



Wow i really haven’t posted on here in a while. But kind of exciting news, im starting the process of legally changing my name and getting top surgery.

If anyone would like to help facilitate me becoming my true self I did start a gofundme. Even if you cant help out, any support or sharing of the link is greatly appreciated ☺️


Loving yourself, nurturing yourself and taking care of yourself, is one of the greatest offerings you can offer to the deities. They all want to see you happy, healthy and cherished.


Low Energy Hellenic Polytheism:

I know many worshipers around the world struggle with mental health, including me.

Sometimes we don't have the energy to carry on with our daily mundane activities, even simple tasks like brushing our teeth, getting a glass of water, or leaving bed can requiere a gigantic effort.

The same happens with our religion or spirituality. That's why I thought on making a list of low energy things we can do to connect with our beloved gods and goddesses. (some requiere more energy than others)

  • Listen to music that you associate with your deity.
  • Watch a film/series that reminds you of your deity.
  • Binge watch YouTube videos about hellenic polytheism or paganism in general.
  • Write small letters/notes on your phone dedicated to your deity.
  • Light some incense or candles for your deity.
  • Have a full conversation, outloud or in your head with them just about anything. (don't worry about them actually listening or being there, this is just for you to feel close to them)
  • Make some tea for the both of you.
  • Doodle/draw stuff that you associate with them.
  • Dedicate the things you manage to do to them (for example: if you managed to take a shower dedicate it to Poseidon, if you brushed your teeth dedicate it to Apollo, if you made your bed dedicate it to Hestia).
  • Share your breakfast (or whatever you're eating) with them.
  • Take a nap and ask them to visit you in your dreams.
  • Rebblog/share stuff about them on social media.
  • Take some days off. Let them know your situation, let them know you need to recharge and then take some time to do absolutely nothing spiritual or religious. Use this time to recover and get your energy back. I promise the gods understand.

I hope this post ends up being helpful to someone ✨💞

~ Eclectic Souls ~


Seriously tho does anyone know how to remove a curse

Yes. A traditional and straight forward method is to make black salt and cast it into a fire to burn. The foul witchcraft performed against you will cling to the salt and burn in the flames.

You can also take a white candle and anoint it with your spint, blood, and sweat. Then, you can place the candle in a bowl. You will fill the bowl up with salt water halfway and light the candle. Let it burn. When the flame hits the water, the curse will be cleansed and destroyed


“Black Lives Matter”

You can keep this on you during protests or have it on the front or back of your banners or signs.

In case you are pepper sprayed or tear gassed while protesting : ~Have water, saline solution, or milk of magnesia (which is a type of liquid antacid) on hand to flush out your eyes ~Keep your breathing low and slow. Breath in through your mouth and out through your nose, you DO NOT want that shit in your nose, they taught my mom this during her short time in the Navy when they had to do exercises in a tear gas chamber for as long as they could. (I don’t think this applies so much to pepper spray)

This is not a debate post, don’t start shit on my post or you’ll be blocked on sight. Make your own post about your issue and keep my sigils out of it. And before y’all fuckin say it, don’t fucking “All Lives Matter” at me. All lives can’t matter till black and other POC lives matter.


“You Cannot Touch Her” Curse/Binding

This curse is particularly for people who have done harm in the past, and as such already known to be a potential threat. The idea is to keep the person from speaking to or approaching the one you’re trying to protect, and to make them feel watched and judged for their past actions.

You will need the following:

  • A jar big enough to hold a poppet
  • Some kind of poppet - I used a wooden one with the offender’s name written on the bottom. A photo could also be used
  • White out
  • A black candle
  • A mixture of black salt & cayenne pepper
  • A sigil of your own design meaning “You cannot touch [name or pronoun]”
  • A permanent marker

Light the candle and white out the mouth of your poppet. Roll the poppet in the mixture of black salt and cayenne pepper (black salt tends to stain so keep this in mind). Place it in the jar and seal the lid, leaving the poppet inside under the gaze of dozens of eyes. Write your sigil on the lid. During or after all of this, say the following aloud or think it to yourself (change pronouns accordingly):

You cannot touch her. You cannot speak to her. Think of her and bring this curse upon you. May your tongue catch in your throat if you dare to reach her. May you burn and ache if you come near. May you feel eyes upon your back each time you think her name. They’re watching. I’m watching. May you forever question the gaze of others - Do they know the things you’ve done? I do. I curse you. I bind you. You cannot touch her.

