
Multi Fandom Imagines

@dang-misha / dang-misha.tumblr.com

Requests Always Open!

Imagine – Introducing Sam and Dean to your boyfriend

Word Count – 1,690

Warnings – None

A/N – I’m sorry I haven’t posted lately. I got sick for 3 weeks and then I’ve been busy trying to finish school and trying to get my license. I promise I’ll post more when I’m free and a lot this summer!


You walked into the library to find Sam and Dean dozing off while reading. You tip toed to the table and dropped a large book on the wood, making them jump what seemed like 10 feet in the air.

“Not cool.” Sam sighed, rubbing his tired eyes

“Sorry boys, if you want to take a nap you’ll have to do it another time because I have something to tell you.”

“I drooled all over this page.” Dean groaned, wiping his mouth

“Ew, please remind me to not use that book again.” Sam groaned, making you and Dean chuckle.

“What is it you want to tell us?”

“I’m glad you’re sitting for this..”

“Tell us!” They yelled at the same time

“I have a boyfriend.” The room was silent for a few seconds longer than you expected, making you nervous. Dean has always been really protective and Sam gave you what seemed like a million warnings about dating in this life.

“Apparently my “life lessons” went right over your head.”

“Sam, chill out.”

“What if you get hurt, y/n? You know how boys your age think – I was your age once!” Dean said

“Alright grandpa, how do they think?”

“All they want is sex! You don’t deserve that y/n, you deserve to be treated like a queen. Not just some toy.”

“You don’t even know him!”

“Who is it?” Sam asked

“His name is Zachary. He goes to college to study Law, he’s (whatever age you want him to be), he’s mature and he’s really nice!”

“Does he know what you do for a living?”


“What did you tell him?” Sam asked again

“I told him I work for a family business, so I didn’t really lie.” They smirked and shrugged their shoulders

“Alright, sounds cool. When are we going to meet him?”

“An hour.”

“An hour?!” They yelled at the same time

“Yup, so get cleaned up! This place is a disaster and Dean still has dry drool in his beard.” You smiled while he groaned, wiping his face again.

You put on a pair of skinny jeans and your favorite flannel shirt along with some black boots Dean bought you one year for your birthday. You curled your hair, sprayed your favorite perfume and made sure to put on some makeup while the boys cleaned up their mess and got ready as well. Before you knew it the door bell rang.

You ran downstairs to get it but Sam made it before you did.

“Hey, I’m Sam.” He smiled, shaking your boyfriends hand

“I’m Zachary, but you can just call me Zach if you want.”

“Yeah, I’m a nickname kind of guy. Nobody calls me Samuel.” They both chuckled. It made you happy to see them getting along. You weren’t really worried about Sam getting along with him, considering Sam is the nicest person you know. Dean on the other hand…

“Hello, you must be my sisters boyfriend.” Dean said out of nowhere, making you three jump.

“Yes, I am. I didn’t know y/n had any brothers?”

“We’re not blood, but we are family. I’d do anything for her hint hint.”

“Dean! I’m sorry, he can be rude.” You laughed nervously. You gave Zach a hug and showed him around the bunker.

“You live in a bunker?” He asked

“Uh… yeah. It’s kind of part of the family business.” He nodded and didn’t ask anymore about it.

“And this is my bedroom” He walked around and looked at the photos on your dresser

“Who’s this?” He asked, pointing at Castiel in the picture.

“A friend.” You obviously couldn’t tell him your friend was an angel. He nodded and looked at another picture.

“Those are my parents.”

“How come you don’t live with them?”

“They passed away a few years ago. I don’t have any brothers and sisters but luckily Sam and Dean take care of me as if I were their sister. I don’t know what I’d do without them.”

“Hey, we ordered pizza!” Dean yelled from down the hall.

“We’re coming!” You yelled back. You took Zach’s hand and went to the kitchen to find pizza on the table along with a pistol.

“Dean! What is this?!” You yelled while Zach stood behind you with shock and fear in his eyes.

“Wha? Oh my! Why is this silly thing out?” He chuckled. Sam came in and all he did was shake his head

“He did this to me too, don’t worry.”

“I don’t know what you are talking about, Sammy.” He smirked, crossing his arms over his chest and resting his feet on the table.

“Dean, we’re about to eat there! Come on Zach we can go eat in the living room.” You groaned and grabbed the box of pizza. Sam waited for you to leave the room before smacking Dean on the back of his head.

“Hey!” He yelled

“Are you trying to embarrass her? Because you’re doing a great job.”

“I’m just trying to show him who we are, that’s all.”

“You are actually insane. Don’t you want her to be happy?”

“Yes! That’s why she needs to stay away from relationships. Come on Sammy you know that better than anyone.”

“He’s not a hunter so what does she have to worry about?”

“Jess wasn’t a hunter either, Sam.”

“Don’t go there.” He growled. Dean sighed, apologizing after.

“Just leave her be. I know you’re just trying to protect her but you’re going to hurt her instead. She’s a big girl now, she can handle this. Now I’m going to go eat in there with them if you want to join and give this guy a chance you’re more than welcomed to do so.” He took his plate and left Dean to himself, alone with his thoughts. He knew his baby brother was right, when wasn’t he? But the thought of you getting hurt in any way hurts him to the core. He held you when you cried about your parents dying, he wiped your tears after bad hunts, he took care of you. More than he’s ever taken care of anybody other than Sam of course.

He sighed and grabbed a few pieces of pizza and threw it on his plate. He pushed his chair in and headed down the hall into the living room.

“Any room for one more?” He smirked, looking at everyone.

“Of course. We were just getting to know each other.” Sam smiled, patting the spot on the couch next to him while you sat on the floor with Zach.

“So Zach, how are you enjoying college? I went too but I – I left.” Sam admitted.

“I really like it, though law is kind of boring.”

Sam laughed and took a sip of his beer, noticing Zach looking at something. It was a picture of the guys with Mary.

“That’s our mom.” Dean said, taking a sip of his beer after.

“She’s very pretty.”

“Thank you. Do you have any family?”

“I used to live with my mom. My dad left when I was 3 and I don’t really have any siblings so I’m kind of all she has.”

“Sorry to hear that.” Dean replied

“I bet it was hard to leave her then, huh?” Sam asked while he nodded

“It was really hard, but she was happy for me. I love her to death.”

You all continued to talk about everything imaginable. You were very to happy to see everyone getting along, especially Zach with Dean. It took a little while but eventually Dean warmed up to him.

“As much fun as I’m having I sadly have to go soon. I got a test tomorrow.”

“Ah, I know that life. It’s okay we understand.” Sam smiled, patting his shoulder as they were getting up. Sam shook his hand again

“It was really great to meet you. I hope to see you again soon.”

“For sure, take care.”

“You too.”

As you were following him to the door Dean caught you both off guard

“Hey man, can I talk to you for a second?” You gave him that “don’t you do it” look. He put his hands up in defense and smirked

“I promise I won’t hurt ya.”

“I’ll be outside.” Zach nodded and you left, leaving them alone.

“I’m sorry about my behavior tonight. You know the whole gun thing… I wasn’t gonna shoot ya.”

“I – I know. I think…” He laughed nervously.

“I just care about y/n a lot and don’t want her to get hurt. In our business… We get hurt a lot. I just want to know she’ll be alright.”

“Well, you can count on me sir. I would never in my life hurt her.”

“Dean. You can call me Dean.”

“Alright, Dean.” He gave him a soft smile and squeezed his shoulder.

“You’re a good kid, I’m glad y/n found ya.”

“Thank you. I promise I’ll take care of her, I really like her.”

“I’m taking your word for it.”

They told each other goodbye and he headed out the door. You were sitting on the stairs, waiting for him.

“I’m so sorry about them tonight they’re just really protective –“ He cut you off

“Don’t be sorry, I had a lot of fun.” He smiled, kissing your cheek after. You two stood there in silence for a few seconds, the only sound was crickets chirping. He leaned in and kissed you. You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him back.

“I’ll call ya.”


Before he left he looked up and noticed Sam and Dean in the window, making motions towards him. *gif*

“Alrighty, I’ll see ya.” He kissed you again and left as quickly as he could. You turned around and noticed them in the window as well, they ran off before you could say anything though.


srsly, that sexy asshole is gonna be the death of all of us


You mean this little shit:

Coach Winchester



Sexy AF!Dean

Turning me on!Dean








The freaking tongue thing

Yeah, the little shit is gonna be the death of me.


Forgot Demon!Dean (I should be put in Dean!girl time out for that)!

What about Dean Smith?

Or Army!Dean?


Y’all forgot BAMF!Dean


And LARP!Dean

There’s sleepy!dean



sexy AF tux!dean

I bloody hate you ALL

Well, hello post I forgot existed! Look at all the pretty Dean pictures. Sigh. I wonder… Let’s add:

Hawaiian shirt Dean

Fake drunk!Dean



Shirtless!Dean This post is my new favorite!

I’m sorry but y'all forgot my fav Dean: it’s haPPY AF! Dean BITCHES

I’m sorry but why is this post legal?

And why is Jensen Ackles legal?

I hate all of you, I was supposed to be asleep by now


I just found this. How about insulted Dean⁉️

Reblogging, because why not.

Yeah. Why the hell not‼️

I have more to add!

Giving a girl all sorts of nasty ideas ! Dean

Slightly grossed out ! Dean

Hungry ! Dean

So done with your bullshit ! Dean

Coffee first ! Dean

Sleeping the world away ! Dean

Murderously sexy ! Dean

Alcoholic ! Dean

Confused in the bathrobe ! Dean

Cowboy ! Dean

Finger licking porn ! Dean

Murdering you with my sexy eyes ! Dean


Sorry I haven’t posted anything in a little while, I’ve been sick for a little more than a week and also been busy. Hopefully I can post more soon

                                                    REST IN PEACE, EDDIE                                                                1967-2005                           thank you for being one of the greatest WWE has ever seen                                 and paving the way for many more hispanic wrestlers.                    it’s been 12 years since your passing, but your legacy continues.

