
Hey, it's a miscellaneous blog

@foxyturttle / foxyturttle.tumblr.com

I simply passively reblog what I like. Pretty and interesting stuff, current events sometimes, and fandom related stuff. My main fandoms are Transformers, Pokemon and Star Trek. A little Bionicle and other shows will pop up too. Enjoy!

going pspspspspsps trying to summon all of the zolu, sanuso & shuggy enjoyers like you do with stray cats.


Something something.. Gotta feed the Sanuso nation.. Something something.. ( ˘▽˘)づ

(small anecdote that's really funny is that drawing these two is starting to help me improve a ton.. So let's go!!)


i'm usually not one for the jealousy trope but man....i do think the concept of sanji being insecure about usopp seemingly always going to zoro for protection and he's bitter about it and doesn't even know why he feels that way has the potential to be so funny. he just wants usopp's attention and praise and it drives him crazy because he's an idiot that doesn't even realize he's in love. bonus if zoro picks up on the situation and sure, he mostly finds it annoying because being the crew's protector is just who he is, he can't help if usopp comes to him; but he definitely does ham it up a bit just to piss off sanji


actually this is so funny blurr just comes in like I LIVED BITCH and shockwave who has already been having a horrible time sitting here thinking about how bad he fcked up is like OH GOD DAMN IT NO FUCKING WAY


And then the good Boi turns Bad Boi™️

Love me this antler assassin. I was debating giving him shapeshifting powers, considering he’s a spy and the lore of the show, but I really liked the idea that he uses his real face when infiltrating and instead uses his power to shadow himself and create the “Shockwave” persona.

Him also being more robotic than human adds to his duplicitous nature and makes him more intimidating. That and I genuinely love how he looks as a robot and wanted to translate as much of that as possible in his human form.


I couldn't stop with this comic haha. Consider this a prequel.

Or - what if Tfa Blurr had a personality …well..more like in the comics.

Shockwave's character turned out to be something between IDW and Animated and I'm having way too much fun playing with it~


I've seen goyim push back against us Jews rightfully telling them they can't learn Kabbalah by saying "b-but learning isn't the same as practicing!!"

Congratulations, you just showed your culturally Christian ass.

In Christianity, practice is only about belief and acts of faith, like praying and attending Church. While Bible study is important, it's not integral to being a Christian. Most Christians don't have a library full of medieval Christian literature.

In Judaism, learning material is *part* of practice. If you walk into the home of a practicing Jew, chances are they will have bookshelves of books, even if they're not Rabbis or educators. Learning Torah is part of practicing Judaism, just as learning Kabbalah is part of practicing Kabbalah. We collect books because books are part of our practice.

In Judaism, learning is a holy act. Before we start learning, we say a special prayer thanking G-d for gifting us His words. In some communities, learning Torah is forbidden on days of mourning like the Shiva period and Christmas Eve, because the holiness of Torah shouldn't interact with the sadness of the time. We also have times when learning Torah is especially meritorious, such as the night of certain holidays and before one's wedding. When we complete our study of a book of Jewish texts, we have a special celebration to commemorate it.

We have a holiday called Simchat Torah where we celebrate completing the reading of the entire Torah scroll all year, and celebrate re-rolling the scroll to the beginning, where we begin reading it from the start all over again. A Torah scroll, on that note, is given immense status. Many times Jews will risk their lives to save Torah scrolls- for example, after the recent earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, Jews risked entering an unstable historic synagogue to rescue the Torah scrolls inside.

And all Jewish texts are treated with care- if a book or text is damaged beyond repair, it can't be thrown out, it must be buried like a human body. On first glance, a mass-printed Tanakh and mass-printed Christian Bible may look similar. Except if a Tanakh is dropped accidentally, it is kissed, and if it's damaged beyond repair, it is buried with full respect. This is because learning is *integral* to Judaism. Studying our texts is integral to our practice. It's not enough to attend synagogue, you must make yourself familiar with the texts.