Stash the jar in a dark place, like a closet or a cabinet (I don’t recommend burying jars). Let the candle burn until it extinguishes itself.


The Magical Girl Guide to: Death Witchcraft

Death is a daunting and controversial topic in society.

Sure a lot of our generation may joke about death lightly in various memes or ‘lol someone just kill me, I wanna die from this failure I committed’, but when actually confronted with death, some people start singing a different tune. We’ve all been affected by it some way or another, whether it be the death of a friend, family member, beloved pet, or an idol you adored. Reactions and how we are, in turn, affected by said death is variable.

Some take it better than others, others reel and take very long to recover, but it is never easy when someone reaches that inevitable ending.

As such, death witchery is a road less traveled when it comes to witches. I won’t lie and say it’s an easy path to take on. Because it isn’t, death witchcraft is probably one of the most daunting paths of witchcraft one can choose. Working closely with death isn’t for everyone and can be quite dreary on the mind, but hopefully with this entry level guide, you can really decide whether or not you truly think death witchery is a path for you. 

A very well thought out post, loved the read!



So a lot of us are out of the broom closet so to speak, but many of have to be careful of being public because of the views of the communities we live in. What I propose is a symbol we can put on flyers or in shop windows that means “You’re safe here.”

I don’t believe that a pentagram would work because it’s got so much stigma attached and it’s really easily identifiable. Ideally, we can find something that is not tradition specific. I don’t know. I just want us to be able to put feelers out into the community without painting a target on ourselves for intolerant jerk faces, and I want witchlings that are seeking guidance to be able to do so in a safe environment. I mean, how badass would it be to find a little symbol of solidarity in your favorite coffee shop or bookstore??

Reblog with suggestions!

A witches’ foot. It has been used historically like this. 


In one of the grimoires I’ve read through, it references this being a secret sign to mark on sacred spaces for the group. 

Love it, passing it around. Will be wearing it and hanging it at my house and teashop once I own one.


With these protests and riots occurung due to the injustice present, as well as a pandemic occurring, know this: the Theoi are with us more now than ever and working extremely hard.

We are not alone. They are fighting with us. They are healing. They are comforting. They share our anger and our tears.

Even if you can't feel their presence, you are not alone.


A Crash Course on Channeling

What is Channeling?

Channeling is allowing a nonphysical entity to use your physical body, in order to accomplish something. If that sounds, vague, it’s because it is. Channeling takes many different forms and intensity levels! Depending on how it’s done, it can be a medium-difficulty task or one of the most advanced things a spirit worker can do. 

Types of Channeling

I once heard channeling described as a car ride, and in my experience that’s very accurate. The car is your body, and you’re in it with an entity. Sometimes you’re in the driver’s seat, and the entity is in the back seat giving directions. Sometimes you or the entity is in the passenger’s seat: not calling most of the shots, but able to reach over and grab the wheel if needed. Sometimes you’re in the backseat watching the entity drive, and sometimes you’re in the trunk. In practice, this can take a number of forms.

  • Speaking on Behalf. This is the kind of channeling people do most often. The entity isn’t controlling you, just feeding you lines which you can then relay to a third party. You’re translating their messages to something other people can comprehend. If you’ve ever answered a question for a spirit in their words, you’ve done this. 
  • Isolated Channeling. The entity takes control of just a part of the body, usually the hands or fingers. This is mostly used for things like automatic writing.
  • Assuming Form. Also known as consensual possession. The entity is in the driver’s seat, speaking and acting for themselves without your help. Some people will call this “horsing.”
  • Possession. While the word “possession” could technically cover all of this, within the spirit work community it’s usually reserved for channeling where the human did not consent beforehand. This doesn’t necessarily mean in a violating way- I once had a friend who got possessed just long enough for an entity to yank them out of danger; once I was taken for just a moment to convey a quick (but very direct) message to a devotee, and snapped out of it right after. 