“Illness” Chapter Two. "Castiel, you have pneumonia." "Oh man, I told you guys! What am I going to do? I can't afford treatment, I can barley afford my apartment!" "It's going to be alright, Cas. You got us to help." Sam gave him a reassuring smile but he still didn't feel any better. "You’ll need to stay here for a few weeks, we’re sorry.” Dr. Herman said while you stood behind her, not really knowing what to say. Cas explained to you the night he came in that he’s not doing well financially and was scared to death it’d be something serious. You felt so bad for him. “Thank you Dr. Herman.” She left but you decided to stay and check on him to make sure he was alright. He seemed really upset and worried. “I’m sorry we don’t have better news.” You sat at the end of his bed, placing your hand on his knee. “It’s... alright. I guess that means we have a few weeks to get to know each other then, huh?” he smirked, trying to hide the fact he was upset. “Sammy and I promise we’ll help in any way possible, Cas. You’re our family.” “And i’ll be here and make sure you’re getting better. You got all the support in the world.” “I know, I’m very lucky.” You stayed in the room with them for awhile, watching whatever shitty show was on. You looked at your watch and realized it was lunch time. “Hold on, i’ll be right back I need to get you your lunch.” You patted his leg and left the room. “Think of the positive, you get to spend a few weeks with her.” Dean winked, nudging his shoulder lightly “I know, I’m just worried. What if I get fired?” “Well then you can work with me in Bobby’s garage. No biggie.” “How will I pay my rent? Or pay for my car?” “We got you Cas, you just relax and get well.” Sam said “Thank you guys. I don’t know what I would do without you.” “Crash and burn probably” Sam joked, making him chuckle and cough. He hated not being able to laugh without feeling like his lungs were going to explode. Before he knew it you were back with some mashed potatoes, peas, and juice. “I miss cheeseburgers.” He sighed, taking a bite out of the plain food. “Well get better and you can eat all the burgers you want.” You checked and made sure he was alright, gave him a little more medicine and left him alone. As you were walking down the hallway you bumped into one of your best friends Alex. “How’s you dude doing? Casti - Cas - I can’t pronounce his name.” He laughed, walking next to you and eating an apple he got from the cafeteria. “Castiel? He’s got pneumonia and all he’s worried about is bills or his job. Doesn’t he realize how sick he is? Doesn’t that worry him more than stupid bills?” “Y/n, some people aren’t as lucky as we are. Some people don’t make a shit ton of money. Cut the guy some slack.” “I know you’re right, I’m just worried about him.” “He’ll be alright.” His pager started to ring so he had to go, leaving you alone and with your thoughts. Ever since you met Cas he was all you thought about. His beautiful blue eyes, the adorable way he curls his lip when he smiles, his laugh. Everything. - “Hiya Cas, where’s Sam and Dean?” You asked, noticing he was alone. He looked so tired and bored. “They went home for a little while. Said they’d come back tomorrow.” You didn’t reply and just nodded “How are you doing?” He asked, breaking the silence “I think I’m supposed to be the one asking you that” “Aw come on, you matter just as much as I do.” “I’m alright, Cas. Just a little tired. I’ve been working for 34 hours straight so I just kind of want to sleep.” You chuckled, rubbing your tired eyes. You couldn’t remember the last time you had a decent night of sleep. “I’m sorry. You can take a nap in that chair if you want, I promise I won’t tell anyone.” “Oh come on, I won’t put that to you.” “Nope, I insist.” You stood there and looked at the chair. You thought about how good it’d feel to just sit for at least a minute or two. How good it would feel to shut your eyes and relax. “Fine, five minutes.” You sat in the not so comfy chair and leaned your head back, sighing and closing your eyes. You tried to stay awake but it wasn’t possible at this point. The second you closed your eyes you were out. You woke up to the sound of gasping and moving. You looked over and noticed Cas wasn’t in his bed. You jumped up and ran over to the other side, gasping when you saw him lying there trying to get some air and trying to scream for help. “Oh god, Cas what happened?!” You helped him up and laid him back in the bed. You hooked him back up to all the machines and put a breathing mask over his face, helping him calm down and breathe again. “You alright?” You asked, checking his head for injuries. He nodded slowly, eyes barley staying open now that he was back in bed and has air again. “You have a concussion. God Cas what were you doing?” “I.... had to go.... pee..” You sighed and shook your head, still feeling your heart race in your chest. You turned off the lights and the tv to help with his head. You grabbed him an ice pack and a cup of water. “You should’ve woke me up.” “I... didn’t want to... You... needed rest.” “Cas, still. You know if you ever need anything you call me or hit the button.” He didn’t bother answering and just nodded, feeling himself drift off. “No, you stay awake. You can’t sleep now that you have a concussion.” He groaned lightly “Tell me... about yourself.” “What is there to tell? I went to college to be a nurse, here I am.” “Kids? Husband? Wife? I don’t judge.” “No kids, no husband. I have a little brother I look out for though as if he was my kid. My parents are kind of dead beats so I’m all he really has. I’m trying to get legal custody of him so he could live with me and get away from my parents but it isn’t going so well.” “I’m sorry. What’s his name?” “Jackson. He’s only 14 and he’s taller than me. Baseball is his entire life like nursing is mine.” You pulled out a picture of him over to Cas. He held it in between his fingers and smiled at the picture. “You two look a lot alike.” “Yeah, we get that a lot.” You smirked, taking the picture back and putting it back in your pocket. “What about you? You got any kids?” “Haha no way. I don’t even have any siblings. Sam and Dean are the closest thing to a family I have.” “I’m sorry to hear that.” “No need. I’m happy with that. They take good care of me.” “You got a boyfriend?” He asked out of the blue, making you jump “Um... nope! no boyfriend” you chuckled nervously. It was lie, you did have a boyfriend but he was an abusive prick who you hated so much but sadly couldn’t leave. He swore on your life that if you left he’d kill you and Jackson and you weren’t willing to risk that. “Sorry, I shouldn’t of asked. I was just wondering.” Cas frowned, looking down at his lap “No, it’s alright. How about you? Are you with anyone?” “No. I’m not really anyone’s type.” “Yeah, alright.” You thought to yourself. You froze when Cas looked at you with confusion, did you actually say that? “I mean - Um.” “You’re cute when you’re embarrassed.” He winked, making you even more embarrassed. Luckily your pager went off so you had an excuse to leave this awkward conversation. “I’ll be right back. Don’t you dare fall asleep!” You pointed. He threw his hands up in defense “Alright, bossy.” He waved goodbye and waited for you to come back. He looked out the big window next to him and smiled at the moon light and all the stars in the sky. He always loved looking at the sky, he just wished he could actually go outside and get air. About 30 minutes later you came back in, sighing in relief when you noticed he was still awake. “Don’t worry, you didn’t miss anything.” You smiled, sitting in the chair next to his hospital bed. “Castiel?” You asked, realizing he wasn’t talking or even looking at you. He wouldn’t take his eyes off that window. “Can I go outside? Like in a wheel chair or something?” “Cas, it’s 2 AM. Why do you want to go outside?” “I miss the fresh air. Please, y/n?” He gave you puppy eyes so of course you had to say yes. You went down the hall and grabbed a wheel chair. You helped him get up and felt his cold hands on your waist. You sat him in the chair and wheeled him down the hall. Alex bumped into you guys and said a quick hello, introducing himself to Castiel then walking away. Cas closed his eyes and took a deep breath of fresh air. He knew he couldn’t stay out long but even a few seconds was enough. “Want to go over there?” You asked, pointing over to a bench. He nodded so you headed that way. “I love being outside. I think it’s the best. It’s like my therapy sometimes.” “It’s always nice to get fresh air. I love camping.” “Me too! When I get better we should go one day.” He looked over at you and smiled with excitement in his eyes. “You still want to keep in touch after you leave?” You asked in disbelief. He must’ve took that question the wrong way. His smile faded and his eyes just looked back to the sky. “Sorry, I guess that would be weird huh?” “No! I would love to do that with you Cas. I’m just not used to patients being this friendly with me is all. Most of them like to throw up on my scrubs, slap me, bite me and chuck their horrible food at my face. I don’t think I’ve ever met a patient who wanted to hangout with me after this hell hole.” “Well I’m just special aren’t I?” he winked, making you chuckle. “Yeah, yeah.” You both stopped talking and took in the beautiful view of the dark sky. The warm air hitting your cheeks. Castiel started coughing so you decided it was a good idea to head back inside. As you were walking in you felt his hand on top of yours. “Thank you.” He looked up at you, still having his hand on yours. “You’re welcome.” You gave him a soft smirk and squeezed his hand. You really wished you knew him before Josh, your current boyfriend. Castiel’s so sweet and caring. Every second you’re with him you just got happier and happier.


A/N - This is chapter one of my new series “Illness”. I am using Supernatural characters but they’re not in the supernatural world if that makes sense. Like for example Castiel is not an angel and Sam and Dean are not hunters. I hope everyone enjoys! It was a beautiful spring day. Flowers were beginning to bloom, the sun was coming out more and the grass was getting greener. The weather changing is always great but it has its consequences. The receptionist watched as three men ran into the emergency room, one of them not looking so great. "Please help our friend! Please, you gotta help!" One of the men yelled while holding up their friend. "What's wrong with him?" the receptionist asked "He's really sick. He's been battling what we thought was the flu the past few weeks then today we found him lying on the floor barley alive. Please help!" "I can take him" A lady with short black hair said. She had on purple scrubs and her name tag said Dr. Herman. She put the man in a bed and ran him down the hallway, leaving the other two behind to just sit around and worry themselves to death. She took the sick mans pulse and thankfully he was still alive. She put him in a proper room and hooked him up to what seemed like a million machines to keep him alive. She took some blood for tests to find out what's wrong. While all of this was going on the other two paces around the waiting room, wondering if their friend was even alive or not. "He's gotta be okay. He can't die on us." "He'll be alright, he's tough. He can handle anything." They looked up and noticed the same doctor they saw before walking over to them. They stood up and quickly walked over to her. "He's stable, but we won't know what's wrong until the tests come back." "Can we see him?" The taller man asked "Not yet, he needs to rest. Now you said he was sick? How sick?" "The last few weeks he's had a really bad cough and a never ending fever. He always breathes really slow and says his chest feels like it's on fire every time he inhales. He went to the doctor this past week and they just said it was a flu. But I don't think a flu can make you pass out - can it?" "Not usually unless it's really bad. Look I'm not sure what's going on but I promise we'll take good care of your friend." "Thank you doc." "You're welcome. I'm sorry I never got your names?" "I'm Sam and this is my brother Dean." "Seems pretty normal compared to your friend. Castiel is a really badass name" she whispered the last part, hopping nobody else other than Sam and Dean heard her. "Yeah, he's pretty badass himself. But we just call him Cas." Dean smiled. "Alright, well I'll let you guys know when he's awake so you can visit him." They thanked her and she walked away. - Castiel looked around the white, dark room. His heart started to race when he noticed all the cords connected to him. "Hey sleepyhead, you've had a rough few hours huh?" You asked, reading over his papers. "Why - Why am I here?" He asked, still scared "You passed out. Luckily your friends brought you here just in time." You walked over and took his temperature and blood pressure. "Where are they? Can I see them?" "Yes, I'll go get them right now." he gave you a quiet thank you and watched as you left the room. A few minutes later he heard a faint knock on the door and smiled as Sam and Dean came in. "I'll leave you guys alone. If you need anything please don't be scared to call" "Thank you nurse" "Oh no, please call me y/n." He loved your name already. A pretty name for a pretty girl "Thank you y/n." You waved goodbye and shut the door. Dean looked to make sure you were gone before he whistled "Damn dude, you got a gorgeous nurse!" Sam smacked his shoulder, making him rub it while Cas chuckled. "What happened? All I remember is wanting a glass of water then.... just nothing." "You passed out buddy. You literally almost died on the floor." Dean cringed at the memory, seeing his best friend lying on the floor. He was so pale and his lips were already turning blue by the time he got there. He was just glad he got there when he did. "Oh god... What if it's cancer? What if it's pneumonia? What am I going to do?" "It ain't gonna be any of that. You're gonna be fine." Dean squeezed his shoulder and gave him a sad smile. He wished he knew what was going on. "The doctors are doing some tests now, so we should know shortly." Sam replied. Cas nodded and thought of less depressing and scary things to talk about. They sat around and watched tv while waiting for the doctor to come back. The guys noticed Cas's breathing getting worse but he just tried to play it out as if he was fine. "Hello, back again" You smiled at the boys. "Do you have his test results yet?" Sam asked "Sadly, no. It takes a few hours to get them. I just came in to make sure everything's alright and if he needed anything" "My chest hurts, really bad." Cas gasped, squeezing his eyes shut as he spoke. "Alright sweetie, we'll get you some medicine. I'll be right back." You left again and ran down the hall to get what he needed. "You alright?" Dean asked, looking at him with worry "Yeah. I think my medicine is just wearing off" Right as he said that you quickly walked in and gave it to him along with a glass of water. "Thank you." "You're welcome. I'm sorry to be the party pooper but visiting hours stop in about 10 minutes. You guys can come back tomorrow at 9 Am" The boys said their goodbyes and left, leaving just you and Castiel. "How are you feeling?" "Better, thank you so much." You nodded, giving him a small smile. "You have an awesome name, by the way." "Thank you, I like yours as well." he blushed, making you blush as well. "Mines not as cool as yours, but i'll take the compliment." Your pager went off so you sadly had to leave. You made sure he had everything he needed and left the room. Cas laid there and all he could think about was how cute you are. Sometimes he'd forget how much pain he was in because he was so caught up in his thoughts about you.  Maybe he'd be okay after all.


