
Wow so apparently tumblr is forcing a pw reset and i dont have access to my account email so yay, as soon as my app resets at some point i won't be able to get on this blog that i've had since 8th grade. Welp see ya all later


it took me approximately 0.0001 seconds into their interaction for me to become a hardcore daenerys and yara shipper


Sansa Stark watching Ramnsey fuckface getting mauled by dogs with cold ass expression on her face and walking away smirking cleared my skin, raised my gpa, fed my family, harvested my crops, and brought world peace


Like visiting my moms house so much except when i have to sleep and not smoke weed before bed


Why aren’t we talking about this??!!

this is important!

We know why.

It doesn’t fit the narrative..

Can we get this dude a kickstarter to raise enough for a high-end meal and cab fare for him and his family? He clearly deserves it.

“By creating the exit, Yousuf estimated that about 70 people were able to get out of the nightclub safely.” He saved 70 people. That’s 70 more people that could have died that night. This is so important.

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