
Fragments of Euphoria

@fragmentsofeuphoria / fragmentsofeuphoria.tumblr.com

Pieces of Imagination

Three dimensional characters for the win.

“It feels better, right?” is the part that gets me, because it explains everything about Flash ever.

I know I’ve reblogged this before but I love this.


God, look at her face. I love her.

This was one of my favorite exchanges in TNG. And some of the best advice I received and have been able to pass on. 


Types of Tertiary Attraction

(Tertiary attraction is basically any attraction that is not romantic/sexual)

These definitions are based on a conversation I was having with @aro-momo, @too-spicy-and-too-queer, and @arokaladin

Alterous Attraction: A desire for emotional closeness with someone, which is not necessarily strictly platonic and/or romantic 

Platonic Attraction: A desire to have a platonic relationship with someone

Queerplatonic Attraction: Similar to platonic, this is a desire to have a platonic relationship with someone, but it generally has greater intensity and higher commitment than is considered common for platonic relationships

Sensual Attraction: A desire for physical contact with someone in a non-sexual way (such as cuddling)

Aesthetic Attraction: Enjoying someone’s physical appearance, in the same way someone might enjoy staring at a beautiful painting.

Note: types of relationships ought not to be defined solely by corresponding attraction as many relationships include a mixture of attractions.  For example, a queerplatonic relationship is primarily based on QP attraction but it is not limited to that, it can include many other types of attraction such as sensual and alterous.


Jester’s Unicorns in the animation each have their own personalities

(GIF slowed down slightly)

Top right: This ones a pegasus, not a unicorn. I love it’s tiny wings that are working so hard while it’s all floppy and rag doll 

Top left: starts with no horn and then grows a horn bigger than all the others

Middle left: all pudgy and is ready to go! Look at those legs move!


Bottom right: long jumping! 

Middle right: twin with middle left (but flipped colors scheme), they are mirroring each other!


Here’s one good thing to come out of 2020:

Paleontologists completed a life-sized replica of Sue, the most complete T. Rex ever found.

And she is freaking GORGEOUS!

As I read more about this beauty, I found out some new details regarding things I thought I previously knew about the beast that was Tyrannosaurus Rex, and I’m going to share them with you.

First, and most obvious, her size:

This is nothing new, we all figured T. Rex was big, but I for one never stopped to consider exactly how big it was. Nobody ever really knows what to imagine when they read about something the size of a whale that walked around and ate everything it could kill. 

Speaking of eating things, I just want to remind you all that T. Rex had–by miles–the strongest bite of any terrestrial animal living or dead, somewhere around six and a half tons of force. That’s over six times greater than the current estimate of what Allosaurus was capable of, and three times what was delivered by the highest measured reading of the living title holder–the estuarine crocodile. It didn’t have to waste time swinging its head open-mouthed like Saurophaganax for a little extra oomph, or grow fancy serrated teeth like Carcharodontosaurus to cut pieces out of its prey. It opted for the simplest approach: get its mouth around something and crush it to death; imagine the full weight of an elephant on whatever was between this thing’s jaws.

“How did it find something to eat?” I hear you asking. “It can’t see something if it doesn’t move, right?”

Listen, I love Jurassic Park too, but that’s a big crock of shit.

Notice how both her eyes face forward. That gives her binocular vision (the ability to focus both eyes on one target, like you and I). More importantly it means she has impeccable depth perception due to overlapping fields of vision from each, large, eyeball. Researchers agree that T. Rex not only had incredible vision, but that it was probably better than most modern animals–including eagles, hawks, and owls–and that she could likely spot something three and a half miles away. If something that big can see that well, it doesn’t matter if you move or not, she’d be able to tell if it was an animal trying to hide or a piece of vegetation. So pray she isn’t hungry if she lays eyes on you. And even if by some miracle she didn’t see you, she’d still smell you. 

If she decided you looked tasty, you probably wouldn’t hear her coming as much as you’d feel her. Modern science indicates that T. Rex didn’t roar like in Jurassic Park, but rather bellowed or maybe even hissed like crocodilians. If she were on to you, you’d most likely feel this sense of unease creep up your spine as a low-pitched rumble in the air permeated through you. You wouldn’t know what it was or where it was coming from until you hear her footfalls. By then it’s too late–you could try to run but she’d probably catch you. There’s plenty on YouTube that reconstructs what T. Rex may have sounded like, and it’s legitimately haunting.  

To wrap all of this up, the one bit of good that came out of the cursed year that is 2020 is that this wonderful child of science and art came into the world, and reaffirmed my respect and admiration for the eight ton slab of muscle and teeth that is this magnificent creature.

…and it is nothing if not magnificent.

I honestly expected like three notes, what happened!?

Palaeontologists are the ones providing the data and advice but don’t give them full credit, this life-sized sculpture was created by ARTISTS, the artist team of @bluerhinostudio

They also created this Quetzalcoatlus that made the rounds online (image credit goes to National Geographic)

As well as many more amazing sculptures and dioramas, so please check them out here on Tumblr and on Instagram

They are currently working on a new Tyrannosaurus again which will be on display in Europe (image credit goes to Blue Rhino Studio)

Please give the amazing team of Blue Rhino Studio the credit they deserve

Not to kill the buzz but where are the feathers??