Imagine – Sam catching a few Destiel moments.

Word Count – 1,535

Warnings – None


Over the years Sam has always figured something different was going on with Castiel and Dean. They were pretty close and sometimes would leave him out of things which he didn’t mind, it was just weird. He’s always wondered if something more was going on and he’d always ask them but they’d just laugh it off or ignore him.

“Cas, want to go on a store run?”

“I’m going with you, I really need new shampoo I think I’m allergic to whatever half ass brand you bought the other week”

“No, Sammy. You stay here and check in on that case I told you about the other day”

“But I have all day to do that –“

“Cya Sam!” Dean smiled, grabbing his keys and walking out the door with Cas behind him. Sam just sat there and continued reading.

Two hours later they came back with only two bags.

“It took you two hours to get two bags worth of stuff?”

“Um… Yeah. We kind of – got busy.” Dean cleared his throat, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. Before Sam could ask what he meant he walked away.


The guys decided to go to the bar after a long road trip. They sat in a booth and talked for a while.

“Dean, that girl over there is checking you out.” Sam winked, taking a sip of his beer after. Dean looked over at the pretty brunette. She winked at him as he gave her a soft, nervous smile. Cas could feel his stomach turning. He knew his boyfriend would never cheat on him or hurt him in any way, he just wished he could kiss him in front of everyone and let them know he’s taken. But sadly he couldn’t.

“Maybe she’s checking out Cas. Maybe she’s got a thing for angels.”

“Yeah ok dude. She’s literally staring right at you!” Sam whispered across the table

“Nah, I’m good. I’m not looking right now.”

“What happened to the Dean I know? A few years ago you would’ve been all over her and getting her number.”

“People change Sammy. Maybe I just got a little more class now. A little more respect for women.”

Sam noticed Cas keeping his eyes away from him and playing with his fingers nervously. Did he say something to offend him? Was he upset or angry?

“You alright Cas?” He asked. He just nodded lightly and went back to drinking.

The ride home was quiet. Nobody really said anything. The only sound there was rain hitting the car and whatever was on the radio at the time. When they got out and headed inside he heard Dean whisper something in Cas’s ear. He asked what was going on but Dean told him to just leave it alone.

Later that night they were watching some movie when Sam looked over and noticed Dean’s hand kind of rubbing against Cas’s, making the angels cheeks flush. After a few minutes Dean must’ve noticed someone watching so he stopped and didn’t do it again the whole night.


“Dean, when are we going to tell Sam?” Cas whispered. Sam was in the other room so they had to keep it low.

“Tell him what?”

“You know.” He scoffed. He always hated how Dean could never talk about how he felt. It drove him crazy because all he wanted to do was help.

“He’s your brother Dean. He’s not going to hate you for loving me more than he knows.”

“You don’t know that.”

“Yes, I do. Does Sam seem like the kind of person who would disown someone? Especially you, his big brother who took care of him since day one?”

“I can’t risk it, Cas. The thought of him hating me hurts me to the core.” Cas sighed, knowing there was nothing he could say that would change his mind. Dean was always so worried about what other people thought about him, especially his family.

“Fine, whatever. All I want to do is be able to hold your hand without worrying if someone’s going to see. Or kiss your cheek, give you longer hugs without it looking weird, and especially kiss you in front of every single person at the bar to let them know you’re mine. But if you’re really that worried about it then I guess there’s nothing we can do.” He left the room and left Dean to himself. He was right, Dean knew it. But he couldn’t risk anything. He especially couldn’t risk the only family he had left hating him for something he couldn’t control.

“What’s going on?” Sam asked. He didn’t hear any of the conversation but knew something was wrong when Cas stormed out.

“Nothin, just arguing is all.”

“You need anything?”

“Just some space.” He nodded and left him alone. Cas and Dean didn’t say another word to each other the whole night and the morning after.


“Dean? I don’t mind if you bring chicks over but next time could you turn it down a notch? I got zero sleep last night because of you!” Dean spit out his coffee across the table. He could already feel his face burning hot and turning red along with Cas’s.

“Um – I’m sorry Sammy.” He chuckled nervously. Sam just grunted and went back to his room.

“Wow, were we that loud?” Cas asked, feeling a small laugh slip through his lips while Dean just sat there and froze. Not knowing what to say or do.

“That’s alright, apparently you sound like a chick”

“Be quiet, Winchester.” They both smiled at each other, slipping in a quick kiss before back to studying.

The next day Sam and Dean were at the table, making sure they had everything for the hunt they were getting ready to go do. Cas decided to stay home and do some more research.

“Alright, we’re leaving” Dean said, walking pass Cas when he leaned down and kissed him, not even thinking about Sam being there. They all froze, especially Dean. He leaned up slowly, trying to not look at Sam. He could feel his eyes piercing through him.

“Wow…. I knew it!”

“Oh shit, Sam I’m so sorry –“ He cut him off

“What?! Why are you sorry? This is great!”

“It is?” Cas asked, he was so confused. Why he was he so excited and happy? He expected him to be furious, throwing chairs against the wall, breaking glasses furious.

“I always had a feeling something was going on between you two. You guys never let me come with you to the “store” or sometimes even to the bar. And Dean used to be all over girls at the bar and now they’re all just invisible to him… Now I know why!”

“We thought you’d be mad” Cas confessed. Dean was still lost for words. He couldn’t believe he slipped like that.

“Mad?! I’m so ecstatic! I’m so happy because everything makes sense now and I’m really happy because you both deserve all the happiness in the world.” Dean didn’t say anything and just gave him a huge hug.

“Why are you hugging me?”

“I was so worried you’d hate me, Sammy. I couldn’t – I couldn’t tell ya because the thought of you hating me hurt me so bad. I could handle anyone else but oh god not you. I just couldn’t.”

“I don’t care if you like girls or guys, you’re you Dean. You’re my big brother. I could never hate you.”

They hugged for a few minutes then finally let each other go, remembering they still had a job to do.

“Hey, now I get to finally buy you anniversary presents” Dean smiled at Cas, giving him a tight hug and kiss. Sam fake gagged from behind, making them both laugh.

“By the way, if I ever hear anything like what I heard last night again I will move out and never come back. That’s a promise I’m willing to keep.”

“We apologize. It was our anniversary.” Cas said as he held his boyfriends hand in his.

“Just… next time warn me so I can get a motel or sleep in the car.” He smiled, patting Cas’s shoulder. He grabbed his things and left, leaving Dean and Cas to themselves.

“Don’t say it” Dean pointed at him with a big smile on his face.

“I told you so.” He smiled back, kissing him again. This time for a little longer.

“Should I tell him to look around for a motel tonight?” He asked, pecking his neck and collarbone after

“Yeah, that’d be great.”

Ever since that day Castiel and Dean never leave each other’s sides. They always sit together at the table, sit on the same couch with no space between them. Cas lays with Dean as he sleeps, always laying his head on his shoulder or playing his hair. He loved playing with his hair even when it looked perfect already. They kissed around Sam to annoy him, and always made sure to include him on their shopping trips or bar nights now that they didn’t have to hide anymore.

Happy. They were finally happy.


Happy Easter to all of my followers! Thank you for supporting me 🐰💜


Imagine – Moving on. (Part 3 of Carl series)

Word Count – 3,520

Warnings – None

A/N – I don’t know how to link so if you need me to tag you in part 1 or 2 please let me know and I’ll try to figure it out. Also this is the end to this series 😊 I’m so glad everyone enjoyed it and if I should write more please let me know!


You woke up to Rick knocking on your wall, leaning against your door frame.

“What is it? Everything ok?” You asked, rubbing your tired eyes

“Everything’s fine. We just have a few new people coming in I want you to meet.” You nodded and he left the room so you could get dressed. You put on one of Carl’s flannels and a pair of skinny jeans. You couldn’t remember the last time you wore a shirt that wasn’t Carl’s.

You put on a pair of boots and headed outside. You followed Rick to where ever he was taking you.

“You haven’t been having that many nightmares lately” Rick smiled, looking over at your refreshed self.

“Yeah, I’ve been sleeping pretty good lately. As good as it can get I guess”

You met up with the group in front of the gates. You all watched as the new family came in, they looked pretty normal. It was a lesbian couple along with a teenager who you assumed was their son who looked around your age.

“Hello, I’m Lauren and this is my wife, Samantha. This is our son Brandon.” The lovely lady nodded over at him. He looked a little uncomfortable but gave a small nod and a quiet hello. He had jet black hair along with gorgeous green eyes. He looked around 5’9 and his hand was wrapped in bandage.

“What happened to your hand?” Maggie asked.

“I fell on top of it while trying to get away from a walker.” She didn’t really believe him but nodded anyways.

Rick went to show the family around. You were walking back up to the house when Daryl ran up next to you, knocking you in the shoulder

“Kid looks about your age” He winked

“Oh god here we go” You chuckled

“Aw come on, y/n! You can’t tell me you’re at least a little interested. Kid didn’t take his eyes off you the entire time.”

