
@bieber-1dstyles / bieber-1dstyles.tumblr.com

Priya. 23. California.
"Negativity isn't the way to go, smile more, eat some chocolate."~ Ed

why does this have 32k notes? it’s just a picture of a knife in a ranch bottle, is there some unspoken joke that 32 thousand people share? what is going on here, i dont get it. it’s just a fucking picture of a knife in a ranch bottle. is there some spiritual connection people have to this picture? is there some ominous and mystical reasoning that this has 32 thousand notes? do people reblog this because it makes them look like some indie blogger? or is there just something funny to this? someone please explain


no one tell him

Scheduling this to post on March 15 because it needs to happen.

March 15 again and here we go…


To new, inexperienced drivers:

so idk if they teach you this in drivers’ ed class or whatever, but if you see someone in the opposite direction flashing their high beams at you, they’re NOT being a dick. they’re saying, “SLOW DOWN, I just saw a police car back there”.

If I hadn’t known that today, I wouldn’t have noticed the police car hiding in its fox hole and gotten a ticket for going 20 over the speed limit. and I’m glad I don’t have to pay $80 for a dumb mistake!!!

In deer country this is also used to warn others about a herd up ahead. In either case, the double flash means that some nonsense is occurring and ya gotta slow down!


Double-flash also means “turn on your headlights”. Basically, if someone’s flashing their brights, pay super-close attention and figure out what’s going on.


They could ALSO be flashing them to tell you to turn YOUR brights off because you’re blinding them! It’s common courtesy to turn your brights off for oncoming traffic, but not everyone knows this~


I’ve also seen it used to warn of an accident ahead. Basically anytime someone flashes their brights at you, if your own lights are 1) on, and 2) not on bright, you can take it to mean “slow down and pay attention for the next stretch of road particularly.”

Whether that’s for a speed trap, a herd of deer, or four fire trucks, two ambulances, and a dozen squad cars all clustered around what used to be two vehicles, slowing down and paying attention is good for you and can save you a lot of money and/or heartache.

Anonymous asked:

I don't understand that eroda thing, can you explain it to me please?

okay so @thebrotographer on twitter got an ad on about a place called Eroda (’adore’ backwards) that does not exist (here’s their twitter and website) and he thought it was a tourism scam thing BUT there are no links to book hotels/flights or anything to make you give them actual money, there aren’t ads on their website either so they aren’t making money with clicks, it’s just an empty website about a place that doesn’t exist. he thought it could be for a school project but the website is registered through an expensive protection company plus all the ads on multiple platforms (twitter, facebook, ig) so what student would have money to pay for that. on their website this is the description of one their places:

WTF does that even mean lmao, also ‘cherry’ and ‘golden’……. but what’s intriguing me more is that their logo is a fish and they just tweeted this:

??? remember how the rumors about harry’s 2nd music video filmed in scotland had something going on with a fish/fishs, so yeah, a while ago i found this CV from someone that worked on the mv and they used a code name to credit it and called it fishing

so 🤷 either we’ve lost our minds or this is for adore you 

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