
Give Me The Butterflies That People Dream For

@jiminniepabo1252 / jiminniepabo1252.tumblr.com

All darkness is lost, set aside to make room for so much light. And then her lips find his, her hands in his hair and it doesn’t matter that their lips are blue or that they’re shaking to no end in the cold. There was everything that meant something to him. There she was, clothed by the sun, surrounded by a love so deep even death wouldn’t be able to destroy it. He swears by it, looking into orange tinged eyes, the sun burning around them, he’ll still love her when he’s nothing but dust.

~Excerpt from a book I’ll never write #79 (via coldfeetonthekitchenfloor)

She was in love with the idea of being in love. She’d heard it was the most powerful feeling in the world and she wanted to know how it felt to have a relationship with someone so strong, never worrying about this person leaving. She was so young and naive. In the end she did fall in love, and she found out it’s not quite like she thought it was.

Excerpts of stories I’ll never finish / #117 (via storyexcerpts)

It is now that I realize that I don’t love you, that I never did. I don’t know you, I don’t know every dark secret of yours and I don’t know your past. I’m in love with the idea of you. I don’t know your bad habits or what you do when you’re angry or happy or sad. I don’t know you. After eight months I can admit that you are just a part of my imagination. Somewhere along the way I created this ideal personality that I fell in love with. You are you and I am me, there is no us, and this is just an excerpt from a story that will never happen.

Excerpts of stories alicia gallardo (@kaliforniaklass) will never finish / #113 (via storyexcerpts)

I began to let go of him, and I know he could tell. Because although he didn’t love me, I did love him and when I let go I think he realized.

Excerpts of stories ill never finish / #51 (via storyexcerpts)

I long to touch you in the blind dark. Say something we’ll both regret. Desire never asks permission.

Donna-Marie Riley (via donna-marieriley)

‘I’m over him.’ She boasts to her friends. 'It was easy, as quick as snapping your fingers.'  And she pretends it doesn’t hurt when she sees him with her.  'I just want to be friends with him.’ She reasons, ignoring the way her heart flutters when he flashes that half-smile at her.  'He doesn’t deserve you. You can do so much better.“ She mutters, while looking herself in the mirror. Let him go. Let him go. Let him go. The mantra seems to be tattooed on her skin and all she wants to do is scream back, 'But how?’ He doesn’t matter to her anymore, she declares. But when she’s alone, awake amidst the crushing darkness, she realizes she can fool the world, but never herself. Because she loves him. She loves him. And she might always will.

s.a. || you silly girl, the hard part has just begun (via weightsonmyankles)

I fell in love all at once, one day we were just friends and another day you were pushing me against the wall while I was trying to rip your clothes off. I remember the taste of your lips, cold yet warm all at once. I remember how I fell for you, how I started noticing the way you carried yourself, the way you cared for me. How you’d do anything. But now you’ve fallen through the veil, and I can’t seem to get the same touch I used to get from you.

Excerpts of stories anonymous will never finish / #109 (via storyexcerpts)

i used to be sad all the time but now im just so fucking angry. im angry that im up until three in the morning every single day with the thought of you stuck on replay because no matter how many times i try to shatter the record, my record player has your voice memorized and you are all i can hear in the quiet of my room and you are haunting me and you’re not even a fucking a ghost and i am so tired of being haunted by the living. i am angry because every song is about you. every song brings me back to you and reminds me of your eyes or your voice or your laugh and how it was a melody to my ears, how it was the thing that soothed me on my darkest nights and how now, i am implacable and my music is so loud all i can hear is the song that’s playing but between songs your name slips in and it kills me. im so angry that you slipped away from me. no. you didn’t slip away because i held you so tight and you pried my fingers away from your ribs and you pushed me away without any hint of goodbye and im so angry that i let it happen again. because i thought this time, you’d be the one who stayed but again, someone has left me. and i was convinced that i was finally locked down but you keep getting in and i know it’s my fault because i cannot stop leaving the key under my “welcome home” matt and i know nothing is inviting about letting ghosts of past lovers inside of your very own house but jesus fuck this is the only way i can get by without suffocating and choking up my lungs and im afraid that bullet holes were never just scratch the surface wounds because i have a war zone in my head and the bullets keep grazing my chest and there is nothing romantic about the way you force me to swallow gun powder because now i am a ticking time bomb and you convinced me it would save me but i am afraid if i hear your name im going to explode and obliterate everything in my path. you have made me destructive but still i am open arms for you and i am so angry at myself for letting it happen again but i must keep you alive and the only way i can reach you anymore is by turning off the lights and waiting for the haunting with tears streaming down my face and shaky hands, i will close my curtains, shut off the lights, and wait. i am ready for your return. i am not scared anymore. haunt me, please.

excerpt from a book i’ll never write due to the fear of you reading it // ig writingmyself (via drowningpoetry)

I don’t like the way people are able to change their minds so quickly about someone they were so sure of before. How can you go from “I love you” and “I need you” to “This isn’t what I want” and “I don’t love you anymore.”
The music is blasting, I can’t hear myself think. I can’t hear myself think about you. I can’t see anything, the tears make my vision blurry. I think I’m screaming and crying because I feel worked up, I think I’m going crazy. The tears are streaming down my face and I’m shattering glass with my screams, all because of you. I’m blocking you out with the music but it’s not working, nothing is working, I can’t talk or swallow nor breathe. I feel empty. I’m nothing but a piece of you.

