
Local Knife Wife


Koal | 🌱 books, RenFaire and cosplay 🌱 | she/they | probably a fae, local blue girl

the high king of elfhame: best known for leaving the fighting to his wife


I have risen from the dead

Tumblr released me from prison. I am free.


Message to the Katsucrunch Crowd:

- Remember to get up and stretch a bit. You’re hunching over your sewing machine a lot. - Go get something to drink. It’ll help keep you hydrated and awake. - It’s okay to stepback and take a little break. - Sometimes it is better to call it a night and go to bed. - If you need to eliminate a piece of a costume it’s okay. No one is going to notice, I promise. - Don’t forget to breathe. You can do this.

It’s that time of year again


Planning Your Cosplay panel, as given at SacAnime Winter 2017

Ever wanted to cosplay someone, but had no idea how to begin? Join cosplayer fabrickind to learn about how to take that first step! Topics covered will include costume choice, breaking down the parts of a costume, buying vs. making, researching materials and methods, and budgeting time and money.

This is just the bare bones of the panel, as many of the examples were elaborated on in-person, and it is just the slides, not any of my notes. It is not meant to be exhaustive or definitive, and is just meant for general advice and suggestion purposes only. If anyone has feedback they would like to give, feel free to do so. That said, I hope that people find this information useful.

Here is a link to a pdf of the presentation. You may download for personal use, but please do not alter the presentation, repost without permission, or do any sort of other unauthorized use. (If you have a question about how you can use this presentation, please send me a message with your question and we can work it out. I promise I’m not scary. ;]) Feel free to reblog this post as much as you want, though. I do these panels and post them because I want the information to be shared.

I hope someone finds this helpful! :]


Very helpful information and ideas for cosplayers! Check this out guys!

Anonymous asked:


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My cosplay is actually based on a picture i posted on Facebook back in April that went viral. So I decided that it would be a great idea to do it in person and for people to see a “meme in real life”. The original Spiderman suit i used was a simple morph suit but I recently upgraded to a better quality “MCU Spiderman” Suit from the Captain America: Civil War movie / upcoming Spiderman: Homecoming. It was being sold in a cosplay buy/sell group and i got very lucky hahah. As for all the Uncle Ben boxes…. My mom coupons. Like. Crazy. So over time she kept getting more and more boxes until i decided “I’m going to do something silly with this.. I brought about 70 boxes of rice. 50 to make the body and 20 extras… just in case i wanted to give some away or if any boxes got crushed or anything. Carrying the big box around wasn’t so bad this time around because a lot of the rice boxes are actually empty. So it was a big weight off my shoulders….. literally. I sat there for probably about 3 ½ hours (maybe longer).. It’s the longest i’ve done it so far. Time swings by when you’re having fun and making people laugh.

What were the response at the con ? Sooooo many laughs. I heard many people go "Awwwwww”, “Oh my god thats so wrong.”, “OHHHH I GET IT!!”, “dude you’re Facebook famous!”, “I’m sorry for your loss.” & “OH NO! UNCLE BEN!”.


How to make felt wings

You can make angel wings in a lot of ways and this is how I made a pair out of felt for my latest cosplay. This technique is fairly simple but takes a lot of time.

I started by drawing the shape of one wing on a piece of paper (One wing was for me around 33x26 cm). It is a good idea to also draw out how you want the feathers to be on the paper wing so you can get a hint on how big they should be.

For the feathers I used white hobby felt that I cut out in to six different sizes. This step is by far the most time consuming (it take a lot of time!) and I highly recommend making a pattern of the feathers in cardboard to make the process easier. I made around 600 feathers in total to cover back and front on both wings.

To make the feathers more stiff it is a good idea to coat them with mod podge. Just one coat makes a lot of difference and help the wings keep its shape. (I did not do this step with the smallest feathers since they did not need to be stiff).

To see how I wanted the formation of the feathers I placed them out on the paper wing and took a photo so I could check it later on.

For the base of the wings I cut out the shape of the wing in craft foam. Since I wanted the small feathers on the upper part of the wings to be a bit higher up I glued on some extra craft foam there.  

To hold the base up I used some black worbla that I twisted the lower part of to give them some angle so they didn’t lay flat. To make sure no color show between the feathers everything was painted white and a stripe of felt was glued over the worbla.

Next I started to glue the first row of feathers to each other. Since I did not want to glue them direcly on the foam wing yet I used needles to help mark the placement of the feathers on the next couple of layers.

When I was done gluing the bigger feathers together I took the foam base away and used some transparent paper to draw out the shape of all the feathers except the first row.

I then placed the paper over the foam base and made dots where the inner corners where the feathers on the lower row met. I then draw a line above it and cut along it. This was made because I realised that the felt feathers where a bit see through and the shape of the foam base could be seen. Higher up it were more feathers and harder to see it.

The base was glued to the feathers and was then flipped over and feathers where glued to that side as well.

For my cosplay I needed red stones on the wings. I used two glass prism, black worbla and some red and gold paint to make them. However this made the wings heavier then they needed to be so if you are making something like this, try to use a lighter material for this part.

And they are done! Time consuming but really light (even with the stones) and easy to make.


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