“I don’t know, Daryl. I don’t think I’m ready to move on yet.”

He frowned and put his hand on your shoulder

“It’s been three years. He would want you to move on and be happy don’t ya think?”

“I know, I’m just scared.” Luckily Aaron yelled for you so you had to go and leave that horribly awkward conversation. You gave Daryl a hug and a goodbye.

Later that night you were walking around the neighborhood to get fresh air when you saw the family moving in their things. You decided to be “that nice neighbor” and go over to help.

“You guys need help with anything?” You asked, watching them as they carried in a few boxes

“Actually yes, we’d really appreciate it.” Samantha said. She handed you a box as she went to get another one. You were walking down the hall when you bumped into someone.

“I’m sorry, that was totally all me.” Brandon apologized

“Hey, no worries. Tight hallway” You both chuckled, feeling a little bit of awkwardness.

“I’m y/n, you’re Brandon right?” He nodded. You shook his hand and he gave you a friendly smile. He had bright, white, straight teeth.

“How are you liking everything so far?”

“It’s great! That um Daryl guy kind of made me nervous but I think I’m just paranoid”

“Oh yeah, Daryl’s not really the welcoming type but he’ll warm up to ya eventually. He was the exact same way with me and now he’s my best friend.” Brandon sighed with relief

You both went back to get more boxes then finished up.

“Thank you so much for helping. I don’t know how we got so lucky to meet wonderful people like you guys.” Lauren said while putting things away in the kitchen. You told her it was no problem then said your goodbyes.


During the past few weeks you’ve been growing really close with Brandon. Daryl was having a field day picking on you about it though, but you were used to it after a while and really didn’t mind. Today you had to go on a run and decided to bring Brandon with you so you could teach him a few things while you were out.

You were walking in the woods when you came across an abandoned house. You and Brandon looked up at it with awe. You always loved going on adventures, especially scary ones. You were walking up the stairs and felt Brandon’s hand on your shoulder, making you jump but also secretly send shivers down your spine.

“Don’t. I don’t want you to get hurt”

“What’s the matter? Are you to chicken to get even a little close to it?” You joked and laughed as he groaned

“I’m not a chicken. You just don’t know if there’s anybody in there. You know dead or alive?”

You scoffed and went up the stairs anyways. You looked in the windows and noticed all the dust and cobwebs.

“I don’t think anyone has been here for a long time”

“I don’t think anyone is worried about spring cleaning right now, y/n” Brandon laughed, running his finger over the dusty window frame.

You turned the knob and shockingly enough the door wasn’t even locked. You walked in and laughed as Brandon didn’t move a step

“You really are a chicken, aren’t ya?”

“Bite me” Right as he said that a walker growled from behind him. He jumped back and stabbed it in the head multiple times to make sure it’s dead

“You totally called that one” You smiled. He wiped off his knife on his pants and ran inside the house. You walked around, looking at all the old photos on the wall. It was like something out of a movie. The wallpaper was falling off the walls, the floor boards were creaking. You looked over and noticed a book lying on the floor so you decided to sit in one of the chairs and read it for a while.

“Don’t panic” Brandon said nervously. You turned around and watched as an older man held him against his chest with a gun to his head. You dropped the book and got up then stopped when you heard the man cock his gun.

“Don’t hurt him, please.”

“Don’t move and I won’t.” You obeyed his wishes and got down on the floor with your hands on your head. You were scared to death but made sure to not show your weakness.

“Who the hell do you kids think you are? Coming into MY territory? Didn’t even bother to fucking knock”

“Well, the door was unlocked.” You smirked, pissing him off even more.

“You really don’t want to push my buttons, kid. Or your boyfriend goes bye bye.”

“My boyfriend is already dead.” You growled. Brandon’s eyes went wide, he had no idea.

“Aww, how sad. How’d he go out? Murdered? Torn to shreds? Or did he kill himself after he got tired of dealing with your sarcastic ass.”

“I’m not gonna fucking tell you. You don’t deserve to know.”

“Tell me!” He screamed, making you jump and Brandon whimper.

“He was bit! He was trying to save someone and he got bit.” The room got quiet for a few seconds

“What a shame. To weak he couldn’t even save someone, how pathetic.”

“Go to hell.” You said, giving him a death stare. You wanted to beat the shit out of him so bad. If only Daryl was here. He’d tear him a new one.

“I’m already there, sweetheart. So what was he like?” Before you could answer a walker came up from behind and grabbed him by the neck, tearing into his flesh. He screamed in pain and shot Brandon in the gut by accident as he got dragged down to the floor. You heard Brandon scream and hold his abdomen, making your heart stop.

“He, he shot me!” He yelled, almost passing out as he watched the blood formed more and more on his shirt. You ran over and helped him up. You wrapped his left arm over your shoulder as you helped him out of the house.

“It hurt so bad” He groaned, trying to not pass out from the pain

“We’re almost home”

“My moms are gonna have a friggen cow. I’ve never been shot before”

“Yeah, first time for everything right?”


“Help, Brandon got shot!” You yelled to whoever was on watch. They hurried and opened up the gate. Everyone ran over to help while Lauren and Samantha tried to stay out of the way, screaming in terror.

“Brandon! Oh god, baby what happened?!” Lauren cried, holding his pale face in her hands. Rick explained to her that they had to hurry and get him to the nurse.

You watched as they fixed him up and Lauren and Samantha leaning against the wall, holding each other while crying. You were relieved when the doctor came in and told you he’d be fine, that he would just need a lot of rest.

You staid back while Lauren and Samantha went to be by his side. They talked to his sleeping form, crying and thanking God he was alright.

“What happened?” Daryl whispered from behind, making you jump

“We – We went into an abandoned building. At least we thought it was abandoned but… It wasn’t. A man was holding him at gun point and then he got bit and shot Brandon by accident.”

Daryl nodded, not saying anything.

“It’s my fault, Daryl. Brandon told me a million times to not go in but I was to stubborn and didn’t listen. If he died… I don’t think I’d be able to live with myself. This is completely my fault.”

“Y/n, you didn’t know. You saved his life by bringing him here on time.”

“Yeah, but what if I hadn’t? What if I was a few minutes to late? I couldn’t save Carl and now I almost couldn’t save Brandon.” You left the room and ran back home. Michonne went to ask you what was wrong until you threw your hand up, cutting her off. She knew that that meant “leave me alone” and decided to do so.

You didn’t sleep at all that night. The sounds of Brandon’s screams never left your mind along with the sight of the blood.

The next morning you went to check on him but stopped when you saw Lauren standing in front of the door way, arms crossed and anger written all over her face.

“What are YOU doing here?”

“I – I came to see Brandon.”

“No. You can not see him right now. Maybe not ever again.”

“What? Why?!”

“You almost got my baby killed! Don’t you understand that?” She asked you. You didn’t bother fighting with her because she was right.

“I – I’m sorry…”

“Yeah, I bet you are.” You gave her a apologetic look and left the room. You went over to Daryl’s house and knocked on his door, hopping he’d answer.

“Hey there” He smiled then stopped when he noticed the tears running down your cheeks. He opened the door and motioned for you to come in. He went into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water for you.

“Lauren told me I can’t see Brandon. Maybe ever again…”

“That bitch.” Daryl groaned under his breath, standing up from the couch and pacing around the room. He didn’t like anyone who hurt you in any way.

“Daryl, she’s right. I almost got her son killed.”

“You saved his damn life! Did you just leave him there to bleed out and die? No! You brought him to safety. You saved his life just as much as that doctor did. I think I need to talk to her.” He grabbed his jacket and was about to put it on until you placed your hand on his arm, looking up at him with “please don’t go” written on your face.

“You and those damn puppy dog eyes” He sighed, taking off his jacket and throwing it on the other chair. He sat next to you and held you as you cried.


It’s been about two months since Brandon’s accident. Lauren and Samantha agreed to let you see him and forgave you after he explained to them how much you meant to him. You visited him every chance you got and always brought him your comics to read.

“I’ve always wanted to ask, how come you wear so much flannel?” He asked, looking over at your shirt.

“They were Carl’s shirts.” You sadly, not looking up from your lap

“Carl? Was he your boyfriend?” You nodded, still not looking up.

“I’m sorry for your loss. I lost someone close to me too.”

“I’m sorry, Brandon.”

“That’s nice that Carl was trying to save someone. I’m sorry how it turned out and I’m sorry that bastard back at the abandoned house kept talking about him. What a dick.”

“I’m just glad he’s dead. He got what was coming to him.”

“Yeah, but now I got a huge scar to remember him by.” Brandon laughed, pulling up his t shirt and showing you the scar on your stomach.

“So tell me about Carl, if you don’t mind?”

“He was a warrior. Whenever something bad would happen he’d just get right back up and fought as if nothing happened. He had a mother named Lori, and always wore Rick’s sheriffs hat. I swear I told him a million times to clean that dirty thing but he never would.” You laughed, making Brandon smile

“He was the best. I think about him every single day.”

“He sounded like a great guy” Brandon said, rubbing your back after

“Did I mention he only had one eye?” You asked, making him gasp

“Um.. No you did not!” You pulled out a picture from your pocket and showed him.

“He got shot. I must have a thing for guys who get shot apparently” You froze when you realized what you just said. Brandon noticed and froze too, feeling his cheeks turn red along with yours

“Um… I mean, um…” You stuttered, trying to find an excuse

“You’re cute when you’re embarrassed” He winked, making you blush even more.

“I – I gotta go.” You got up and felt his hand on your wrist

“Why? Where you going?”

“I just need to leave, Brandon. I’m sorry.” You pulled out of his grip and ran out the door, leaving him there to himself.

Of course with your luck Rick was right there, looking at you with worry when he noticed you heavy breathing and sweating as if it was 100 degrees.

“Are you ok? What happened?”

“Rick – I can’t. I can’t talk to you about this.”

“You can talk to me about anything, y/n. Come on.” He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and walked you over to the house you shared with him, Michonne and Judith. You both sat on your bed and got more nervous when you realized you’d have to confess to your dead boyfriend’s father that you’re interested in someone else.

“Now tell me, what’s wrong?” You shook your head, feeling the tears forming in your eyes as a lump grew in the back of your throat.

“I cant! You’ll hate me.”

“I could never hate you. Did something happen with Brandon? Did someone hurt you?” You shook your head

“I…. I think I like Brandon.” You looked away, expecting him to scream or punch a hole in your wall. Asking you how could you? How could you move on from my son who you apparently loved so much? You were shocked when you heard him burst out laughing.

“Are you laughing?! What are you insane?!” You yelled, confused as he wouldn’t stop and even had tears in his eyes from laughing so much.

“I know, y/n! We all know!”

“I – I don’t understand…”

“Oh come on, it’s like you guys don’t even try to hide it! You guys are together all day every day, and you even share your chocolate bar with him! You won’t even do that with Daryl. I’ve known for a while.”

