
“My mum was pushing me to do some modeling – everyone said I was a very pretty girl. And then one day it just got too much. I shaved my head and just went ‘Fuck you’ to everyone who thought I need to look a certain way. And I got bullied after that. I found myself in really dangerous situations, where, if a guy said something to me like, ‘What are you? You’re a girl but you’re trying to be a boy,’ or ‘Look at you, you’re disgusting’ … if I talked back, a few times I got hit by guys. They’d say, ‘I would never hit a girl, but you’re not a girl.’”


My new year resolution is to do:

100 push-ups

100 sit-ups

100 squats

and a 10 km run

every day

Until I can become a strong hero who defeats bad guys with just 1 punch.

what will you call yourself?

Single Fist Guy

Best Halloween Costumes ever!!
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