
I am Kaz

@thekazzu / thekazzu.tumblr.com

This is my " I like that Ima reblog" space of the internet. I am a gender queer person who has been on this planet for over 20 years. That's all you need  know.

marvel: ‘infinity war is the most ambitious crossover event in history’ 



It’s true! Especially given a) the technology they had at the time to pull this off, and b) that they had characters from TWO separate companies as opposed to different characters from the same comics publisher.

So yeah, Roger Rabbit wins the ambitious crossover award, hands down. Sorry Marvel.


The agreement with Disney and Warner Bros was that they could only use their biggest characters (Mickey and Donald, Bugs and Daffy) if the other corrosponding character had the exact same amount of screentime. This is why, in the movie, Bugs and Mickey are sharing scenes, and Daffy and Donald are sharing scenes.

It’s also worth mentioning that every single animator in the industry that wasn’t already working on something was called in to work on this film. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.

Didn’t they also have lawyers going through the script making sure that the number of words spoken by characters from each company totalled the exact same?

Plus Porky Pig gets the last spoken line, but Tinkerbell closes the movie.


Also worth noting they were so strict about the screentime being the same that they had to have the exact same number of frames.


Good Fuckin Tropes™

  • Characters realizing for the first time that their injury is going to scar horrifically 
  • character A: *reveals something shocking* - character B: okay - character A: why aren’t you freaking out - character B: it’s been a weird fucking day man
  • Characters having complete breakdowns after realizing they’re becoming one of/have always been one of the monsters their side is fighting 
  • Character going absolutely berserk and tearing the enemy apart after someone they care about is killed/injured 
  • Big menacing characters being absolute nerds and sweethearts 
  • On the flip side, tiny cute characters that will fuck you up 
  • Heroes realizing they can’t fight on their own, but can win with the Power of Friendship 
  • Character A: Yeah, I can’t make you do *thing,* but they can - character B: *smirks*
  • Character being ridiculously proud of their best friend and showing them off and cheering them on way more than necessary 
  • Character suddenly realizing they’ve been in love with their best friend for years in an “oh shit” moment 
  • “Remove your weapons” *removes weapons* “ALL your weapons” *removes even more weapons* “ALL OF THEM” *removes one more giant weapon that realistically couldn’t be hidden anywhere on the human body* 
  • Talking animals getting offended when humans assume they’re just dumb regular animals 
  • A group of characters that has no idea how to deal with a child getting saddled with having to take care of a kid 
  • Characters talking to their dead SO’s grave 
  • Sweet innocent characters that cuss like sailors 

Feel free to add on! 


This wider view of Uranus reveals the planet’s faint rings and several of its satellites.

The bright satellite on the lower right corner is Ariel, which has a snowy white surface. Five small satellites with dark surfaces can be seen just outside the rings. Clockwise from the top, they are: Desdemona, Belinda, Portia, Cressida, and Puck. Even fainter satellites were imaged in deeper exposures, also taken with the Advanced Camera in August 2003.

Credit: NASA/ESA and Erich Karkoschka, University of Arizona


One of the most important things I learned in my Language and the Law class is that law enforcement will intentionally misinterpret every type of statement asking for a lawyer as not asking for a lawyer. Even directly saying it like this “I will not speak to you without a lawyer” can be taken as a simple statement of fact rather than a request for a lawyer. You literally have to state “I am now invoking my right to a lawyer” and every time they try to proceed with an interrogation you have to answer every question with “I am invoking my right to have a lawyer present”. You can’t just tell them you won’t talk without a lawyer or that you want a lawyer. You have to state that you are invoking your rights. Otherwise they could just say “well they just said they wouldn’t speak without a lawyer present. That’s not invoking their rights to a lawyer. It’s just stating a fact.” even just stating your right to a lawyer doesn’t count!


PLEASE share this addition. I am a lawyer who works in criminal defense, and this is one of the most avoidable things that people consistently get wrong about the Miranda rights.

Here are some more “ambiguous” phrases which courts have found DO NOT invoke your right to a lawyer:

“Maybe I should speak to my lawyer first.”

“I might like a lawyer.”

“I think I should have a lawyer present for this.”

“Could I speak to my lawyer first?”

“How long until my lawyer gets here?”