As it stands now, there is no evidence for or against feathers on Tyrannosaurus specifically, so either way to depict it would be equally accurate at the moment, if feathers are present they would be on the back and shoulder region as that is the only spot that doesn’t have preserved skin impressions

Below is a handful guide by Dr. Mark Witton who happens to be both a palaeontologist and an artist:

Fun fact! Sue officially uses they/them pronouns! Scientists don’t know if they were male or female. Because of that, and as a gesture of good will to the LGBT+ community, scientists officially use they/them pronouns to refer to SUE the T-Rex!

“(Please, do not body-shame our T. rex. SUE is perfect just the way they are. And, yes, “they” is correct there—scientists don’t know if SUE was male or female, so in the spirit of scientific accuracy and LGBTQ inclusivity, we’ve transitioned to singular “they/them” pronouns instead of calling SUE “she” or “her.”)”

“Please, do not body-shame our T. rex” is the funniest thing I’ve seen in at least 20 minutes

Anonymous asked:

Venus has LOCKED tectonic plates??? How does that work? How are they even counted as individual plates if it’s the tectonic equivalent of Pangea?

it's not so much that Venus's tectonic plates are locked, it's more that it never had them in the first place!

which is a major surprise, actually, because Venus is the most Earth-like of the other planets in our solar system.


"what," you may say, flailing in consternation, "about Mars?? why are we trying to colonize Mars if Venus is more Earth-like???"

and it's a good question! Venus IS technically more Earth-like in the sense that it's right next door, is a solid 80% the size of Earth, and has both a working atmosphere and a liquid mantle composed of molten rock, BUT- it's also important to note that Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system and it rains boiling sulfuric acid at almost all times! our first probes to the damn place actually melted. MELTED.

this is what Hell looks like.

BUT ANYWAY so Venus is the planet in our solar system that's the MOST physically similar to Earth, our dear mother who does not rain boiling sulfuric acid on our heads hardly at all ever, so it's kind of a shock that its geology is COMPLETELY FUCKING DIFFERENT.

see, Earth's outer crust is broken up into a series of mind-breakingly-massive tectonic plates that sort of skid around on top of the liquid mantle, slowly drifting in different directions driven by Earth's rotation and bonking into each other randomly like a 300-million-year-long Pinball tournament!

but on Venus, the entire outer crust is a single solid piece sitting on top of the liquid mantle, like the peel of an orange.

though not as good for you. because of the whole Boiling Acid thing.

and contrary to what you might think, this actually makes Venus a VERY VIOLENT place! the outer crust twists and deforms slightly as the liquid mantle spins under it, like a water balloon being flung repeatedly against a wall by a small child, but all of that force can't really be dispersed because the crust is a single solid piece of rigid rock!

so what happens is that this force builds and builds and BUILDS until Venus can't take the strain anymore and has a very volcanic tantrum about it.

unlike the rest of the solar system, the surface of Venus is made of relatively new and entirely volcanic rock- because the entire planet is basically having a planet-wide eruption event at all times, with multiple huge volcanos just spewing gigantic amounts of liquid rock everywhere like it's their damn job, to the point where Venus is just getting resurfaced like a McDonalds parking lot every epoch or so.

aren't you glad Earth doesn't do this? I am SO glad Earth doesn't do this.

(much, anyway)

uh anyway that's why we're trying to colonize Mars instead, and why plate tectonics are a GOOD thing! thanks for coming to my TED talk bye


earth kinda attempted to do this once (google ‘siberian traps’) and it caused the biggest extinction event in its history. so that was fun.

This extinction event, also colloquially called the Great Dying, affected all life on Earth, and is estimated to have killed about 96% of all marine species and 70% of terrestrial vertebrate species living at the time.[11][12][13] Some of the disastrous events that impacted the Earth continued to repeat themselves on Earth five to six million years after the initial extinction occurred.[14] Over time a small portion of the life that survived the extinction was able to repopulate and expand starting with low trophic levels (local communities) until the higher trophic levels (large habitats) were able to be re-established.[14] Calculations of sea water temperature from δ18O measurements indicate that at the peak of the extinction, the Earth underwent lethally hot global warming, in which equatorial ocean temperatures exceeded 40 °C (104 °F).[15] It took roughly eight to nine million years for any diverse ecosystem to be re-established; however, new classes of animals were established after the extinction that did not exist beforehand.[14]


note that it wasn’t the lava that made everything so hot, it was the carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses spewed out by the volcanoes.

also, The Great Dying is the most metal name of any science fact ever.


Shigure - “I’m powerless and worthless. A man of small caliber. I’m the worst of men”

Hatori - “…The worst thing about you is that while you realize all that, you still don’t regret a thing”


I have learned so many things against my will while browsing this website.



Beau: Caleb, you were right when you said earlier that it's too late now. That we're involved. But I don't think we see it in the same way that you do. It's too late now because, whether you like it or not, we all care about you and are invested in, you know, your happiness, I guess? So...

Caleb: Okay.

Beau: Don't run. You can say you don't believe in anything, and that's fine. Believe in us, just a little bit?

Caleb: I will consider it heavily.


Beau: What?

Caleb: Don't go.

Beau: Well I mean this isnt gonna last forever, right?


Caleb: Follow your own advice. Don't go.


Caleb: Don't do that again.


Caleb: We just got this one back, we don't need to lose one. Nobody goes.

Beau: Okay.

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