“You’re not mad?” He looked over at you, tilting his head with confusion

“Why would I be mad? Because Carl’s gone and apparently you’re not supposed to be with anyone else? Y/n you’re talking to a man who lost his wife and has a girlfriend for God’s sake.” You didn’t even really think about that.

“I – I’m just worried that you think I wouldn’t care about Carl anymore. Or that I don’t love him just because I “moved on”.”

“No, I know you will always love him. But you’re allowed to be happy, y/n. You know that’s what he would want. That’s all he ever wanted.”

You gave him a tight hug, feeling him smile against your cheek. You could still feel your heart pounding against your chest.

“I have to go talk to Brandon.” You left the room and ran back outside to find him already outside, sitting on your porch.

“Hey, I just wanted to make sure you’re alright. Look I’m sorry about earlier –“ You cut him off

“I’m more than alright” You smiled, walking up to him and kissing him. You cupped your hands over his cheeks and smiled when he began to kiss back. After a few seconds he pulled away.

“Um – What was that?”

“I like you, Brandon. I’ve liked you for a while. After Carl died I thought I’d never be happy again, but you changed that. I will never love anyone like how I loved Carl, but I definitely think we got something going.” You blushed. He didn’t say anything and just kissed you again but this time with more passion, almost knocking you over.

Daryl watched from the other side of the side walk, smiling.

“That’s my girl.”


You woke up to Carl standing at the end of the bed. You jumped back and screamed, pulling your blankets up against your face and hiding.

“What? Am I like dead or something?” He smirked. You were so confused. How was this even happening?

“Um yeah! What the hell is going on?! Am I dead now too?”

He shook his head and walked over to you, putting his cold hand on your cheek.

“This is a dream, sweetie.”

“But – but it feels…”

“So real?” you nodded, the smile never leaving his face.

“I wish it was real. I miss you, so much.”

“I miss you too Puddin… I’m still a little scared though, no offense.”

“None taken.” You both laughed. You haven’t had a dream like this since the night he died.

“I know you like someone, y/n. And I know you’re scared to move on.”

“Oh.. I… um…”

“I want you to. I want you to be happy, trust me you deserve it after all the hell you’ve been through.”

“But Carl, I don’t want you to think I don’t love you anymore…”

He looked up and smiled, a soft laugh escaping his lips as he shook his head in disbelief.

“You’re still so silly, you know that? I know you’ll always love me but that doesn’t mean you have to be miserable and alone for the rest of your life.”

“But I’m scared…”

“Don’t be. I trust you, and like my dad said he lost mom and he still moved on. It’s alright to let yourself be happy for once you know?”

“How….How did you know about that? What your dad said?”

“I was there, y/n. I’m always with you. No matter where you go. I also heard what that dick said at that abandoned place. The one who tried to shoot that dude you like? If you ever see him again tell him I said to kiss it where the sun don’t shine.”

“He’s dead. A walker got him.”

“He got what was coming to him”

“That’s what I said!” You smiled, making him smile too.

“Even when I’m dead we’re still to much alike.”

A few minutes of silence went by. You were still in disbelief, it felt so real. All you wanted to do was hold him and never let him go.

“I love you, sweetheart. I love you so much.”

“I love you.. I love you too puddin.”

He kissed your cheek softly. His lips were so cold. He lingered there for a few seconds longer and went back to the end of your bed.

“Also, I don’t mind you sharing my comics with him but if he spills anything on them and ruin them I swear I’ll come back and haunt him.” You nodded. He looked at you one more time

“I love you, stay safe.” Before you could say you love him too he was gone.


Imagine – Selling your soul to save Castiel.

Word Count – 2,572

Warnings – Death, SAD AS HELL

A/N – When I use ~ this it means it’s a flashback. I really like doing flashbacks in my stories now haha. Also should I make a part 2? Please let me know


The second you woke up today you just had a horrible feeling it was going to be a bad day. You weren’t sure why, you couldn’t explain it. It was just that feeling in the pit of your stomach. You rolled over in your bed and jumped when you saw your boyfriend Castiel leaning against the wall watching you.

“You scared the hell out of me Cas” You chuckled, holding your hand on your heart

“My apologizes. I like watching you and making sure you’re ok.”

You got up and gave him a tight hug along with a kiss, feeling his facial hair scratch your face. You placed your hands on his cheeks and smiled at him

“When did you start growing your facial hair out?”

“Ever since you told me it was sexy” He smiled, kissing you again.

Your first encounter with Cas was very weird and terrifying. Going from someone who didn’t believe in angels to having one right in your motel room to say you were shocked was an understatement.

~ “Hands up dude, or I swear I’ll shoot!” You pointed your gun at the random man. He gave you a confused look, not understanding what you were doing.

“I’m not playing around” You put your finger on the trigger, getting ready to shoot until Dean yelled and grabbed your gun

“Hey! Don’t, it’s ok!”

“What the hell are you talking about “it’s ok” he’s some random dude in our motel room!”

“He’s an angel, y/n!” Sam yelled. Your jaw dropped completely to the ground.

“You – You’re joking right? Angels aren’t even real! I know you guys are gullible but come on I didn’t know you were that bad”

“He’s real, y/n.” You kept looking back and forth between Sam and Dean and the… “angel” in front of you.

“But… angel’s aren’t real…”

“Excuse you” the man said as you scoffed, shaking your head and putting your gun back in your pocket.

“I’m not letting my guard down around you, angel dude.”

“My name is Castiel.”

“Alright “Castiel”, if that’s even your real name.” ~

If someone told you that a few years later you’d be in love with that weird angel standing in your motel room you’d never believe them. It took you a while to warm up to Cas but eventually he earned your trust. Now you two were in love and planned to be together forever.

“Morning lovers” Sam smiled, watching as you and Cas walked into the kitchen hand in hand. Dean just shook his head and continued to read his paper.

The more the day went on the more crappier it got. Your coffee wouldn’t turn out right, you burnt your toast, Dean used all the hot water but apparently “forgot to tell you” he claims. Sam stole your last beer even though he promised he’d leave it for you, you dropped your phone in the toilet and so on. It was just a disaster.

“Somebody shoot me” You sighed, running your hands over your face

“I would never hurt you y/n.” Cas said softly, taking your hand in his. You looked over at him and he had the softest look in his eyes.

“I know honey, I’m sorry. I’m just having a bad day.”

“It’ll get better, don’t worry. You’ll be alright.” He kissed you and got up to go see what the guys were doing.

He was so wrong.


You screamed as you watched Lucifer himself stab your boyfriend, watching his eyes light up then dropping to the ground. You tried to run towards him but Sam wrapped his arms around your waist and grabbed you before you could go. He had an insanely tight grip and you knew you weren’t going anywhere.

You collapsed on the ground and wailed, screaming for him to come back. Dean stood next to you with tears running down his face as well.

“Cas!” You cried. Sam finally let go after Lucifer was gone. You crawled over to his body and held his head in your lap and leaned your head against his forehead.

“Oh god, oh god!”

“Castiel, come back to me… Please! I can’t – I can’t do this without you!” Sam tried to help you up but you pushed him away, breaking his heart.

“He can’t be gone, I need him. I won’t survive without him!”

“You got us, y/n.” Sam said softly, resting his hand on your shoulder. You nudged it off

“We gotta – We gotta go..” Dean whispered, leaning down next to you as well. He looked at his best friends lifeless body and felt throw up come up in his chest.

“I can’t leave him. I promised him I never would”

Sam and Dean helped you up. They held you tightly as you cried and screamed. You were walking away and looked back one more time, feeling sick to your stomach as the love of your life faded away from your eyes the farther you went.

“He said that today would get better…” You said softly from the back of the impala. Sam and Dean didn’t say anything and just looked at each other.


“Y/N? Sweetheart, it’s me.” Dean said behind your bedroom door. You haven’t left your room much the past few months. The only time you’d leave was to get food maybe once a day and to go to the bathroom.

“Can I please come in? I miss you. I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever.” He waited a few minutes then jumped when the door finally opened. He watched as you looked up at him. Your face was pale as a ghost. You had dark circles underneath your eyes and chapped lips. You looked completely empty and just tired.

“There’s my girl.” He smiled, giving you a hug.

“I made hamburgers for dinner, I think you should come down and eat with us. Sammy even bought your favorite movie for all of us to watch”

“I don’t want to go in there. I want to stay in here.”

“You don’t have a tv in here though”

“No Dean, I mean I just don’t want to leave my room at all. I want to crawl in bed and die.”

“Y/N, you don’t mean that…” He frowned, giving you almost puppy eyes as you just stood there and gave him a hard look.

“No, I do Dean. Life isn’t worth living without Castiel.”

“He wouldn’t want you to live this way, you know that.”

“We don’t know shit! And we don’t know shit because Cas is dead!” You yelled

“Just leave dude. Please… just leave.” You turned your back to him and waited to hear him walk away.

“Alright. I will leave you alone but if you decide you want to come down and join Sammy and I for movie night you’re more than welcome to.”

After an hour or two you did decide to go downstairs and eat dinner. You didn’t stay long enough to watch the movie but the guys were just happy to see you.


Dean was lying in bed when all of a sudden he hears a glass break downstairs. He already knew you and Sam have been a sleep for a few hours so it couldn’t of been you guys. He got up and quickly grabbed his gun from underneath his pillow and walked quietly down the hall.

“Who are you!” He yelled, looking at the person in the kitchen

“What is up with everyone trying to shoot me? It’s really getting old, Dean.” Cas smiled as he turned around. Dean dropped his gun and ran over to him, giving him a huge hug. Cas gave him one back and frowned when he heard Dean sniffling

“Why are you crying?”

“I missed you buddy. Things have been horrible since you left. Y/N has been a complete wreck and I try so hard to stay strong for her and Sammy but sometimes – I just can’t.”

“Hold on, what do you mean since I left? Where did I go?”

“You… You died, Cas. Don’t you remember?” Cas eyes went wide.

“If I died then how am I here?” That question didn’t even run through Dean’s head until now. How is he here? Maybe it was just a miracle.

“I don’t know, but I’m glad you are.”

“Where is y/n? I really want to see her. I miss her so much.”

Dean pointed to the hall and Cas knew what he meant. Before Dean could say anything he sped to your room. He could feel his heart racing in his chest and his hands beginning to sweat. He didn’t even think of knocking before opening your door and seeing you jump in fear. When you realized it was him your whole world stopped.


He didn’t say anything and just ran over to you and gave you the tightest hug you ever felt in your entire life. You held him as he cried into the crook of your neck. You cried as well, for the first time in a long time it was a happy cry.

“Oh my god, I can’t believe you’re actually here. You’re home”

“I know, I can’t believe it either.”

“I missed you so much. I’m so, so sorry for leaving you… I – I didn’t want to but I had to –“

“Shh, it’s okay” He ran his hand down your hair as you cried on his chest. He still had no idea what was going on.

