
A Creative Notepad A Blue Clock And A Baby Pigeon


current m!a :None!!
hello! my name is Paige the notepad! I love thinking CR£ATIVLY and annoying anyone who says otherwise!my name is Tony. and I teach about time. paige is super annoying. and Kimi is fabulous a- oh no....
Hello everybody! My name is Srhingnold! I teach the subject of love, and how important it is! So ask me any questions about your special ones
or Malcolm or anything!
Haha... Time
(indie rp blog for Paige and Tony. you may call mun, mun. ALL ARE WELCOME HERE!
oc and multifandom friendly
This rp blog took the anti rp hate pledge.
Feel free to send in a starter, I dont mind at all!)
)also none of the art belongs to me! if you want credit just messege me for it)
Mun does mabel pines, Vanellope Von Schweetz, and honey lemon from big hero 6!
Yeah this blog may contain random rants, Gravity falls, and anything that is Intresting. Run. Don't join me. It's crazy here.
MUN is genderfluid so I go by he, she, they pronouns!

So a good end to this blog: Today I finally bet Becky and Joe, as well as Baker Terry, another person who worked on the show. They loved my outfit: they took the time to chat to me, and sign my Paige dress. It was an Honor and I was so nervous but they were so damn kind. I'm not very active on here but I want people to come onto this blog and see how far I've come, how far this fandom has gotten me, and how wonderful the show is. Now soon: I'll post the vid of me meeting them. And also a bunch of notes. A shit ton.


Fake Service Dogs?

You’re sitting at a cafe with your friend when suddenly a woman walks in with a toy poodle in her purse. The manager at the counter informs her “I’m sorry, but we do not allow dogs”. She replies with a heavy sigh and a “She’s a service dog. She can come with me”. Not knowing much about service dog law, and worrying about getting sued for asking further questions, he sits this woman down at a booth. There, she promptly unzips her purse and places the dog on the booth seat next to her. When the woman’s food comes out, the little dog begs and she feeds her bits off her plate. This dog is not public access trained, and proceeds to bark at those who walk by. This dog is a nuisance and causes many in the restaurant to complain. The manager cannot do anything but inform the unhappy customers that this is a service dog, so he can’t ask her to leave. In the end, it’s the customers who end up leaving.

Now I walk in with my highly trained service dog pressed against my leg in a perfect heel position, and I’m quickly bombarded by the manager telling me “No dogs! No dogs! We ALL know what happened last time”. Confused, I tell him “This is my medical alert and medical response service dog. Her right to accompany me is protected under federal law.” With a sigh, he seats me at a table far away from others where my dog promptly tucks under my feet, out of sight. When my food arrives my dog is still tucked tightly under the table because she knows she’s not supposed to eat when she’s on duty. She stays there ignoring those who walk past for the remainder of my meal. When we leave, a woman by the door exclaims “Woah, I didn’t know there was a dog here!”

See the difference?

Scenario number two occurs at a local grocery store when a man decides to bring his certified emotional support animal into the store with him. Upon entering he flashes a fancy ID card and certification papers. This dog is not as unruly as the first, but he still forges ahead of his handler, sniffs the food on display, and may seek attention from those who walk past. You find this dog adorable, and when he and his owner walk past you ask to pet him. The owner says yes and explains how all he had to do was go online, register his dog, and a few weeks later they sent him a vest, ID card, and certification papers.

Now I pull into the same grocery store. I’m in a rush to get an ingredient for a dish I’m making so I hurry into the store with my service dog next to me. I’m quickly stopped by a manager who demands to see my service dog’s certification card. Remember, this is NOT required by law, and most real service dog teams don’t have them. After 15 minutes of trying to educate, pulling up the ADA website on my phone, back and forth bickering, and drawing more of a crowd than I want to describe… I’m finally allowed in. I grab my ingredient, stand in line (where my service dog obediently moves between my legs to make space for those around me), and I get bombarded by people asking to pet my dog. I explain that she’s working, she has a very important job to do, and she’s not allowed to be pet while on duty. People walk away grumbling and complaining about how rude I was when other handlers like the man they met earlier allow their dog to be pet.

Moral of the story? Fake service dogs create real problems. The ones who are impacted the most are the true service dog handlers who rely on their dogs every day to help mitigate their disability. How would you feel if everywhere you went, you couldn’t make it 10 feet in the door because people were asking you questions? Imagine how much time that would take out of your already hectic day. Businesses lose customers because word gets out that there are unruly dogs in their store, customers become misinformed and start thinking some of these behaviors are okay, some people even start to believe the lies that anyone can just register their dog online and make him a service dog. The result? MORE fake service dogs. MORE real problems.



So hi guys!! DHMIS is going to be at vidcon!! So I'm all psyched!! I also realized I am fictionkin with Paige so this blog should get slowly more active uwu!

Anonymous asked:

Do you have another blog?

I do!!! My current most active blog is @dapperblooky22 !!!! Feel free to contact me anytime!! But this blog should be returning soon!


reblog if you think that holding hands can be platonic

someone yelled at me for it

If you can’t hold hands with your best friend while walking home who can you hold hands with

I love holding hands with my friends. It makes me happy

We either hold hands or lock arms.


guys….be careful who you talk to and trust on the internet. i know we’re all super casual about it now and give people our numbers and feel like best friends but you can be fooled. if someone is pressuring you about something you’re not comfortable with, if they’re giving you bad vibes, if they’re secretive about who they are, take a step back and look at it objectively. 


So I’ve observed that Steven Universe has gotten lots of people into collecting crystals

That’s cool, I have a collection myself. I’m absolutely drowning in rose quartz.

However, please don’t be careless. In particular, please don’t be careless with malachite and lapis lazuli. Both stones are soluble in water, and water with dissolved malachite or lapis lazuli in it is VERY VERY VERY TOXIC. Keep all malachite and lapis lazuli specimens away from pets and small children, and only get polished specimens if you can help it.

This has been a psa.

And DONT bathe with them either

I’ve read in some crystal healing books sometimes to get more connected with your stones to drink a glass of water with your stone at the bottom DO NOT DO THIS WITH THE ABOVE MENTIONED STONES

Just because the characters are in water doesn’t mean it’s a good thing



So I’ve observed that Steven Universe has gotten lots of people into collecting crystals

That’s cool, I have a collection myself. I’m absolutely drowning in rose quartz.

However, please don’t be careless. In particular, please don’t be careless with malachite and lapis lazuli. Both stones are soluble in water, and water with dissolved malachite or lapis lazuli in it is VERY VERY VERY TOXIC. Keep all malachite and lapis lazuli specimens away from pets and small children, and only get polished specimens if you can help it.

This has been a psa.

And DONT bathe with them either

I’ve read in some crystal healing books sometimes to get more connected with your stones to drink a glass of water with your stone at the bottom DO NOT DO THIS WITH THE ABOVE MENTIONED STONES

Just because the characters are in water doesn’t mean it’s a good thing

“well well well someone doesnt like people i can see”

she laughs.

     ❝ it’s not that i don’t like people…          it’s just that i don’t like people

                                        t o u c h i n g me

         without my permission… ❞

"oh. i get that.

but your a computer

youre supposed to be touched.."

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