
The Beginner Witch

@thebeginnerwitch / thebeginnerwitch.tumblr.com

This blog is meant to be sort of a beginners study guide to Witchcraft. Though there is no ONE WAY when practicing witchcraft, this blog just gives you basic information you may want to have.

Crystals that are NOT suitable for placing in water / making gem water

This list will explain common stones that are either toxic to use for drinking in gem water or stones that are soluble in water. :)

Alunite: Non toxic but soluble in water

Anglesite: Toxic and slightly soluble in water

Arsenopyrite: Potentially toxic

Azurite: Harmful

Azurite-Malachite: Harmful

Azurite-Pseudomalachite: Harmful

Bunsenite: Toxic; allergen; avoid skin contact

Calomel: Possibly hazardous to health

Cerussite: Toxic

Chalcanthite: Harmful; easily soluble in water

Cinnabar: Very toxic!

Cinnabar-Opal: The cinnabar stored in the opal is toxic

Crocoite: Toxic 

Cuprite: Harmful

Durangite: Potentially toxic

Eclipse Stone: Limestone with orpiment, toxic

Eilat Stone: Harmful

Erythrite: Potentially toxic

Fiedlerite: Toxic

Fluorite, Antozonite variety: Potentially harmful

Galenite: Toxic and slightly soluble in water

Gaspeite: Harmful; allergen; avoid skin contact

Greenockite: Toxic

Halite: Not toxic in small quantities, but dissolves easily in water

Iron-nickel Meteorite: Harmful; allergen; avoid skin contact

Jamesonite: Potentially toxic

Lemon Chrysoprase: Potentially harmful; allergen; avoid skin contact

Lopezite: Very toxic! Hazardous even through skin contact

Malachite: Harmful

Millerite: Toxic; allergen; avoid skin contact

Minium: Toxic

Nickeline: Toxic; allergen; avoid skin contact

Olivenite: Potentially toxic

Orpiment: Toxic

Proustite: Potentially toxic

Psilomelane and Pyrolusite: Harmful

Pyromorphite: Potentially toxic

Rauenthalite: Toxic

Realgar: Toxic. Store in dark, securely locked place.

Scorodite: Potentially toxic

Sphaerocobaltite: Harmful; allergen; avoid skin contact

Stibnite: Harmful

Tetrahedrite: Potentially harmful

Ulexite: Non toxic but slightly soluble in warm water

Valentinite and Senarmontite: Harmful

Vanadinite: Toxic

Wulfentie: Potentially toxic


Reblogging complete post so that it is not truncated and lost :3


Signal boost. This is vital information, folks.


Are you looking for a great book of shadows? Or maybe just a spiritual journal? Well here are a few I have found on Etsy that I think suits everyone's style. And if not here is a tutorial (Which is in 7 parts) I found on Youtube that may be of some help to those of you who want to make your own BOS or Spiritual Journal. Or you could even use a binder (or mini binder) to make your BOS. You could even use screw post binding

1 | 2 | 3 | 4


A personal charm. Deerskin leather stuffed with herbs and oils and tied off with wool and adorned with a green glass eye bead and bells. Alligator paw from Conjuredcardea.etsy.com

This is a beautiful charm. Seriously, charms like this are so powerful. I just love them and wanted to share this with you. 


Winter sore throat “tea”- In a jar combine lemon slices, organic honey and sliced ginger. Close jar and put it in the fridge, it will form into a “jelly”. To serve- spoon jelly into mug and pour boiling water over it. Store in fridge 2-3 months.

Not winter yet.  But I get sore throats a lot and I like home remedies and kitchen witchery.


Make this, and then drink it hot with rum or brandy. Hot rum toddies are lifesavers when I’ve got a cold or flu (as long as it’s not a stomach flu).

Add Thyme for some extra healing!


A friendly PSA

Seriously though guys, let’s stop saying things are our spirit animals because the term is culturally appropriative. And if you’re unaware of what cultural appropriation is or why it’s bad, take a look at this for starters.

But Emma, you protest, what am I supposed to say instead?