“I love you, Y/N. I love you.”

“I love you too, Castiel. I’d do anything for you.”


You were sitting in the library with Sam and Dean when you could hear some growling coming from the other side of the room, making you flinch and jump.

“What is going on with you? You’ve been so paranoid lately” Sam asked, looking at you with worry

“N- Nothing. I’m fine.”

“You know you can tell me anything”

“I know, Sammy. But sometimes there’s somethings I just can’t talk about. I’m sorry.” You took your books and left the room, leaving him and Dean there confused.

It happened again a few hours later. You were laying on the couch with Cas when you heard something clawing on the floor and growling. You jumped back and Cas held onto you.

“What’s going on?” Cas asked

“Nothing… Just thought I heard something.”

He shook it off and paid his attention back to the tv. You didn’t sleep much that night.


You were sitting at the kitchen table eating your dinner when you swore you saw a black shadow of a dog go by. You froze and looked around then heard a loud bark and growl. You knocked your plate off the table and ran to the bathroom. You slammed the door shut and leaned against it, hopping and praying to anyone who was listening that whatever it was would go away. You knew your time was coming but you didn’t want to come so soon.

The boys came home and found you laying on the bathroom floor with your knees to your chest. They ran over to you, panicking thinking something was wrong. Cas placed his hands on your shoulders and gripped them tightly

“Y/N! What are you doing?!” You froze, not knowing what to tell him. You looked over and saw Sam and Dean standing behind them with the same look of fear in their eyes. You got up and ran off while they followed you.

“You know, ever since Cas freaking came back and rose from the dead you’ve been acting crazy. Usually I push it off but I’m tired of you lying to us. Tell us what the hell is going on!” Dean yelled. You knew you had to tell them at some point but you weren’t sure how to or when the right time would be if there ever was one.

You turned your back to them, not wanting to see their faces after you tell them what’s going on. You knew they’d be devastated and angry. You took a deep breath and closed your eyes.

“You want to know how Cas “came back and rose from the dead”? It was because of me!” You yelled, clenching your fists and biting your lip to hold back the tears

“I – I’m not following, y/n. What do you mean it was because of you?” Sam asked

“I – I sold…” Dean cut you off

“Don’t. Don’t you dare fucking say it. No.”

“I sold my soul.” The room got quiet. It felt like it was spinning and like time froze.

“I’m sorry, what?” Sam asked in disbelief.

“I wanted Cas so back that I sold my soul. I told you guys I couldn’t live without him, you think I was lying?”

“No, I just didn’t think you’d be stupid enough to sell your soul.” Dean grumbled, pacing back and forth while biting his thumb nail

“Yeah, you’re one to talk.” He was going to reply but decided not to, you were right.

Cas still hasn’t said anything. He just stood there with his mouth slightly open, wanting to say something but he couldn’t find the words.

“Is Cas still there?” You asked, Sam nodded.

“You’re going to die…. Because of me?”

“Cas, don’t think of it like that –“

“How am I supposed to think of it?! You sold your soul to save me? Are you out of your mind?!”

You went to reply until you noticed tears forming in his eyes. He was really hurt and scared.

“You can’t live without me? How am I supposed to live without you?”

“You can, Cas. You have before!”

“No. No, I can’t. I knew something was wrong!” He stormed off outside. You waited a few minutes before following him. You found him sitting on the stairs with his head in his hands

“I am not worthy.”

“You are, Cas. You really are.” He looked over at you with hurt in his eyes

“The thought of you dying hurts me to the core of my body. I love you more than I have ever loved anything and now you’re going to die? Because of me?”

“Cas, I wanted to save you.”

“Yeah? Well you did it, good job. Was it worth it?”

“Yes!” He chuckled and shook his head. He got up and went back inside.

“How long?” Sam asked

“It was a few months… now it could be any time.” Cas cringed at your words. He wanted to save you so bad but knew there was nothing he could do.

“You should’ve just kept me dead. I’m not worth you killing yourself over.”

“You’re worth everything”

He shook his head again, trying to hold back his tears.

“I – I don’t know what to do…. How? How am I supposed to live without you? I love you!”

You walked up to him and hugged him as tight as you possibly could. He closed his eyes and made sure to never let go of this moment.

“I miss you already, and you’re not even gone.”  You didn’t answer and just nodded

“I told you I’d do anything for you.”


Imagine – Pranking Sam and Dean all day

Word Count – 1,754

Warnings – None

A/N – Please send in requests if you have any 😊 I really miss writing them haha.


“Hey boys, guess what today is” You leaned against the door frame with your arms crossed against your chest.

“March 24th? Saturday? The Undertakers birthday?” Dean kept going as you kept shaking your head

“Who’s The Undertaker?” Sam asked

“A wrestler, like one of the best.”

“You watch wrestling?” Sam chuckled as Dean sighed, rolling his eyes

“Bite me, it’s entertaining.”

“The first person to get up and get this beer off the table gets to pick what we have for dinner tonight” You said, putting the beer bottle a few inches away from them. When they got up to reach for it their chairs got up with them, sticking to their clothes.

“What the hell?” Dean grumbled, trying to pull the chair off him but It wouldn’t budge.

“Happy prank day!” You tossed a little tube of gorilla glue on the table. They yelled and groaned, making you laugh even more.

“Oh, you are so on.”


You put some toothpaste on your toothbrush and began to brush your teeth until you looked in the mirror and noticed your mouth filled with green, making you scream and drop everything. You could hear Sam and Dean laughing behind the bathroom door.

“Gotcha!” Dean yelled while you growled and threw your toothpaste away.

“Food coloring? Really Dean is that the best you got?”

“Hey, it got you didn’t it?”

“How’s your ass feel by the way?” You asked him, smiling as you noticed all the glue still on his pants from earlier

“Yeah, you’re funny. That’s okay because I got the beer which means I get to choose what we eat tonight and I’ll make sure it’s something you hate!”

You shook your head and walked away, throwing up your middle finger and swayed your hips.

“Whatever you say, Winchester”

The day went on and everyone was on edge. Sometimes Sam would flinch if you walked by him or Dean would always check inside his drink before he’d put it in his mouth. Sam made some muffins and you got so excited when you heard him yell for you, not even think to watch where you’re going.

The guys watched as you ran down the stairs and into the kitchen, slipping and falling on your way. They gasp and groaned as they watched how hard you hit the cold floor.

“You trying to kill me now?” You groaned, holding your leg and wincing at the pain. They came over to help you get up, feeling bad for what they done.

“I didn’t think butter would make you slip that much, I’m sorry y/n.” Sam frowned, seeing the bruise already form on your arm and leg.

“Are there even muffins in the oven? Because I swear if all of that happened for nothing –“

“Yes y/n, I made the muffins. You can relax” You slapped his arm playfully and got up. You watched where you were going as you head to the oven, making sure they had nothing else planned.

“These are all mine now, by the way.” They nodded as you walked away.

You sat in your room and looked up ways to pull more pranks. The day was almost over and you for sure weren’t going to let them have the last laugh. You scrolled through google and finally found one that would be perfect for each of them.

You sneaked into the bathroom and quietly poured some flour into the blow dryer, hopping Sam didn’t hear you but probably didn’t because of the shower running thankfully. You looked at the towels and grabbed some itching powder you still had from last years prank day and poured it all over the clean towel and his clothes he left on the toilet seat. Now we just had to wait for the magic to happen.

After that was over you also remembered Dean mentioning that he wanted to go to the bar later. You asked Cas earlier to come visit because you needed help pranking Dean. He agreed right away and promised he’d be there before you guys left.

It was around 6:00 now and Cas finally showed up. You gave him a big hug and described what you were planning on doing.

“So I actually have two more pranks planned for Dean. The first one I really need your help with.”

“Alright, what is it?”

“When we leave to go to the bar you’re going to hide in the back of baby. When Dean gets in and turns the car on you’re going to jump up and scare the shit out of him. And then later when we come home after we eat dinner he’s going to want some pie. Before we leave I’m going to put some bugs inside to hopefully scare the shit out of him and gross him out.”

“You’re very creative” Cas smiled, making you blush

“Thanks, Cas. So are you up for it?”

“Yes” You squealed and gave him a big hug, thanking him. As you were hugging him you heard Sam yell, making you laugh while Cas just looked confused

“I put flour in his blow dryer”

You told Cas to hide so Dean wouldn’t see him and you ran out of the room and down the hall. You found Sam standing there with flour all over his face, cracking you up even more.  Dean ran up the stairs with worry in his eyes, thinking something happened to his baby brother until he saw his face.

“Oh my god!” He laughed, hunched over as Sam stood there with anger written all over his face

“You did this?” He shook his head no, leaving only you.

“Y/N! How am I supposed to go out looking like this?”

“Aw Sammy, you look good with flour all over your face. I’m sure the girls will love it!” He shook his head and slammed the door as you and Dean stood there and laughed.

Dean went back in his room and got ready to go out. You ran back in your room, grabbed Cas and ran out of the bunker to the impala and hurried him in the back.

“I promise It won’t be long, just stay here” You whispered, he gave you a thumbs up then you went back inside.

After Sam got cleaned up and finally ready you guys headed out. Dean went out first and walked to his car, not thinking of anything. He sat down and turned the key when Cas jumped out from the back and screamed, scaring the hell out of him. Nobody could even hear Cas’s yell over Dean’s.

“Holy – Holy shit. You scared the hell out of me!” He gasped, placing his hand on his chest.

“That’s my buddy!” you said, high fiving Cas and climbing in the back to sit with him. You gave him another hug as Dean still sat there trying to catch his breath.

“I didn’t – I didn’t even know you were here!”

“I thought you weren’t scared of anything Dean”

“Shut your cakehole, Sammy.”


You guys got back from the bar. Sam wouldn’t stop twitching and itching the whole time, making Dean confused and worried

“Dude what is up with you?”

“I’m friggen itchy! I think I’m allergic to our new soap –“ He stopped talking when he noticed you trying to hold back your laughter

“Are you serious, y/n? I can’t with you today, I swear. This is the 3rd time I’m going to shower today all because of you!”

“Don’t screw with me and my muffins next time” He scoffed and shook his head as he headed up the stairs.

You went and relaxed in the living room, frowning when you remembered Dean’s making dinner tonight. You just hopped and prayed it wouldn’t be anything gross.

“Hey Dean, what are you making tonight?”

“Oh no, it’s a surprise. Sorry princess” He patted the top of your head and smiled, making you even more anxious. You laid on the couch and smelled something horrible but just tried to ignore it. You were dozing off until you heard Dean yell for you, announcing that dinner was ready. You could already feel your stomach turning.

You went in and noticed (your least favorite food) on the table. You gave him a sad look

“Happy prank day, y/n.”

“You’re a dick” You got a plate and sat there, looking at the gross food in front of you.

“I’m not eating this, jokes on you I already ate before we left.”

