
Clown City

@gingerwithglucose / gingerwithglucose.tumblr.com

Welcome to my palace - entry please

for those wondering: we use the Aristotelian classification for religious fasting purposes. birds are beings which fly, animals are being which walk, and fish are beings which swim. Usually creatures that can do both are lumped into either bird or fish so we get more options for Lent

This is why beaver is considered a fish for Lent purposes :)


Found my 53yo very-much-not-online father in the kitchen today meticulously arranging cutlery on the countertop and i was like 'what are you doing' and he looked up at me with the world's most shit-eating grin and said "Your mother told me this is how you rick-roll the Youth" and i looked over and it was fucking. Loss.jpg.

i must stress that he's never seen the original comic. My mother simply showed him the shorthand symbol and he memorized it. As far as he is aware this is just a fucking hieroglyph that deals instant psychic damage to everyone under the age of 30


my easily jumpscared gf has her back to the door in our new place and every time i need to announce myself like im an angel of god

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