Excerpts of stories anonymous will never finish / #121 (via storyexcerpts)

A blade to the wrist to get rid of the pain To get rid of the blood You need a little rain How does it feel to not feel at all At least in that moment, you felt it all.

Crappy poetry in general (via paintingflowers11)

I’m so tired of people only loving me when my clothes are on their bedroom floor and I guess it’s partially my fault for letting it get this far but I get so lonely and just want to feel like someone wants me but all I can think about is that they don’t want me, they want my body, they don’t want my mind at 3 am when I can’t sleep and I’ve had a bit too much coffee but they want the 3 am “wanna hookup?” text when I’m drunk. I’m worth so much more than meaningless sex with someone I used to say I loved without feeling ashamed but I can’t get past the part where you don’t love me back and I feel so empty when you’re gone but you only think of me when you want a little sex when you’ve emptied 12 beers and a pint of vodka and I just need you to want all of me and not my body I need you to want me when it’s 2 pm on a Tuesday afternoon and you saw something made you smile so you want to tell me all about it and I want you to think of me when the sun is setting and it makes this miraculous purple and pink colour in the sky instead of just thinking of me when you’re lonely. I keep telling myself that I am worth so much more that your fucking hookups and I deserve more than what you’ve been giving me but your alcohol absorbed breaths and kisses on my neck make me forget that you won’t love me when you wake up and I’ll be too sober to tell you that I don’t want this anymore.

@exteriorization on Instagram (via rheophilic)

Last night I dreamt you. I dreamt us. We lied on a couch, your fingers running through my hair, my eyes closed. I don’t exactly remember what you said, but what I do know is that you took one deep breath before you leaned down and kissed me. I felt it because your breath was hitting my face and I just stayed frozen in place, but as soon as your lips touched mine I couldn’t even try to stay still anymore. After a moment of letting each of our hearts melt against one another, You pulled away for a moment and kissed me again. I felt alive. I felt like I could take on every single fear of mine every time your hands found their way behind my neck. I lost my mind when you touched my face and how only by pulling me closer you caused a hurricane inside of me. My thoughts raced to every single part of my head, trying to think how I could ever get over you if you keep doing these things. I haven’t felt like this before. I haven’t felt something this strong, and let me tell you; most things in my life aren’t clear and not many things are true and make sense, but you are the only thing that does. You are right, you feel right. Even if I’m scared to talk to you because I come off too strong with my emotions, You will always have a place in my heart. You will always have this ability to put me together and in the same sentence just rip me apart. I don’t know why I remember it all so well, or why you felt like just heaven came down and crashed right into my chest, or if this will ever really happen, and I’m full of doubt, But there is one truth to this. You are all I dream about.

there’s a lot of things I keep to myself, but not you. never you. (via g-arbeige)

They sky was a vivid bluish pink, That danced with hints of orange We stood in the middle of the ocean With our hands intertwined And foreheads leaning against each other Tears escaped our eyes As we felt the water move higher and higher And it seemed As if even the air Was howling murder When the massive wave Swallowed us whole And just as we stood A few moments ago We became no more.

Our love drowned. (via aawordthings)


Learning to Love Myself

I am drowning in achievements that feel like forfeits, each a defeat, a seat in complacency, because I cannot swallow a sun.

My lips are leaves and they burn with each wide stretch; a scorch blackens them and my jaw, forever hinged, chars into ashes that rain down my throat.

I cough.

Forests burn with each attempt and I read somewhere that flames rejuvenate, but my gums are not made of phoenix feathers, and my spirit is a soiled ground trodden by thousands of goodwill hiking boots, and this sun, this red dwarf, ignites the branches of my ribcage, and the bloom of my heart sizzles. I cannot swallow a sun, cannot touch the inferno that has consumed my self-worth, but I am nothing, if not resilient. Perhaps I started too large, too fevered, and if I could just let them, the small victories would grow into tree houses.

I cannot swallow the sun. But I can taste the distant stardust on my roots, and one day my forest will flourish, if I remind myself that impossible standards are too ruthless, and that I deserve a gentle warmth, not a scorching burn, upon my body.

I do not need to swallow the sun.

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