Reasons to Channel

Everyone will have a different reason to channel but most of them fall under a few categories:

  • Helping Someone Else. You’re channeling on behalf of someone who can’t [easily] reach the entity themselves, in order to ease communication between the two parties. This is often seen with mediums contacting spirit guides and Ancestors.
  • Aid in Other Works. The entity is better suited to accomplish a certain task than you, so you let them take the lead. This is often seen with a familiar or spirit companion, someone the practitioner works with closely enough to know their strengths and trust them. 
  • Easier Communication Overall. Channeling is a way to get really familiar with an entity’s energy. Again, we often see this with spirit companions and is more to bond than to achieve another goal.  This would include automatic writing or letting a spirit experience things “through” you. 
  • Ritual Invitation. In some traditions, it’s common to invite deities to ritual events. Often, some type of channeling/possession is expected and is usually reached through ecstatic experiences. It’s taken as a sign the deity has arrived at the party, either a sign the offerings have been received or a time for the deity to convey important messages. 

Before-You-Begin Essentials

  • Know How To Protect Yourself. This is non-negotiable. Is your discernment tuned enough to spot an impostor or malevolent entity? Do you know how to end a session early? Do you know how to banish a spirit in an emergency? If the answer is no, then study up and return to channeling when you’re ready. 
  • Know Your Entity. Channeling, by nature, puts the practitioner in an intimate and vulnerable place, so you don’t want to give that access to an entity who may misuse it. If it’s your first time channeling, make sure you trust this entity with your life. 
  • Don’t Channel Alone. When you channel, you’re in an altered state of consciousness. Having someone grounded near you helps keep the session on track and keep you out of trouble should you need it. (Either by forcing an entity out if needed or just keeping you from climbing that tree.) 

Other Notes

  • It’ll Probably Take a Lot Out of You. Have something ready to ground and rehydrate yourself after a session, and make sure you don’t have anything high-demand planned after. 
  • Start Small. No need to jump head-first into the most advancecd and high-intensity types of channeling! Start with automatic writing or painting and get used to the feeling and work your way up.
  • Don’t Make It Weird. Basic etiquette still matters. Channeling is not a pass to give unsolicited messages to other practitioners, speak on behalf of their deities to them (unless they’ve specifically asked), or say hurtful things cushioned by: “What? It wasn’t me who said it.”
  • Messages Are Rarely “Pure.” This means everything is still filtered through you, the practitioner. Your values, morals, biases, and beliefs can inform what messages get through and how they are conveyed. Nobody wants to send out a message they disagree with, after all. This becomes less of an influencing factor with experience as one learns to hone their skill and let go more, but it’s important to always keep in mind. (If a channeling friend says a deity doesn’t accept your gender identity or something, that’s a good sign that really your “friend” doesn’t accept it.) 

When Asking a Deity for Favors

I think its EXTREMELY important to keep in mind that you are asking a GOD or GODDESS to help you with something. This means they are not at all obligated to do exactly what you are asking of them. 

So for example, if you ask Aphrodite for help in your relationship, keep in mind you are inviting the Goddess of Love into your relationship to essentially do what she feels best. If she doesn’t like the relationship her “help” may be getting you out of it even though you wanted her to help make it better. You could ask her to bring “love” into your life and she may, instead of bringing you your soulmate, teach you to love yourself.

This isn’t to ward you off from asking any deity for a favor. I just really think its important to keep in mind that what you are asking for may not come to you in the specifics that you asked. And its not out of malice or anything, I think a lot of the times they just think they know better than you and they find their way to be more helpful. Or if you’re dealing with Hermes, he just likes messing with you which you should have already realized that was probably going to happen when you went to Hermes for a favor! (Though he does still manage to be helpful even with the games he plays). But yeah, my point is before you ask, make sure you are okay with the fact that your deity may do things differently than you asked of them or they may not fulfill your request at all. Remember the gods aren’t here to serve us. They help us because they want to, not because they have to (or in Hermes case, to amuse themselves). 

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