Never fear! I have compiled for you a list of other words that should be just as fitting:

  • Token
  • Emblem
  • Secret identity
  • Patronus
  • Mascot
  • Patron saint
  • Coat of arms/blazon
  • Guardian angel
  • Champion
  • Master/captain/mentor
  • Shoulder angel
  • Superhero
  • Overlord
  • Imaginary friend
  • Avatar
  • Role model

Now go forth with your newfound knowledge of befitting but non-disrespectful terms!

…Seriously, use those instead.

(And if I have unintentionally included a term that is also culturally appropriative, then I apologize profusely.)

Actually can we not say “avatar” because that’s an actual thing in Hinduism that’s been taken and twisted into something completely different. 

Archetype would probably be much better than avatar, since it’s from Greek interpreted by Latin and not from a distinct POC culture/religion.

I usually say companion or something similar ("animal friends") as someone who works a lot with animals, I think this is important for people realize. I have animal companions that are with me in almost every meditation/trance work I do, and I've had to come up with my own words to describe how I work with them. Companion fit best.



The upcoming “Blue Moon” on August 31st is in the astrological sign of Pisces, luminating compassion, creativity and intuition.    Now is the time to start thinking about your intentions or wishes.  

An astrological opportunity like this happens only “once in a Blue Moon”.  


  • 1 sheet of parchment paper
  • 1 square of blue cloth
  • 3 safety pins
  • 1 blue pen
  • 1 piece silver cord or string, 24” in length
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1 Vial of success potion (optional)
  • 1 blue candle 
  • 1 book of matches
  • 1 quartz crystal 
  • 1 glass of wine or spring water

On the eve of the Blue Moon, gather the above items and set a time to perform this spell with no possible distractions.  

Sit quietly with all of your items above placed on the table in front of you.  Close your eyes and quiet your mind, focus on your breathing.  When you feel clear and grounded, open your eyes and begin the spell.

  1. As you light the candle, begin to think of 3 things you would like to manifest by the end of the year or wish for something that only happens “once in a Blue Moon”. 
  2. Dab success oil on your temples, wrists, and neck for a boost if you have some.
  3. Holding the quartz crystal in your hand, visualize one specific wish coming true, see yourself doing it, or see it happening. 
  4. Pick up your pen and paper and begin to write down your wishes as you visualize them, 1” apart in order of importance to you.   
  5. After all 3 wishes are written on your parchment; tear them out separately.
  6. Take a safety pin and attach each wish to your square piece of cloth
  7. Place a cinnamon stick in the center of the cloth, fold the sides of the cloth inwards, and roll it up.
  8. Seal your projections in tight by wrapping the cord or string around the cloth 9 times, tying securely with a knot.
  9. Walk outside with your wishes, libation of choice in hand, and look up to the moon or sky.  Raise your glass and repeat:

“On this Blue Moon eve, out my intentions go. I ask they be received, and it is so”.

Place the cloth with your wishes in a drawer or a concealed spot that only you would see often throughout the next few months as a reminder to your wishes. 

On the eve of the  New Year, open the cloth and see how many wishes manifested.  If some did not manifest, reevaluate and perform this spell as a New Year’s Eve projection spell.  Often you’ll find some things are no longer needed, as the Universe sorts it all out.

Carry the quartz crystal with you through the coming year as a reminder and bring with you on any important meetings or discussions for a successful outcome.

Cheers! Kris


Source: facebook.com

What a Witch Wears

Al: What are you going to be for Halloween?

Me: A witch.

Al: What will you wear?

Me: Oh I have a tall black velvet pointy hat, a black dress and striped tights.

Al: Why don’t you wear a teal shirt with red pants and a green sweater.

Me: Thats what I am wearing right now!

Al: Well you are a witch…

Do any other witches on here dress in bright incongruent colors? I know its the stereotype that we wear black dripping with giant pentacles, but all the witches I know (including me) dress like a clothes line collision in the rainbow section of goodwill.

I'm currently all in blue, but I wear all the colors. The other day I was looking for bright yellow pants to add to my collection of bright colors. What about everyone else?


Witchcraft Folklore Book List

I was requested to make my recommendations for the witchcraft folklore books rebloggable. So here ya go folks. Really there are a lot of great folklore books out there, I highly suggest them over the metaphysical section but that’s just me. And regional folklore will vary.

