

@c00lbeanzz / c00lbeanzz.tumblr.com

Cause imma cool bean and cause im vegan, get it? ...u dont? u kno i eat beans as a substi...fine whatever idc (ace with glitter running thru my veins)

i dont know what to do i never thought penguins were that small this is too much for me

to give you some perspective, this is a male emperor penguin, the biggest species (all the others are like two thirds of this one’s height or less)

Wait… How big did you think they were??

is that one t iny or something bc emperor penguins are like 3 feet tall theyre like moderately sized pokemon


“How seals move on land” -bubbubbubbubbubbub-

omg they’re so cute I love them


so here’s my problem with TWILIGHT critics: they hardly ever talk about meyer’s representation of the quileute tribe. they’ll go on and on about her writing style, or the fact that her vampires sparkle. and tbh edward’s sparkly alabaster chest is a pretty trivial thing to critique, in contrast to meyer’s ruthless appropriation of an indigenous culture.

why aren’t more people having this conversation?? why do we keep neglecting the fact that stephenie meyer took an existing native american tribe, rewrote their entire history, and gave them a new mythology that was extremely “othering?”  

why doesn’t anyone ever talk about this?!?! i mean, i know actual native americans were cast in the films, and that made people happy. but was it enough to absolve stephenie meyer for her gross misrepresentation of an indigenous culture?!?!??

ugh. i just think this is a conversation more people should be engaged in. and it’s happening in some places. but i wish i saw more of it on tumblr.


okay so in college I took a class called Science, Witchcraft and Magic and my prof said we could do our final project on anything we wanted, as long as we tied it into the class. So I did mine on Werewolves as a symbol of social climate.

In my research, my prof and I talked a lot about this very thing and I actually used in in my project. I was lucky enough to have a friend with Quileute tribe  and he was the one who broached the idea to me, sighting Meyers disgusting appropriation of a culture she knew nothing about but also turned them into scary monsters who eat people. Because one thing that stood out to me, more than anything about Meyer’s werewolves is that they are born Werewolves, while the all white vampires are made monsters. They come from lower income, often times single parent homes, where as the rich vampires have made themselves into a standard mom-dad-siblings model family unit. The werewolves are violent by default, even scaring their loved ones( which honestly the whole sam-scaring-emily things was a huge slap in the face when you consider the rates of domestic violence against Native women.)

So not only did she bastardize an entire culture, she used werewolves as the worst kind of racist metaphor. They are born monsters, who can’t help themselves, who can’t change what they are, and who are dangerous by default. She slapped a tribe’s name on a metaphor for white fear.

You’re not even covering a lot of it either. Bella is frequently shown flirting with Jacob or acting mildly flirtatious with other male werewolves as a means to get something, like information or other things she could get by just asking. Meyers oversexualizes nearly every wolf. In the second book, Jacob strips down to provide heat because he knows his clothes are soaked and he doesn’t want to get Bella’s kid sick, but wait, all Bella focuses on, and all Meyers focuses on, is the potential sexual storyline, even though Jacob is supposedly a serious love interest at this point.

Not only that, she decides the werewolves are afraid of the ocean and cannot inherently swim well. A tribe of people living near the ocean has its own history where the people who are supposed to protect and provide for them are afraid of one of the biggest providers for them. She creates as many ways to make the werewolves weak and powerless as possible. I don’t know about you, but canines do a pretty good swimming from what I’ve experienced as a dog owner.

As a final stab, she writes into the last book that the tribe aren’t actual werewolves, but some form of shapeshifter. That the true werewolves are from Europe and the vampires have been trying to eradicate them for years. And, even worse, the Volturi wants to make the shapeshifters into their guard dogs. She decides that they can’t even be called werewolves, but that they have to have separation from the European counterpart, because they didn’t inherently come from them.

Literally, their presence in the book is purely mockery and there is no way to justify any of it.


All tests should be open book. It’s not like your future boss is going to say, “I need those tax returns finished by noon, but don’t look at any of the financial statements. Do it all from memory.”


Exactly! You should be tested on application of a concept not memory

I’ve told this story before but idc I’m doing it again.

My dad once taught some class at a conference. He gave everyone a worksheet and after watching them flounder for a few minutes on their own he said, “You guys know you can talk to each other and work together, right?” These were industry professionals who suddenly reverted back to that must-not-collaborate mentality when put in a classroom setting.


school fucks us up soo bad


happy international women's day to the trans women who rarely ever get acknowledged as the genuine women they are


Some of y'all following me were literally born in the 2000s (and no this is not going to be one of those awful 90s kids are better rants) but I know from personal experience that as teenagers, you don’t really understand exactly how young you are. Like I literally babysat kids your age. And I want to remind y'all that I am an adult. And there are lots of adults on this website. And if any adult, even an 18 year old, comes on to you or makes you feel uncomfortable in any way, you are 100% within your rights to report it, and please please please don’t let yourself fall for their lines of “oh you’re very mature for your age” or some shit because I promise you that no matter what, to someone my age, you are a CHILD, and they’re preying on you. Your safety is important, so please exercise caution in all your online interactions



i’m sorry but there is no way you could have stopped me from standing on my chair and screeching like a banshee if i saw this live…




“ballet isn’t a sport”

The thing about this is, you can barely see their muscles straining from effort. The effort to keep each other and themselves balanced, definitely, but that guy’s hand is barely shaking. The amount of training and strength and balance to go into this is fucking insane.


Ballet is raw AF


some people genuinely—-I was reading the other day and some people—they genuinely—some people genuinely think that we are in a relationship – they genuinely think


Yet he is the one they “Debunked” until the Photographer had to step in and say “Yes I took those pictures and yes that IS Bernie.”

Lmfaoing that’s wtf I said

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