
I Should Be Studying


student who likes alcohol and food (surprise, so original) this is a place where I post really random shit that I like

Dear Parents:

* Please stop complaining how hard it is to feed, house, and give clothes to your kid.      Wow, we didn’t know doing the bare minimum to keep us alive after you decided to go through with the pregnancy was so difficult.

* Stop using the “I’m your parent so you have to do x” unless it’s to protect them from doing something stupid or a regular chore. You can make sure the kid can’t go to a party, but don’t be exploitative.

* DO NOT COMPARE AND CONTRAST YOUR KIDS. Everyone is their own person. Please stop.

* Stop favoritism.

* Do not insult or openly tell them or others about their “flaws”. They will remember it. Whether it being seriously or jokingly doesn’t matter. 

* Let them be who they want as long as they don’t hurt anybody including themselves.

* Having good grades is important but so is having a social life and mental health.

* When your child says that they are uncomfortable with something said or done don’t egg them on about it.

* Stop with the “When I was your age”, We’re pretty sure you didn’t do things your parents had, and we’re sure they didn’t to some things theirs did. Your kid isn’t you.

*  There’s probably a reason your kid doesn’t come from out their room.

* children are smarter than you think, when they ask about something give them an honest answer.

* Don’t punish your kids for telling the truth, they will learn to lie to get out of trouble. 

* Hitting or threatening to hit your kid is not a way to punish them or scare them into doing something.

* Do not expect your child to respect you. Respect is earned, not entitled.

* Don’t gossip about your kids life.

* (This one is personal but I feel like a lot of others go through it too) Do not use the “I didn’t raise you to be like that” line if you didn’t raise your kid.

* Gifts don’t make things better.

* Don’t assign chores based on the sex of the child. 

* excessive pranking leaves kids with trust issues and anxiety ( ”I’ll wait until it’s morning to use the restroom because I don’t want anyone popping up at me” )

*  stop using manipulative behavior to get sympathy from your kid.

Anonymous asked:

I am for reality. Oil will die but it is not happening fast and hurting our workers and industry that can help pay for the change in Canada while other countries take advantage of our stupidity and ship and use all the oil they want, does not help the planet or us.

That’s why I support transitioning workers from oil to renewables in a way that they’re financially supportive and given free education to retrain.

Getting off oil doesn’t mean immediately shutting it down and saying good luck to workers.

That’s the whole point of the Green New Deal. Its for a just transition where no one is left behind.


We travel to change, not of place, but of ideas. — Hippolyte Taine, French critic and historian (1823-1898)


The prosecutor who subpoenaed and cross-examined Hitler in 1931 for a murder trial against four brownshirts was a Jewish lawyer named Hans Litten. The three-hour testimony left Hitler so unnerved and humiliated that he forbade anyone speak Litten’s name in his presence, and he was killed in a concentration camp. Today, the German bar association is called the Hans Litten Association, and every year they give out the Hans Litten Award for excellence in the legal profession. That’s how you commemorate history. 

This *is* how you commemorate history…


i have no self-control

two people unfollowed me for this and honestly i don’t really blame them

today someone from the House of Representatives watched this bird dance to Hotline Bling


Did he not say he’d work to institute a process? If I remember right that was *literally* the point of him even talking about Michel in the first place

He has hinted that he might do something to ‘help’. What help that might be is unclear.

Until Trudeau says he will pardon Canadians (something he has not said to date) for possession, I’ll take his vague comments with a pinch of salt.

Its good that his comments seem to be shifting towards helping people with marijuana records (as only last week the Liberals were refusing to entertain the idea of pardons), but I’m not holding my breath until I hear something more concrete than ‘we’ll maybe help people in 2018′.

This is really interesting...a sitting Prime Minister whose not doing so bad with the people actually admits to some form of pardon through use of power. Admittance, discussion, REFORM! All criticisms aside this was a bold move and no doubt it's going to be followed by heaps of bad publicity and backlash if there's no process put in place.


Toronto Police: “If Police can’t have floats in Pride, we’ll ask the city to defund the Pride Parade.”

You cannot start excluding anyone including authorities this is not the way to move forward. Inclusion and tolerance come with working together and understanding different point of views!

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