Learning Kabbalah is practicing Kabbalah, which is why we say that no, goyim shouldn't learn about Kabbalah. Is it not enough that we say it's wrong for you to listen to us? I think part of the reason goyim are so entitled to our texts is because deep down, they believe that we're hiding something in them, and they don't trust us. We're not hiding something, we just have our privacy and our boundaries and you are not entitled to everything.

Actually it's actually 100% fine for goyim to reblog because I want them to read this and see it. I respect if you don't want people following you to reblog it, but I don't mind at all if goyim reblog my post. Reblog, just don't add your two cents or clown around if you're not Jewish.

when the internet became a thing there a large Jewish discussion about religious text being online: like if someone deleted a document that had G-d's name in it would that be erasing G-d's name is just one example of the many questions that came up.

It was decided that it was fine because deleting a document or text on page is not same as a physical item, but once you print it that is now something you can't just throw away.

Also we are not allowed to mark or blemish anything that has G-d's name in it so when I was school what we could do with our Chumashim (5 book of Moses) was either write/underline in pencil because it is not permanent. Or write down the note/thought on a sticky note and put that on the page.

You will find in a lot people's siddurs (prayer books) they have sticky notes or paper inserts with notes and for Yom Kippur it is very common for one of the specific prayers for many people to bring this booklet that goes more in detail on that prayer.

In fact on Yom Kippur many people will bring booklets, books, and other other such learning materials to enhance their understanding of they are saying even if they read the same thing every year. Because they still gain meaning and understanding from it. So it makes the prayer and connection to G-d, the prayer, and Yom Kippur itself more meaningful.

On shabbat at meals people will give over an understanding, a lesson, a tidbit, an insight on that weeks Torah portion and it will end up sparking a conversation more often then not.

To learn, to seek knowledge, and to share it with each other is ingrained in every action and understanding of Judaism.

So no you can't just study, but not practice Kabbalah because as @magnetothemagnificent already said learning is practicing. That is reality.

Learning is practice and practice is learning. They are intertwined with one other so deeply and thoroughly you can not tell where one ends and the other begins.

Also? If you can’t understand this, you can’t understand Kabbalah. Because you have not yet reached the level of maturity Kabbalah demands.


Hogwarts Legacy update!

We've confirmed the plot: there's an uprising among the race of hook-nosed bankers who control the economy. (Note that the more evil they are, the bigger their noses are. There's a good one who has a big nose but he used to be evil when he was younger.) They're "rebelling" because they want their stolen cultural artefacts to be returned to them and want to not be oppressed anymore, which for some reason means they also want to massacre their oppressors' entire race, because of course marginalised people asking for liberation actually secretly want to kill you. As part of this sinister cabal's nefarious plot for white—I mean, wizard—extinction, they want to kidnap a child, because that's what hook-nosed bankers like to do, right? And their leader is willing to do anything for material gain, up to and including teaming up with fascists who hate his race.

You guys know that conspiracy theorists think Jews funded the Holocaust, right? They claim we did it so we could milk it for reparation money afterwards. And did you know they think we kidnap children? Or that we actually want supremacy rather than equality, and plan to subjugate the rest of the world for our own gain? Presumably you've at least heard the claim that we control the banks. And you know this is all very popular with the alt right, don't you? Have you also heard that this game's original head developer was an alt right YouTuber?

Don't act like this is a fucking coincidence.

No, JKR wasn't involved in the game, and it's actively intended to be trans-positive. Yes, she gets money from it, and will likely donate some of that to anti-trans causes. But even if you pirate the game so she doesn't make any money off of it, you're still going to be be playing the fucking Protocols of the Elders of Gringotts.


I came across this and I'm not jewish but I've seen some on Twitter say that this "goblin artefact" is in fact a Shofar. In case anybody is still doubting that the goblins in HP are pretty much a caricature of jewish people.

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