
My reality doesn't exsist

@methosaurus / methosaurus.tumblr.com


I’ve been sober for just over 3 months now. I haven’t quit forever but when my best friend left for rehab it was the end of an era and I decided that was as good a time as any to stop, it was a little easier since it had already been a month. I don’t plan on quitting all drugs forever but I want to slow my usage down to just special occasions not everyday.

Anonymous asked:

how do people manage to inject ice? what is the process

Sorry but I wouldn't know I hate needles and don’t know anybody that uses them for recreational drug use.


little junkie things: when ur nodding hard but still scrolling through tumblr and realize ur just scrolling through tumblr with ur eyes closed and haven’t actually seen shit


Later on in your sober days, you will miss the dirty aesthetics, the ambience of a crack house, atmosphere of a junkie altercation. Now, you’re sitting in your cushy Ikea chair surrounded by nice décor with a fridge full of everything you can dream of eating, but. But, my dear fellow ex-junkie, you suddenly realize that you miss sitting in a cockroach infested bedroom and asking an old man named Fred to shoot you up with some smack. Oh, irony, you fuckin bitch.

Source: magictrickss

My best friend left today, rehab in another country and his off to Korea to get back on his feet with family. I don't know how I'm going to deal without him. I think it might be time to start getting out of the game.!


little junkie things: when ur nodding hard but still scrolling through tumblr and realize ur just scrolling through tumblr with ur eyes closed and haven’t actually seen shit

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