“What’d you eat?”

“Um… a snickers bar.” You said with embarrassment as Dean laughed

“Oh yeah, that’s a good dinner.” He said sarcastically.  You sat down at the table and watched as Dean grabbed his apple pie out of the fridge, licking his lips with excitement in his eyes. He sat down and took his fork, cutting into it. He looked at it, jumped back and fell out his chair as he watched the bugs crawl out of his favorite treat.

“Come on Dean, that’s good dinner!” You mocked his voice and laughed as he laid on the floor, still in shock.

“You’re sick!”

“Nah, I feel pretty good.”

“That’s my most favorite thing in the world, and you ruined it for me forever.” He sighed, throwing the pie away in the dumpster outside. He came back in and explained to Sam what happened, then grabbed a beer. Sam gave you a high five when he wasn’t looking.

“So, I think It’s safe to say y/n won this year.” Sam sighed, hitting his back against the couch.

“Oh yeah, for sure. I’m pooped out. Emotionally and physically”

“Woohoo!” You threw your arms in the air and smiled as they laid there and watched you

“That’s alright, that just means next year we’re going at you full force. You just got lucky this year because we forgot”

“Ok Dean, excuses excuses.”

The tiring day was finally over. You went upstairs and went into your room, not even bothering to turn on your lights or take off your clothes because you were to tired. You flopped on your bed and yelped when all you felt was cold and wet.

“My – my bed is soaked! How?!” You asked yourself out loud. You jumped when you saw Sam and Dean in your door way with a smirk on both of their faces.

“Happy prank day, y/n.”


Imagine – Rick catching you singing to Judith

Word Count – 765

Warnings – Fluff? If that even is one?

A/N – Just a short, fun imagine. Hope yall enjoy 😊


Rick woke up an empty bed which he wasn’t used to, making him jump up in fear. He got up and ran down the hall until he heard Judith giggling and a soft singing voice coming from her room, making him stop In his tracks. He stood there and listened for a few then went down the hall to see who it was.

“Like a river flows surely to the sea, darling so it goes some things are meant to be –“ You sang to her, holding her in your arms as you rocked her in the rocking chair not even noticing someone was in the doorway watching you both.

“Take my hand, take my whole life too. For I cant help falling in love with you” Rick sung softly along with you, making you jump.

“I- I didn’t see you there.” You were embarrassed. Nobody’s ever heard you sing before other than Judith and Carl.

“You’re really good” He smiled, coming over and taking Judith into his own arms

“My parents used to sing that for me when I was little and it always helped me sleep, she had a nightmare so I thought maybe I should try and see if it helps her too. You needed your rest so I figured I could handle it.”

“How come you don’t sing more often? You have a beautiful voice”

“I- I don’t know. I’m to scared. The only people who have heard me sing were Carl and Judith.”

“I think you should do it more often”

Judith fell asleep in his arms so he laid her back in her bed, tucking her in and kissing her forehead. He closed the door softly then went back into your bedroom you guys shared.

“Tomorrow we’re having a bonfire, I think you should show everyone how good you are.” Your heart stopped at the thought of singing in front of everyone.

“Oh Rick, I don’t know..”

“I wont pressure you to do anything you don’t want to. I think it’d just be nice to listen to and forget about the shit the world is now. Your voice could cure a sickness, y/n. It’s so amazing.”

“What if nobody likes it? What if I just make a fool out of myself?”

“You know if anyone does or says anything to hurt you I’ll kick their ass” He said with a chuckle, holding your hand after. You kissed him and agreed even though you were scared but you trust him.


Everyone was sitting around the campfire. Lately with everything going on with Negan we haven’t got to relax in awhile but Rick figured we could let go for one night and just enjoy everything for once. The chill in the air, the smell of the wood burning, the crackle and pop the fire made. The littlest things we all take for granted.

“I miss Beth singing for us, she had the most beautiful voice.” Maggie smiled, looking up at the stars.

“I do too, we need more people like her in this fucked up world. She had the voice of an angel.” Daryl sighed

Rick nudged your side and gave you a reassuring smile. You cleared your throat and took a deep breath

“I- I can sing.” You said, catching everyone’s attention

“I mean, not as good as her but – but it’s something.”

“You know any songs you want to sing?” Daryl asked

“Um – I know a lot of Elvis songs. My parents were like obsessed with him so my lullabies were his songs.” You chuckled, making everyone laugh as well.

“Elvis rocks, go for it.”

You gave Rick a worried look so he held your hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. You took a deep breath and closed your eyes then began to sing. You sung the entire song and just tried to picture yourself with just Judith and Rick to help calm you down.

Everyone clapped when you finished, making you blush and smile. You felt Carl give you a big hug along with Rick and Judith. Then everyone came and gave you one, making you feel squished but happy.

“I’m so proud of you” Rick whispered as everyone went back to their seats.

“I wouldn’t of been able to do it if it weren’t for you” You replied, kissing him after. Carl and Judith gagged, cracking everyone up.

You were finally proud of yourself and happy for once.


Imagine – Helping Dean cope after he comes back from Hell.

Warnings – Depression, mentions of almost suicide attempt.  

Word Count – 4,027

A/N – I’m sorry that lately I’ve been rewriting some of my old imagines. I’m just not happy with some of them and thought I could rewrite them and make them better. I hope you guys don’t mind.


You woke up to the sound of someone knocking on your door, Sam was already home, Cas never knocked and Dean has been gone for a few years so you had no idea who it could be. You pulled your gun out from underneath your pillow and grabbed some holy water that was on your dresser just in case if you needed it. You slowly walked down the stairs and heard the knock again but this time louder and more aggressive than the one before.

You swung the door open and cocked your gun, shoving it in the persons face.

“Who the hell are y – Dean?” Your jaw dropped as you finally looked to see who it was. This couldn’t be real.

“Surprise” He said softly, leaning in to give you a hug until you stopped him.

“This isn’t funny. If you’re a demon or some shit I swear to God I’ll kill you right here, right now.”

“It’s me baby.” He sounded like Dean, had the same soft look in his green apple eyes, same lip curl he always had whenever he spoke, he even smelled like apple pie and beer still.

“Prove it…” Your voice broke, still not letting your guard down

He leaned over and grabbed the holy water out of your hands, throwing it in his own face and sighing with relief when nothing happened.

“Still here ain’t I?” He smiled, opening his arms out to you. You dropped your gun, ran up to him and hugged him as tight as you possibly could. You cried into his shoulder as he quietly cried into your neck, running his hand against your perfectly smooth hair.

“I don’t understand… how are you here?”

“I’m… I’m not sure…” You cupped your hands on his face and kissed him as if it was the last time you’d ever kiss him again. He sighed into the kiss and wrapped his arms around your waist, never wanting to let you go. Never again.

“Where’s Sammy?” Dean asked, looking around at the place which hasn’t changed much since he left.

“He’s still sleeping. We should definitely surprise him!” You said excitedly as Dean nodded. You took his hand and tip toed up the stairs and headed to Sam’s room. Dean opened the door slowly, trying to not wake his little brother up from his deep sleep. He walked over and kneeled down in front of Sam’s sleeping figure, poking his face to try to wake him up. After a few minutes one of his eyes finally opened.

“Hiya Sammy.” He smiled as Sam laid there, still not fully awake or alerted until he heard Dean’s voice which made him jump back and yelp.

“Holy – What the – How are you?!” Sam stuttered, trying to find the words to say.

“Just give me a damn hug” You watched as they hugged each other tightly, both getting teary eyed as they held each other. This was seriously the best day ever.

You and Sam barley left Dean’s side the whole day. Where ever he went, you guys would go.

“How are you feeling?” Sam asked as he watched Dean shove more popcorn in his mouth. You guys were all sitting in the living room catching up on shows Dean missed out on while he was gone.

“Considering I’m out of there and back with you guys, I’d say I’m pretty damn good.”

You watched him as his hands would twitch any time you or Sam would mention it. Dean had a bad habit of not talking about his feelings no matter how bad he was hurting which always drove you and Sam crazy. We knew this would be extremely hard for him, but he’s tough and knows how to handle things so you decided to not push him to talk about it if he didn’t want to.

“You know if you ever need to vent you can talk to me, right? I don’t care if it’s 12 PM or 3 AM I will be here.” You told him, placing your hand on top of his and giving it a soft squeeze. He didn’t reply and just gave you a smirk and a small nod.


It was around 2 AM now so you guys decided it was time to get some sleep. You realized Dean hasn’t been in your guys bedroom yet since he’s been back so you both got extremely excited as you walked up the stairs, fingers interlocking and never leaving each other’s sides. He slowly turned the door knob and let the door fling open as he stood there feeling a million emotions. It still smelt like how he remembered, still had all the family pictures on the walls along with the Guns N’ Roses poster you had bought him one day.

“I’m digging the new sheets” He smiled, feeling the silky fabric in between his fingers.

“Not much has changed, has it?” He asked as he looked around the room

“I tried to keep it the same. It took me forever to buy new sheets and a new pillow. I always made sure to keep yours in your spot though.”

You both turned off the lights and crawled into bed. It felt so weird to have someone on the other side again, you forgot what it felt like after a while to not have one side of the bed freezing cold and untouched. You laid on your side, sighing when you felt his arms wrap around your waist tightly and his lips on your neck.

“God, I missed you so much.”

“I missed you too. I really thought I’d never see you again.” You frowned, remembering how you felt when you found out what happened. Dean noticed you getting upset.

“Hey, look at me.” You turned over. He took your hands and placed them on his cheeks

“I’m right here. I’m real and I’m not going anywhere, never ever again baby.”

“You promise?”

“I swear on my life.” You nodded and kissed him, feeling him smile against your lips. He was finally home.


“Please, I can’t hurt them… Please!” Dean yelled, waking you up.

“Dean? What’s going on?” You asked, turning on the lamp to see what was wrong.

“Please – They’re just kids... Don’t make me kill them, please!”

“Dean there’s nobody here, we’re okay!” You yelled, placing your hand on his shoulder

“Stop! Go away!” He swayed his arms, punching at the air while nearly hitting you a few times.

“Oh god, Oh god… No! No!” He screamed, waking himself up. He was panting and had sweat dripping down his face.

“Dean? Dean it’s just a nightmare. You’re okay.” You held him as he cried in your arms. You guys didn’t get any sleep that night.

The next morning Dean was very distant. When you went to hold his hand he’d twitch or pull away. If Sam asked him something he’d either mumble something rude under his breath or just ignore him completely. He didn’t eat breakfast, didn’t shower, nothing.

“What happened last night? I heard him yelling.” Sam whispered to you, looking over at Dean as he sat in the other room and drank.

“He had a really bad nightmare. I know he says he’s ok but I don’t think he really is.”

He didn’t answer and just sighed.

