
so I might be working on a cryptid/monster dating sim



I spent a lot of time deciding on writing this post now, then I’m obviously upset and salty, but with every negative comment about Russia and Russian people I was growing more sure that you, guys, really should read this and fucking THINK. The thing is: I LOVE Sherlock fandom. I love the Russian part of it, full of incredibly talented people who literally make ART and I love this big English-speaking part, too, you’re fantastic. We don’t ALWAYS get along, there’re a bunch of really bad toxic people talking shit. These guys are everywhere. But the big question is: are these people talking right now or is the whole fandom full of shit? You know what happened: Russian Federal Channel leaked the new episode before the actual air date. Let’s not talk about all the “fake ep” thing and multiple endings theory and whatever and focus on the part there SOMEONE. FROM THE TV. FUCKED UP. We don’t know and probably we’ll NEVER know was it an accident or this certain someone did it on purpose, but RUSSIAN DUB OF TFP IS SOMEWHERE WHERE IT SHOULDN’T BE. We, Russians, all reacted differently. Some people stopped whatever they were doing and went to watch this episode (and I’m SURE that most of you would have probably done the same thing), some were upset and shut off all the social media to avoid SPOILERS, some started spreading spoilers everywhere (who can judge them?). That’s it. That’s the whole story. We didn’t have a referendum on deciding should we leak TFP ep or not. We didn’t ask the channel to do this. We are probably even more surprised than you are AND lots of people are not even going to watch the leaked episode. When I logged in my tumblr account I EXPECTED something like this. You, guys, are not really fond of Russians or Russia in general. It’s funny and upsetting and we just kinda accepted this shit. But I never expected the amounts of HATE towards our nation and our country and WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? I haven’t said anything to the yoi fandom, because, well, homophobia is smth we really are responsible for and I have nothing to say but THIS. THIS IS BULLSHIT. PULL YOUR HEADS OUT OF YOUR ASSES AND SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP. STOP INSULTING US AND BLAMING US FOR THE SHIT WE HAD NO CONTROL OVER. I really REALLY wanted to finish this with wishing you love and peace, but not this time, no. YOU SHOULD GO TO THE BASEMENT, YOU, IDIOTS. THINK OF WHAT YOU’VE DONE. Of all the people like me (angry, bitter and disappointed), or unlike me (probably REALLY upset and insulted). THINK AND STOP.

Anonymous asked:

How did Mino react to Taehyun's shirtless teaser?

Seunghoon: i swear mino looks tough but his true self is a 16yo highschool girl with raging hormones.

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