
@creekycoffee / creekycoffee.tumblr.com

I had forgotten where i was from. And maybe i didn't know from the beginning where i was going. Maybe only the fish and i only exist in the memory of a person who is gone. maybe no one really exists, and its only raining outside

Hey I made some eva Christmas icons!

They are free to use but I would appreciate if you give credit in case you use them thank you!! o:

Anonymous asked:

So are you going to start attacking people again or did you stop so people would forget about it?

I watched this video on emotional mastery:

Instead of focusing on negative interpretations of a negative event that I can’t control (other Levi [or Mikasa] ships and people who ship them), I focus on positive filters centered around rivamika themselves. I know that even if no one else is 100% loyal to rivamika, I am, they have me on their side giving them my all and I can make beautiful art of them that I enjoy doing. 

Anything that is a negative event for me I will ignore from now on. 


It nice that u focus on the positives about something that makes so happy. My therapist said the same thing that the guy in that video said. That negative emotions and thoughts are only what's in your head. Thinking positive is really beneficial it's always good to think positive because if you think negative things are going to happen to you then negative things will happen and if you think positive things are going to happen to you positive things will happen.

That way of thinking has really helped manage my BPD with how I get obbssive with people around me and ships and hobbies that I'm in to


Did some more art today it's so much easier to paint in black and white than in colour


I started to get into digital art since I started going to therapy as a way to deal with my anxiety this is just an OC.


It's been awhile since I've been on here but I've been getting a lot of therapy to deal with my issues I got diagnosed with borderline personality disorder and I've been going to therapy to help get through it


i was looking up character birthdays earlier and guess which two legends were born on 6/9

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