


I'm unhinged but that's okay because I'm hot. 28, pan/ace/gq, any pronouns. formerly a BlockB blog

so weird how in english some words are really just used in expressions and not otherwise… like has anyone said “havoc” when not using it in the phrase “wreaking havoc”? same goes for “wreaking” actually…

reply with more, i’m fascinated


these are called fossil words! here's a whole list

Also interested in words that originally had opposites but don’t anymore; i.e. how we say ruthless but not ruth.

@choasuqeen are you reviving the word havoc on purpose 


btw i think if you tried to explain politics to Winnie the Pooh he wouldn't really get it & then if you went on explaining he'd be like 'why can't we all just be nice to each other' and you'd be like you got me there Pooh. I just don't know. :(

if you asked Pooh how he thinks society should be run he'd have a think about it & then describe some kind of communist utopia where no-one is in charge and everyone shares and helps each other and then he'd say 'but that's probably a bad idea, I'm a bear of very little brain' and wander away to look at a butterfly or something


petition to bring back saying "huzzah!" when something goes your way and "alas." when it doesn't

in hindsight, pitching something that would be deemed a fair bit strange by some standards to a site teeming with already incredibly strange people was a mistake. apologies tumblr users i’d forgotten where i was


cashier: ok that'll be $20

me (visibly sweating): ah, yes, of course! a perfectly reasonable price for a grilled cheese and a small smoothie! that was exactly the price i expected you to say when i ordered a single grilled cheese and a smoothie and my vision is NOT getting blurry as we speak! i am a perfectly normal temperature and my speech patterns are natural and even because this is the countenance of an individual who expected to pay 20 american dollars for a single grilled cheese and a smoothie!

cashier: where's all that blood coming from



I do not condone medical malpractice.


Found my 53yo very-much-not-online father in the kitchen today meticulously arranging cutlery on the countertop and i was like 'what are you doing' and he looked up at me with the world's most shit-eating grin and said "Your mother told me this is how you rick-roll the Youth" and i looked over and it was fucking. Loss.jpg.

i must stress that he's never seen the original comic. My mother simply showed him the shorthand symbol and he memorized it. As far as he is aware this is just a fucking hieroglyph that deals instant psychic damage to everyone under the age of 30


hey. it was always shitty and damaging. to repost art without artists' permission. but now that midjourney is known to be scraping tumblr. if you repost something from artists without permission. i am literally coming into your house and committing violence upon all of your personal belongings

this is ok to reblog btw. tell everyone you know to cut this shit out. it's not forgivable due to ignorance anymore. hit their keyboard with a baseball bat

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