
another brilliant zinger

@anotherbrilliantzinger / anotherbrilliantzinger.tumblr.com

random thoughts, musings and yes, the occasional zinger about life, theatre, booze, NYC and anything else that springs to mind.

Time to combat a couple more Bernie Sanders memes.

I got a lil time between brunch and my next drank and I keep seeing my friends passing these two memes around.

This one…

…is from Dennis Miller who has been a Republican since 9/11 and previously campaigned for Mitt Romney and Herman Cain.  He’s just trying to sew dissension and spread misinformation.

This one…

…is is mathematically unsound and illogical considering California (and most of the other Democratic contests) allot delegates proportionally not winner takes all.


Twenty-four hours after asking me a question and subsequently receiving my answer this is what I got back from this guy on Tinder. Okay, that's all well and good and I'm not about to hate on you for bettering yourself (which I assume is the implication here) as I'm trying to do the same thing. But seriously? I answered your question from the perspective of "fun" because it was in the question. Honestly, I'm on a journey of self-improvement. Hell, I'm in therapy working on my self and working out my demons once a week. Make no mistake, it is work. WORK. You asked me what I do for fun. I replied "what about you?" meaning what do you do for fun. And maybe that's really what you do for fun but we fundamentally differ if that's all you consider fun. Look at the context clues from my response. Why would you reply like that? And this is why I don't feel like dating. Okay, it's an app and I am under no obligation to meet anyone from it. Setting that aside, I approach this this as an attempt to converse prior to meeting. I hate small talk, so I'm big on getting that nonsense outta the way as soon as possible. Let's cover the basics here and then talk about the really interesting nitty gritty in person. In order to do that you have to engage in the conversation at hand, not the one you want to have or at least don't be so ham-handed with your attempt to steer the direction of the conversation. Passions are great and being passionate is a very attractive quality to possess but that wasn't what we were discussing. Ultimately the lesson I glean from interactions like this are that you can discern who's worth your time and who's not, if you pay attention.

You know what? New York is such bullshit. If we lived anywhere else I would never have to worry about seeing him again because he would have already killed himself for being so small & gay.

Elijah, GIRLS


At this time of year the nearly omnipresent clanging bell of the Salvation Army cannot be ignored. Although incredibly annoying, I have a greater reason for not giving my spare change to those famous red buckets. As a gay man they do not support me. I do not support them.

If you are a...

I try to remember to reblog this post from 3 years ago to serve as a reminder to those seeing the red buckets and hearing the clanging bells, if you support me, please do not support the Salvation Army. 

This ubiquitous and anti-gay organization doesn't deserve your support but these organizations, in light of recent events do:

Also, my dear friend Meg raises money every year for Children's Cancer Research. Consider helping her out this year too.

Thank you & Happy Holidays


Lisa Bloom, (Gloria Allred’s daughter) is an attorney, author, CNN legal analyst, and founder of general-practice law firm The Bloom Firm.  Let me just tell you it’s nice to see an actual lawyer reading McCulloch and his team for filth.  These words aren’t more valuable because she’s a white woman, but it’s certainly heartening to see white allies publicly denouncing that miscarriage of justice.

Y’all should follow her on twitter.


Also, y’all finna STOP trying to pimp this alien out as some pinnacle of male beauty.  Unless Bubbleyum Copperpot is cast in a remake of Godzilla and he’s literally playing Mothra, I don’t want to hear about it.

THANK YOU! So sick of this obsession over him, he looks like a foot. Calm down.

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