
@fit-thefight / fit-thefight.tumblr.com

Hey I'm Sophie and I live in the UK!

jesse polock


This one is where I draw the line.  Today is the 70th anniversary of D-Day.

This is disgusting on Tumblr’s part, especially this joke. 

“Allied casualties on the first day were at least 12,000, with 4,414 confirmed dead.”

Yes,remember their sacrifice.  The thousands of soldiers who fought in the Normandy landings and lost their lives.  

Edit: Apologies to people who found my comment about donut day misinformative. I’ve removed it. Yes, Donut Day is a real holiday, I know.  I never said otherwise.  No, Tumblr didn’t do it to make light of that, I know.  Literally all it is is unfortunate timing and a coincidence.  I didn’t mean to imply it was anything but.  

I still think the joke is ill-timed and gross, and no amount of insulting me will change that.


I don't think I'm ready to leave the only home I've ever known!


Can officially say I have flown an 2 seater plane! It was awesome!!!


Fuck this I might move to Germany to be with my sister


I think I might just use one of my old accounts instead so I won't be using this one as much anymore if at all


The moment you realize they don’t need you or want you is the moment you walk away. Never give away your heart to someone who never intended to give you theirs in the first place. Love is sharing; or it’s not love at all


Everyone looks worried apart from that guy on the far left.. 


i like how the guy on the right is so shocked he becomes a teapot

he becomes a teapot

he becomes a teapot

I’ve been laughing for the last 7 minutes because of the teapot guy

HAHAHA omg teapot....


I think powerboating today didn't help my wrist, it hurts like fuck and I have to go to the gym tomorrow for a HIIT session!

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