i missed you for twenty-nine years

@fireswamps / fireswamps.tumblr.com


i loveeeeeee nonlinear storytelling. show me where we are. now show me how we got here. the end before the beginning. show me how it was inevitable or how many chances we had to change things(nothing was ever going to change). let's meet in the middle as all the puzzle pieces slide into place hell yeah that's the good shit.


essek, muttering into a sending while bells hells sorts through body parts in the background: caleb why did you send me here. did you know they would be like this. caleb widogast answer me


Tonight, we remember one who lent his enormous talent to telling the story we have all come to love. Hail, the victorious dead!

May the Simbelmynë cover his tomb as it did the tomb of the one he so accurately portrayed.

Bernard Hill Dec 17, 1944 - May 5, 2024


list of mundane things that feel like ancient human rituals

  • cleaning or wipe your bare feet
  • breaking off a piece of bread and handing it to someone
  • putting the weight of a basket on your hip or head
  • eating nuts or berries while hunched over close to the ground
  • seeing something startling just out of your line of sight and very quickly stepping or leaping on to a larger object to get a better view
  • cupping your hands into running water to wash your face
  • the unanimous protection of a baby or child in a public space where women are present
  • when an elderly woman laughs and grips your forearm tightly

May I add?

  • Touching someone’s face with the back of your hand to see if they have a fever
  • Stopping to watch animals moving in groups (geese, fish, horses, butterflies, bees)
  • Helping an elderly person to walk or sit
  • telling stories around a fire
  • huddling together for warmth when it’s cold
  • marveling at sunlight through leaves
  • wonderment at the brightness of a full moon
  • bringing food to sick or grieving families
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