It took me awhile to answer this because for some reason I thought you were asking about folklore in general and that is a wide and varied subject lol.  But even folklore for the witchcraft sense is wide and varied. Since it’s all regional. And generally speaking I read books on folklore and extrapolate the witchcraft from that. I tend to lean towards Scottish, Irish, British, and American folklore and traditions myself. 
That being said here are my top recs:
Emma Wilby, The Visions of Isobel Gowdie: Magic, Witchcraft and Dark Shamanism in Seventeenth-Century Scotland
Patrick W. Gainer, Witches, Ghosts, and Signs: Folklore of the Southern Appalachians
Thomas Crofton Croker, Fairy Legends and Traditions of Southern Ireland
Ancient Legends, Mystic Charms, and Superstitions of Ireland
The Foxfire Books edited by Eilot Wigginton
For general folklore info and a good book for how to get the information you may want out of folklore: 
Dorson, Richard, ed. Folklore and Folklife: An Introduction.
It’s also a great idea to get in touch with your local college or university as they frequently have Folklore departments. You can also try googling your area for a Folklore Society, which are a wealth of information and knowledge that can be used in a variety of different ways.
Hope that helped!  

Writing to Witches

Name you wish to Exchange by: Nina Country of Residence : Canada International: Y/N     Yes Languages: English How many Pen Pals you have/want: o/3 A brief about you: I have been interested in the craft since I was 12 years old. I'm 23, still practising on the days where I feel the most energy around me. Something inside my soul, tells me that this is who I am supposed to be :3 Any other info you want to share: I would love nothing more than to write to practising friends! Or just to basically talk, i'm as open as the sky. Blessed be!


It's My Opinion...

… but I am highly irked when witches/pagans/etc make an executive decision over which complete strange is and isn’t ready for information on topics they are uncomfortable with.

How hard is it to say, “I don’t do X because I don’t like it but here’s this tumblr blog/source/wiki page that will give you more details”? Or open up the question for followers to answer?

You know what you’re doing when you refuse to answer questions like that? You’re controlling others and shaming those who don’t have your morality or ideals. This controlling who gets who because someone doesn’t feel another person is “ready” is bullshit. I understand it in places like Wicca which is initiated, but witchcraft in general? Uh, no.

We don’t have to educate people, I’m not saying that. However if you just flat-out say to someone you’re not going to answer a questions and you recommend that they don’t even think about doing X or Y, you’re doing a disservice for everyone. They could be requesting information for a specific reason they didn’t tell you about. Education is power. I don’t need to know shit about algebra but I learned it. And guess what? It did come into use. Magic works the same way. Learning a little bit about a lot of things will help round you out as a witch. Denying someone that chance is fucking rude and bullshit.

More importantly, how can you arbitrarily decide who is and isn’t ready for something? And you know what? Some people might never be ready but that doesn’t mean they should try to learn if they’re willing.

Look, I can recommend someone not to do something but I’m not going to judge them if they do it anyway. It’s their life, their spirituality, their witchcraft. Fucking let people do what they want. If you don’t want to provide the information, then don’t but don’t tell them not to do something because you don’t.

But this is just my opinion. I can recommend you consider it but I won’t force you to adhere to it.

I want you guys to see this.. because I agree with is completely. 

This is also, pretty much dead on what I live by when answering your questions. I've had some (usually that I answer privately) that touch on issues I just... don't feel comfortable talking about, but I still try and answer, because I've put myself out here as a source of unbiased information. If I ever ever answer something and you think I've shat my personal opinions all over it, I hop you call me out on it. 

Say, "Hey, just because you don't agree with this doesn't mean you should be rude/unhelpful/judgmental/whatever" I will try my best to back up and take myself out of it... but there a LOT of things I don't know about... I will try and find good answers for you, but if I can't (and I can't find a good source) I'm not going to just make crap up. 

That being said. I'm probably never going to say you "aren't ready" for something. I might recommend you research something more. (RESEARCH ALL THE THINGS) In fact, I'll more than likely tell you to research something more.. because I don't think you can ever know to much about anything. 

Anyway. This is my promise to you that I will always try and help you, no matter how I personally feel about it. (Unless helping you is illegal.. like helping you kill someone or something. Let's be honest here)

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