
Wake up, sleeper; lift your head.

@amazeofgrace / amazeofgrace.tumblr.com

Dominique. "This is why it is said: "Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you." Eph 5:14

basically forgot i had a tumblr

abandoned it for instagram

haven’t written something real in well over a year...wow...i feel like my life has become such clickbait...post and repost, mindlessly liking stuff without thinking about it. Gross


I need help to do what I'm 'posed to do 😩


I really wanted to give everything up earlier. Too much happening. Like, I feel done. Butttt... that would be a slap in the face of my God. Plus I ain't got nowhere else to run...lol. I feel like this picture but I will act differently until my actions become my feelings. Too much at stake-- too much work to be done and too much love that needs to be given. Pray for me lol.


School is for the birds...get me back to work :/ lol I don't get y'all who actually would stay in school forever.


#rp @951shinefm Looking for love, acceptance, satisfaction, and pleasure in all the completely the wrong places. Everytime you say you'll stop,but then you get distracted and go back. Vicious cycle. I'm sooooo glad God is not petty like man! and continues to love us through our foolishness!


If you're like this then we need to be together... Come find me boo 😘 LOL I'm dumb πŸ˜‚


Lol if you know me you already know how I feel about this shirt... 😍❀😍 #rp @aye_styles

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