
1 Unique Family

@oneuniquefamily / oneuniquefamily.tumblr.com

A polyamorous and queer family's blog to document our attempts to have a child of our own.

Need Help Feeding Baby

A couple days ago we figured out our book of WIC checks was lost. I just gave them a call and they said they don’t replace lost or stolen checks. WIC covers approximately $150 of formula a month and we lost half of September and all of October and November. We are a poor all queer/trans poly family of 5 (including the baby) struggling to make ends meet. Half of us have mental/physical disabilities that keep us from working full time (and me not at all). Without those checks we can’t afford to feed our son. He is just recovering from his cleft lip surgery and we are all under a great deal of stress. This is really bad.

Our PayPal is armonytaw@gmail.com if anyone could make a donation. Formula is approximately $15 a can. One can lasts about half a week. Even signal boosts help. Thank you so much.

Thank you to each and every one of you who liked, shared and especially donated! I'm overwhelmed by the generosity of you all. In just a short amount of time we made almost enough for two months of formula. Our whole family is really shocked and thankful. Wow. <3

We are so grateful. ;w;

Anonymous asked:

Yes, well, when your baby is hungry, you can just tell him it's okay because he's loved and love takes the place of essential things like food!

Orrrrrr I can just charge it on a credit card and accumulate a little more debt. Look, the good people of social services, welfare, food banks, donators and other good people don’t “let” babies starve. The help is there if you reach for it. That’s what makes this world beautiful. What a wonderful thing I’ll be able to tell him later that there ARE good people out there if you need some help!

People helping people is a beautiful thing. What’s your goal anyways? If you have so much disdain for the poor and disabled raising their wonderful children why don’t you come off anon and tell me why your personally so bitter? But I’ll tell you in advance – I know both sides of the story. ALL of my partners grew up in poverty and they all feel thankfulness and appreciation for their parents. You won’t convince me.

Side note: formula is very expensive and real food isn’t as big of a deal. This isn’t a permanent problem. Chill the fuck out.


Leon is healing up very nicely! He's always been such an easy going, happy child. The only time he's not doing well is when his meds where off. Then it hurts him. Thank you everyone that's been donating/boosting our post about our lost WIC checks (here): http://oneuniquefamily.tumblr.com/post/130283569792/need-help-feeding-baby#notes It's been helping so much and we are so very thankful and amazed and the kindness and generosity of others.


I think your baby is beautiful, with or without his cleft lip. Your family is so sweet and inspiring. :) Just wanted to let you know that, and send some positive vibes your way!


Thank you, darling! This message really made me smile.  He is a beautiful boy(?). From the inside out.  


Leon is almost 5 months old now? You can start him on real food. You can literally just smush up regular food, keep it low sodium, no sugar. Cook rice with extra water until it's a nice soft mush. Mash sweet taters, bananas, avocados.


We’ll be slowly introducing  food when his little stitches finish dissolving/he’s not in any pain in a couple of weeks.  We’re all this big mix of excited and “our baby’s grown up too fast!”.  I can’t believe it’s almost time.  I’m looking forward to seeing his reactions to each new food, though.  Especially avocados and potatoes. They’re mommy’s favorite. Hope he’s not picky like me!  But he doesn’t seem picky with anything in life so far.  He just  goes with the flow. :3

Anonymous asked:

So far you're not doing a very great job of raising a child on your own. That poor baby was brought into a poor family, and now you can't even feed him/her. Some great family you have. Don't bring a child into your life if you can't even afford it. You just crippled that child's whole entire life because they'll probably end up spending its life taking care of people who can't fend for themselves. You're all completely selfish.

Welfare and social services help tremendously in the financial department! That’s literally what they’re there for. Sorry that makes people like you so bitter! I actually grew up in a wealthy family and I had every thing I could possibly want except for love. I would have traded it all for love. In fact, I did. I am content and happy and I thrive off of love. This child does too. He has an overwhelming amount of love, support snd nurturing. And we always somehow make it. Whether that’s from my partners income, social services like WIC or donations from wonderful friends, family and strangers. We also pass along all outgrown toys, clothing, pregnancy/mother essentials to other families who need them. Our child never went without. I feel no guilt about the way we raise him! He’s perfect and well adjusted and had all his needs met. So run along with your republican financially oriented ideals! Peace!

Also, please don't call my child an it.


Need Help Feeding Baby

A couple days ago we figured out our book of WIC checks was lost. I just gave them a call and they said they don't replace lost or stolen checks. WIC covers approximately $150 of formula a month and we lost half of September and all of October and November. We are a poor all queer/trans poly family of 5 (including the baby) struggling to make ends meet. Half of us have mental/physical disabilities that keep us from working full time (and me not at all). Without those checks we can't afford to feed our son. He is just recovering from his cleft lip surgery and we are all under a great deal of stress. This is really bad. Our PayPal is armonytaw@gmail.com if anyone could make a donation. Formula is approximately $15 a can. One can lasts about half a week. Even signal boosts help. Thank you so much.


I really love his little lip. I think it's charming and makes him unique. I feel like he was born that way and I shouldn't try to make him like every body else unless he tells me that's what he wants. I'm so sad. A nurse asked me if I'm going to miss it and the answer is YES. But I'm trying to have faith in my partners decisions. I know they want this for the right reasons.


Surgery Tomorrow

Leon’s surgery is tomorrow and it’s not sitting right with me at all. I’m upset.

I’m not very scared about the surgery itself. But I feel how I feel about circumcision. It’s not my choice to make. Even my therapist is trying to tell me it’s different but like….

I don’t care about a lisp/speech impediment or that he can’t hold a binky. He can eat fine (idk about food yet, but certainly formula) and tooth decay doesn’t happen that fast

Like even if he went to preschool and felt ostracized and said he wanted it gone… I feel much better about the consent of a preschooler than I do of a baby.

I’m afraid he’s going to look at his baby pictures and feel like his lip was just as unique and good as I do and want to know why I changed his face and I won’t be able to give him a reason because I wasn’t for it

All my partners are for it. Their hearts are in the right place. But I’ve grown up used to being the odd one out and I kind of identify/take pride in that. But we got pregnant together with the goal to raise a baby as a unit. So I’m doing my best to put my trust in their decisions and honor their feelings on it.

But our baby rocks his cleft. I think it gives him character. I’m truly in love with it. My heart is so heavy right now.

This post is mostly compromised of messages to @telegentmess because I don't want to dwell anymore

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