
The Knight of Tyme

@knight-of-tyme / knight-of-tyme.tumblr.com

Previously ArtMeansExplosions - "... And art means explosions!" - Kuroshitsuji - Agender (their/they/them pronouns please, thanks) - demisexual - panromantic - gamer - writer - scorpio - healer main - for the Alliance - Twitch Affiliate (twitch.tv/TymeKnight) April 17th, 2020

Sorry I don’t post here much anymore. I’m happier off Tumblr, honestly. I play video games with my friends and my boyfriend every single day, I stream with my friends on Twitch, and I’ve accumulated 820+ hours in ACNH. I have a boyfriend who treats me well and respects me, friends that support me wholeheartedly, and a therapist that has been so helpful and understanding. And I’m on the road to getting on disability! I realized that sitting on Tumblr all the time, as well as other social media sites, was taxing on my mental health, and something I shouldn’t have done in the first place. Thank you to everyone who has been there for me, sent me kind messages when I’ve felt down, and supported me outside of Tumblr ❤️ You’re the real VIPs. Happy Tumbling, I’ll see you guys around ❤️


News Anchor in my area loses it over a Fat Cat that likes to swim.

I don’t know what’s funnier, how she said physical activities or the snort.


I love how she gradually loses it. She gives it her best try and then you can just hear where her composure starts breaking down.

i always lose it when her voice trips into the fifth dimension as she says physical activities 

Source: wdbj7.com

One of my favorite pieces of literature; The Tale of Genji! So happy to have another copy ❤️📖 https://www.instagram.com/p/CAgpzoNBY1P/?igshid=lua3bllcgwgj


John Mulaney, a true ADHD icon

I love how he gave this bit at an autism benefit because it is also a heavy Autism Mood™

This is the most relatable thing I’ve ever seen.


JOHN MULANEY: I normally don’t notice people. I zone out constantly. Have you ever zoned out for a few minutes? I’ve been zoned out since 2014.


MULANEY: I just - all day long, I wander into traffic walking like Charlie Chaplin, listening to a podcast while thinking about a different podcast. 


MULANEY: I can zone out anywhere - I was at the doctor’s office, he was reading me the results of a blood test, it was important I listened, and I zoned out! I was like, “nah, I’m gonna stare at the wall and think my thoughts”.


MULANEY: I was like, “huh. None of the Beatles had moustaches… but then one day, all of them had moustaches.”


MULANEY: “That’s weird, I can’t think of a time a group has done that”. Some people in my life don’t want me to zone out as much - they want me to focus, and they want me to be in the moment, and they want me to do this by meditating. I don’t know if you’ve ever tried meditating, but I’ve been trying it. This is how you meditate, okay? You sit on the floor with your back perfectly straight, which I hate more than ISIS -


MULANEY: I don’t like sitting up straight! Alright?! It’s never gonna happen! If meditating was sitting hunched over on the toilet with your elbow on your knee while kind of looking at your phone, I’d be the Dalai Lama.  


MULANEY: I don’t like sitting up straight. So you sit up straight, and you breathe, and this helps you stay in the moment. Don’t bother! The moment is mediocre at best!


MULANEY: I mean, it’s fine. Let’s all try right now - let’s all be in the moment, in silence, right now. [A HALF-SECOND PAUSE] Sucked, right? Not fun at all! 


MULANEY: That was boring! You gotta zone out! You have an imagination! You have a movie theatre in your brain that plays fake arguments that you win.


MULANEY: Have you ever just been sitting there thinking about something for twenty, twenty-five minutes, and all of a sudden you’re like “oh my god, I’m driving!” and you remember? You’re like -


MULANEY: “I’m going seventy-five miles an hour! I have been for a while! I could’ve changed so many lives!” Sometimes, my wife - I have this wife - she’ll be like, “are you watching the road?” and I’m always like, “I am looking through the windshield.”


MULANEY: “And I’m not gonna hit anyone, but no. I’m thinking about the Beatles.”


Hey @vulpeculavolans added a transcript to this AND THAT IS SO AWESOME THANK YOU SO MUCH!

“I’m gonna stare at the wall and think my thoughts.” Is my true ADHD/Autism experience lmaoooo


this isn’t even edited

I had to Google this because I couldn’t believe it was real…but it is…

You will not be able to predict how this ends


Moving out of the apartment


This is, without a doubt, the saddest photo I have ever seen in my ENTIRE LIFE.



So in undergrad, my bestie lived in a true shithole of an apartment. When he moved in, he threw a housewarming party and brought out a bunch of washable markers and let us all draw on the walls. Being a tribe of feral assholes, we started competing to see who could draw the most obnoxious/offensive things. IIRC, there was George Bush frenching Ronald Regan, a skeleton with tits, some very rude portraits of the pope, etc etc.

now one of our friends who I hope to god has gone to therapy since then shut himself up in the walk in closet and painted the entire back of the door. He wouldn’t let anyone see it til he was done, and guys, I had nightmares about it. He’d driven a lovecraftian monster like you wouldn’t believe. It had eyes where it shouldn’t have eyes, teeth where it shouldn’t have teeth, and no matter where you stood it looked at you. We were all suitably impressed and horrified.

Anyway four years later bestie moves out and repaints the entire apartment.

Years and years later, I was talking to him and brought up the closet door monster. he visibly paled and confessed “oh god, I forgot to paint the inside of the door”


Actual faith vs performative religion.

To shave your beard is a huge sacrifice for a devout Sikh. It is a sacrifice for the greater good, that many people will scoff at without understanding the amount of love it took, to give up part of your faith to serve the greater purpose of that faith. Bless them all.


Wow, this is huge. Like, omg. I had a Sikh girl in my class who explained to me once just how important the practice of kesh is, and the fact these men are choosing to sacrifice that for the greater good is just…I’m blown away.

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