins I actually felt connected to the events because I may be playing a character who related to them. Inquisition failed to do that and it’s really sad.

Origins still remains the best of the three because it weaved together such a complicated world and choices and showed the reality of your actions and the details of why it needed to happen. Inquisition didn’t, it gave you the cake to eat but you hadn’t deserved it yet. At least 2 did have these events connect well, holy shit the Leandra scene was sad as fuck. If 2, considered by many to be the worst had better emotional connections then Inquisition then let that sink in a moment.

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