
Totally Not Untitled

@ftwinny / ftwinny.tumblr.com


Remember how our award-winning video series Tropes vs. Women in Video Games provoked some *feeeeelings*? Well, we’re back at it again. Queer Tropes is a new, three-part miniseries hosted by Carolyn Petit. Each episode is an exploration of a different topic; the history of queer-coding video game villains, the virulent homophobia and transphobia in games, and gaming’s portrayals and handlings of queer relationships. Join us for the live premiere of Queer Tropes, this Tuesday at 8 AM PT! Go to the premiere page and ring the bell to get a reminder before it happens.


amir khusrow (1253–1325 CE)

this changed my life

this was written before the printing press was invented and it still sounds like a modern day shitpost

a form of indian poetry, keh (say) mukarni (denial) is an interesting genre of riddles played between two young women, where one of them describes something in a way that it is mistaken by the other girl as her beloved, and finally turns out to be something completely different

what is poetry if not the memes for our foremothers


i can’t stop thinking about that tweet about the guy who tried to stop his cat from pushing his door open and accidentally trained him to push 50lbs instead

he cannot be stopped


Wow 20 plus years later and Miss Bellums face is finally revealed 💫🌹 (Ig: kieraplease)

Someone said “except she has tasteful cleavage showing lol” idk how to @ ppl on this thing. But dang guys. I am human. I have boobs, sometimes they show no matter what lol. I put on multiple jackets to see which worked and this is the best one. Im sorry dude this picture happened to show more cleavage, it’s the best pic i took. Y’all have to remember i am not actually the character, sometimes it’s just my spin on things and your cricistism is welcomed but don’t be rude. Things hurt my feelings too. You might not like something but there’s ways to say it where it doesn’t come across a little mean. But thank you for all the nice feedback too! I know i forgot the choker :/ tho and shoulda changed my jacket button to black


so when are men gonna realize that women aren’t complicated and we’re actually just normal people and it’s men that lack emotional depth and interesting personalities?

Yeah….. Except I’m an emotional man with tons of depth. I speak 5 languages and play every instrument known. I can build a house. I can plant a garden. I know a little bit about everything.

Maybe women really are cunts who just seek to destroy men and invalidate them?

i have no idea how to reply to this cause it’s simply just the funniest thing i’ve ever read and nothing will ever top it

I love how none of the things he stated are indicative of emotional depth or an interesting personality


One of my favorite animation stories is when Disney hired a group of female animators to work on Snow White and like this was a huge deal, it was Snow White, it was going to be the very first full-length American animated movie, it would go on to win a special Oscar designed just for it (they didn’t know that at the time of production, obviously, but this is how groundbreaking the movie was). And obviously this was back in the 1930s so everything was hand-drawn and hand-inked but…because they had the actual physical cels right there in front of them, they could put whatever they wanted to on the paper, I don’t know about you all, but I feel like I definitely take that for granted. You think ‘pencil, ink, paints’ and that’s it. And apparently Walt Disney had that mindset too because he was confused by the texture of the makeup on Snow White’s face and so he asked his female animators and they were just like, “Sir, we used our actual makeup” like these animators actually did Snow White’s makeup which is mind-blowing enough but then you realize that there were over 250,000 cels in Snow White and okay, sure, only a fraction of those cels actually featured a closeup of Snow but it’s still insane to think that we’re looking at somebody’s real blush here (once you see it, you can’t un-see it):

Animation, man.


My favourite new television niche is apparently Genre Dramedy Featuring a Self Absorbed and Morally Questionable White Lady, Who Forms an Unexpected Bond With An Anxious/OCD Black Guy, in Order To Navigate The Cyclicality of Life, Death, and What We Owe To Other People™


Been a while since we’ve done a before and after post!

It’s been 10 months since we brought Newt home and he started fixing that horrendous clip job that had been done to him. He’s got all his primaries in, moulted his whole tail and is still getting rid of some of his original feathers. There’s a couple secondaries that are still badly damaged (fraying, ends cut off) but he’s come a heck of a long way!


this is mean and terrible but it exhausts me to be around people who haven’t finished going through their pretentious asshole phase like okay holden caulfield I know we’re all helplessly suckling at the teat of modern media but can you shut up and play some goddamn mario kart for like five minutes

yes, I know death is inevitable. let me eat a potato chip.

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