And perhaps most egregiously – “Get me a lawyer, dawg – ‘cause this is not what’s up.”

Here are the magic phrases which you need to know if you want to invoke your Miranda rights:

1) “Am I free to leave?”

It’s worth asking this even if the answer is obvious. Even if the officer does not let you leave, by forcing them to admit that you are not free to leave, you are creating a record which your attorney can use to prove that you were in custody. Miranda rights only apply if the interrogation is custodial, meaning that police officers will frequently claim that their suspects were “not in custody” to get around their Miranda rights.

2) “I am invoking my right to remain silent.”

Simply staying silent will not invoke your right to remain silent. As absurd as this is, you must explicitly say that you are invoking your right to remain silent in order to invoke that right.

3) “I am invoking my right to an attorney.”

As stated above, you must be not only clear and unambiguous, but clear and legally unambiguous. Don’t get cute. Don’t get sassy. And on the flip side, don’t get intimidated and use verbal ticks to minimize your request. Say the line with those words exactly – say it clearly, and say it once, and then say nothing else.

Because even after you’ve done all this, the police can still try to get you to talk. They’re not supposed to interrogate you, but they’re allowed to make casual conversation, and if that conversation just happens to circle back around to the thing they wanted to question you about, well, that’s really your fault for talking after you said you wouldn’t, isn’t it? Can’t possibly fault the poor officers when you initiated – if you really wanted to have your rights respected, you wouldn’t have talked to them in the first place.

The police know this, and they will mercilessly exploit this loophole. So, once you’ve successfully invoked your Miranda rights, any and all conversation you have with police officers will put those rights back into jeopardy. 

Putting it all together:

Ask: “Am I free to leave?”

If they say no, say: “I am invoking my right to remain silent and I am invoking my right to an attorney.”

And then shut up and do not say a single thing to them for any reason whatsoever until you have actually spoken to an attorney. Yes, even if it takes hours. Yes, even if they start talking to you about something else.

Finally, a very important disclaimer:

I may be a lawyer, but I’m not your lawyer, and I cannot guarantee that what I’ve just laid out here will always work for every situation. We didn’t get to this bizarre and absurd place overnight – we built this ridiculous system piecemeal, by deciding on a case-by-case basis that certain phrases were “too ambiguous” or certain types of questioning weren’t actually questioning at all. The law is still in flux, and is still fundamentally out to get you, and willing to bend plain meaning beyond all recognition to do it. Even if you invoke your rights perfectly, exactly as I have specified above, there’s a chance that your invocation of rights will be disqualified on some new technicality that no one’s even thought of yet – and that’s precisely the problem.


good thing this here internet box exists. back in the 12th century or whatever i would have had to shout my bullshit from the window

me hanging out my window in the dead of night, 1127 AD: I HAVE TWELVE TOES AND SEVEN EYES

a guardsman, already aiming for my nuts with his crossbow: SHUT YON FUCKETH MOUTH


Posting here because it's really good for art/writing reference, and I thought y'all could benefit. Credit goes to Medz_Miracle on Instagram :)

tag yourself. i’m “radial gutter splint”

"Strapping for acromioclavicular dislocation" me.


Literally everyone has to share the queer community with their oppressors, y'all exclusionists ain’t special.

Trans folk gotta share it with cis

Intersex folks have to share it with perisex people

Gays and lesbians have to share it with heterosexuals (trans folk exist)

Black queers gotta share it with white queers

Autistic queers have to share it with allistic queers

Disabled queers gotta share it with abled queers

Neurodivergent queers have to share it with neurotypical queers

Jewish and Muslim queers have to share it with Christian queers

Asexual and aromantic folks have to share it with allosexual and alloromantic folks

The list goes on. We all have to share the community with someone who meets a demographic of our oppression in some way.

And the funny thing here is, y'all’s gatekeeping asses think YOU’RE the victims. When you’re the ones that actively seek out people to exclude and berate. You’re the ones that seek out a soapbox to spew hate. You’re the ones cyberbullying people to DEATH because somehow you think being as bad as the people who oppressed you makes you Big.

You do not get to make the choice of someone not belonging because some part of their identity makes you uncomfortable.

We’re here, we’re ALL queer, and if you don’t like it and you can’t get along you can either grow the fuck up or meet me in the fucking pit.


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