
All Aboard the Fandom Train

@adarhysenthe / adarhysenthe.tumblr.com

I'm mostly here to reblog everything I love: SCA, writing, fiber arts, and various fandoms. I also do some D&D writing with redwingedwhump and whumphs, so feel free to ask me things!

Waiting for a painter this morning I started watching one of those home building/renovation shows (on iview because no matter how I try I can't get my smartTV to play actual television channels using the aerial) and as someone whose diet of such shows primarily comes from youtube these days, where I watch people who can't afford rent renovate a van to live in, or on the really glitzy side of things pensioners invest their life savings into a modest homestead and build a permaculture garden out the back, I saw this guy buy a rundown groundskeeper's hut on the edge of a graveyard and be like 'I'm going to restore this place to live in with my ten year old son' and I was like 'hell yeah'.

Only to be immediately cold cocked because the guy was a member of the British aristocracy who grew up in an enormous historic manor, and his plan was to knock down the non-protected parts of the building to dig an enormous basement twice the size of my house, so he could build an underground and aboveground level of his new house that was bland modern trash connected directly to the historic building, for a five bedroom home with its own sauna and a massive wine cellar, to live with alone and with one preteen son part time. And he was fretting because the builders were like 'this will cost four million' and he didn't want to go beyond 1.2 million. The whole time the construction crews are digging he's like 'there's a risk that this old historic building might just fall into the fucking ground because we're digging a wine cellar underneath it. I hope we don't dig up any unmarked graves this far out from the cemetary, that would cost us so much money." Deeply unrelateable life experience, deeply unrelateable life choices.

I just think that if you want to build a 1.2 million dollar mcmansion to live in alone with one part time child then there are so many better places to put it. I don't know if he ever got the place finished btw because the painter arrived.


people will hear you talk about struggling with mental illness and say “you can do anything if you just put your mind to it”. brother what part of the body does the mental illness happen in. what do you think is the problem

“Lift with your legs you idiot!”

“I have a BROKEN TIBIA! That needs support and time to recover!”

ADHD, also known as Can't Put Your Mind To Things Disease,

Don’t leave these in the tags


All right! Sick time

It's 18:19 let's see how long I take for one sock

No socks today, too loud :(

But I knitted 20 rows of 72 stitches in like 5 minutes.

Alright 40 rows of 1/1 ribbing done. Now I have to transfer the stitches to the back, and then for the round, to knit in the round until I'm far enough for the heel


Rug update: it has yellow now!!!

It’s about 12” by about 21”

Orange time!

The rug is now about 15” by about 25”

I told my dad my rainbow is almost complete and he said “no, it’s not done”

And I was like ????

And he said “make new colors”

I was going to go from red to pink and maybe back to purple but I am loving the red! I think I’ll stop here. Well, not here-here, I want to continue the red for a full row and maybe a bit longer, but I’ll stop with red fabric


Robot disabilities. Robot who charges slowly and loses power incredibly fast and is always tired. Robot with malfunctioning lenses and can’t process visual information properly. Robot that can’t process anything too large and at a fast rate or else they’ll shut down. Robot with limbs screwed on too loose/just can’t attach correctly, so if they’re not careful they fall out. Robot disabilities,,,

@brutal-nemesis I love you for bringing this to me, you just made my whole week!!


I love getting closer to summer, but I’m sure everyone above the 45th parallel can agree that it fucks with your sun-based impression of when it’s time to eat dinner

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