“I know he just came back from hell, and I know it’s going to be a long battle to help him hopefully one day get back to normal. We just have to help him and stick by his side through this rough time, alright?” You nodded, giving Sam a hug after. You went to get sit next to Dean when you noticed he was drinking whiskey this early in the day which was not like him at all.

“Whiskey at 10 in the morning?” You asked, he just grunted and took another sip.

“Dean, I know you don’t want to talk about how you feel because you never do but please –“

“No. Not right now.”

“But Dean –“

“Please! Please leave me be.” You jumped when he snapped, breaking your heart. You decided to respect his wishes and leave him alone. You went upstairs to take a shower and cried into your hands as the water hit your back. You heard a knock on the door, making you jump.

“Y/N? You alright?” Sam asked from behind the door

“Yes” You lied, but he believed you and left you alone.

You got out and changed into Dean’s favorite shirt that you owned, hopping he would notice. You walked down the stairs with confidence in your body as you smiled and sat next to him again.

“Remember this shirt? It’s your favorite”

“Oh yeah, it’s cute.” He looked at the shirt for a split second then turned his attention back to the tv and his whiskey. You looked down and just walked away.

You walked to the grocery store to get something to eat when you saw a big apple pie sitting on the counter.

“This would cheer Dean up” You thought to yourself, instantly grabbing the pie and putting it in your basket. You didn’t care how much it cost, as long as it made him happy you’d be happy. You decided to throw a few bottles of beer in there as well and a salad for Sam.

“Where’s Dean?” You asked Sam, noticing he wasn’t on the couch anymore

“In his room, he said he was going to take a nap.” You gave Sam his salad, put the beers in the fridge and ran upstairs to give Dean his pie.

“Guess what I got you babe” You said with joy, sitting at the end of the bed as he kept his eyes on the wall. You sat the pie on the night stand, hopping he would see it but he didn’t really move much.

“You haven’t had any in a long time, I think you deserve some. I won’t even ask for any”

“Thank you.” He said so quiet you could barley hear him. You sighed and rubbed his back, feeling him tense up to your touch.

“Please talk to me, you can’t keep this inside, Dean. It’ll tear you apart.” He didn’t reply as usual.

“At least eat for me, please?” He nodded so you handed him the fork you brought up. He thanked you again and listened as you walked out.

“He wasn’t sleeping” You told Sam, sighing as you popped open a beer and chugged it.

“Make sure he eats please, he hasn’t ate all day and it’s 9.”

“He’s killing himself by keeping his feelings to himself.”

“I know, It’s awful. But there’s not much we can do.”

You waited about an hour then went back upstairs to go to bed. You looked over and saw that a few pieces of the pie was missing which made you feel a little better.

“You ate! Thank you” You smiled, kissing his cheek. You texted Sam and told him the good news then went to sleep, leaving Dean up all by himself.

You woke up and felt around for Dean but he wasn’t there, scaring you half to death until you noticed the bathroom light on down the hall. You got up, went to knock on the door until you heard stifled crying coming from inside. You felt your heart break, wanting to help him but he wouldn’t let you. You waited a few minutes then finally knocked, making him jump.


“Dean, it’s me. Can I come in?”

“Go back to bed, honey. I’ll be out soon.”

“Dean I could hear you crying – please let me help.”

“There is no helping me, now go back to bed.” You knew you weren’t going to win this time so you went back to bed and cried as you laid there, wishing he was with you. It felt like he was gone all over again.


It’s been 4 months and Dean has gotten worse. The only time he leaves his bed is to go to the bathroom or get food at 2 in the morning when nobody else Is up. He showers 2 days a week, only eats when you or Sam scream at him to and drinks nothing but alcohol all day every day.

“Dean, you know I think your beard is really sexy but I’m begging you please shave that thing” You laughed, running your hand on his cheek.

“Don’t feel like it.”

“I used to beg you to never shave, and now I can’t get you to do it for nothing. What has gotten into you?”

“Hell has gotten into me, y/n. You wouldn’t understand.”

“I could try to understand, if you would just talk to me.”


“But Dean, you’re never going to feel better if you don’t –“

“I said no! Leave me the hell alone!” He yelled, shaking you to the core. Dean has never raised his voice like that at you before.

“You know what? The night you came back you promised on your life I would never lose you again. That was a lie, because I have lost you Dean Winchester, I lost you again.” You slammed the door, crying into your hands as you ran to Sam’s room.

“Y/N? What’s wrong?” He asked, bringing you into his arms and holding you as you sobbed against his chest.

“I don’t know who Dean is anymore, Sam. I really think we lost him. Hell took him away from us and brought back some depressed, hateful dude for his replacement. I hate it so much.”

“I know, I know.” He shushed you, rubbing your shoulder as you cried.

“I know he’s been through more than any human on this earth can imagine, but it just sucks. I feel like he’s sucking the life out of me.”

You decided to sleep in Sam’s room that night. He slept on the couch while Dean “slept” in his room as always. Sam jumped when he heard something coming from the kitchen, sighing when he realized it was just Dean.

“You scared the shit out of me, man.” He chuckled but stopped when he saw Dean carrying a bag.

“Where are you going?”

“Anywhere that’s not here. I can’t keep hurting you and y/n this way, Sammy.” That’s the most Dean has spoke in months

“So you’re leaving to not hurt us? That’s stupid, that’ll hurt us even more!”

“You’ll all be better off when I’m gone.”

“Don’t be so selfish, you know that’s not true.” Sam stood up and walked over to him

“Here come on, let me take your bag”

“No! Back off!” He yelled, pulling his bag away from his hand.

“Don’t hurt us this way Dean, please!”

“Trust me, you’ll thank me later.”

“No!” He yelled, grabbing the bag again until Dean punched him in the jaw. Sam looked up at him with shock and sadness in his eyes.

“See ya, Sam.”

That was it, he was gone. How was he going to tell y/n about this? That her boyfriend she tried so hard to stay strong for, tried so hard to help him to the point it was killing her too that he just gave up and left?

You woke up to someone throwing and breaking stuff. You jumped out of your bed and ran towards the noise

“Sam what are you doing?” You asked, watching as he slammed the wooden chair against the brick wall

“Dean left us, y/n.”

“What are you talking about?”

“You heard me. He left, like we didn’t matter or something.”

You sat on the floor and cried. How could he do this? Was he safe? Where is he? Will he ever come back? So many questions with no answers to be found.


“Last night. I was sleeping on the couch and caught him before he left. That’s how I got this” He turned around and revealed his bruised face.

“Oh Sammy” You said sadly, watching as he tried with all his might to not break down and cry

“I tried to take his bag so he punched me, y/n. He’s never hit me like that before.” You didn’t answer and just stood there in shock.

“You were right, I think we did lose him.”


You went out for a drive to get some fresh air. Sam wanted to be left alone anyways so you figured you could go out and get a few things done. You drove towards a bridge where you saw someone leaning against the railing, making your heart stop. You pulled over to the side, put your car in park and ran over to the man.

“Wait, don’t do anything!” You yelled, running over to him not even paying attention to the cars flying by.

“Hey! What are you doing? Are you alright?” You asked, but the person didn’t reply.

“Come on, let’s get you somewhere safe” you placed your hand on the persons shoulder and finally saw the persons face, but it was the last person you expected to see.


“Oh, fuck.” He whispered, both of you looking at each other with shock.

“Oh my god, oh my god… You weren’t going to..”

Dean didn’t say anything and just looked away, to ashamed to look at you.

“Get in the car, now.”


“I’m getting real tired of you telling me no, Dean. Please get in the fucking car!” He shook his head and grumbled, grabbing his bag angrily and throwing it in your trunk. The car ride was so tense, it felt like there was no air.

“What the fuck were you thinking?” You asked, gripping your fingers on the steering wheel

“It don’t matter. You caught me, happy now?”

“I haven’t been happy in months! You’re killing me! I’m trying so hard to stay strong for you and then you just leave without even saying goodbye!” Your voice broke, trying to hold back your tears.

“I couldn’t say goodbye because if I did I would of stayed! I had to leave, I’m tired of hurting you and Sam.”

“Yeah is that why you punched him?”

“Don’t.” He growled, keeping his eyes on the window next to him.

“You broke his heart. You’re killing me, and you’re breaking him all because you won’t open up about how you feel!”

“And that’s why I left!”

“No! You don’t run away from your problems Dean, you figure them out! You talk them out with the people you love.” You decided to pull over next to a cornfield and walk around to get some air. You sat on the hood and jumped as you heard Dean coming. He sat next to you and looked up at the sky.

“I killed… so many people when I was there y/n. I killed so many people I lost track.” You looked at him, letting him continue

“I killed families, kids y/n… no older than 6 sometimes. Every time I try to sleep I hear their blood curdling screams and I can feel their blood all over me… I haven’t slept in days. I’m scared to blink because every time I do I see their poor little faces.”

“And then I killed you. He made me kill you and Sam and that fucking destroyed me. That’s why I can’t stay with you guys, every time I see you or him all I can think about is the torture I felt in there. I’m so scared that one day I’m going to lose it and hurt you both or worse. If I ever… did something like that I would never be able to live with myself. I’d absolutely die.” He was in tears by now as were you. You placed your hand on top of his and rubbed your thumb across his skin, making him gasp and cry more.

“I love you so much. You are my world and I’m so sorry I don’t like opening up about how I feel. I didn’t realize how bad it was hurting you. I’m sorry, really sorry.”

“I know you’re hurting, but we will get through this.” You reassured him, jumping off the hood of the car and giving him a tight hug. He clenched onto your shirt and cried as if he hasn’t cried in years. He let out everything he’s been holding in for months.

“You’re right here, you’re real and you’re not going anywhere never ever again. Remember?” You placed your hands on his face, reminding you both of his first night back home.

“Thank you, for sticking with me.”

“I love you, you don’t need to thank me. I know you’d do the same for me.”

You went back home. Sam and Dean talked for awhile and Dean apologized for hitting him, admitting he wasn’t himself and Sam understood. Everything was finally starting to be ok.

“Y/N, I think I need to shave.” He smiled as he played with his scruff, making you laugh

“Most the time I’d argue with you and tell you “No, I love your beard!” but this time I really think you do.” You smiled, handing him the razor. You sat on the toilet lid and watched as his hair dropped in the sink. You got up and grabbed a pair of hair cutting scissors, trimming his hair for him after.

You helped him take off his clothes as he got ready to shower. You frowned as you looked at how thin he was from not eating. You ran your fingers across his ribs and Dean placed his hand on yours, shaking his head.

“I’m ok, I’ll be ok.”

You turned on the shower and looked back to see him staring at you with a huge smile, the first time you’ve seen him smile in a long time.


“We haven’t showered together in a while” He winked. He walked over and helped you slide off your shirt along with the rest of your clothes, blushing while he looked you up and down.

“God, I am one lucky son of a bitch.”

You both climbed in and you leaned back and watched as Dean sighed into the hot water pouring down on his back. He closed his eyes and tilted his head back, smiling as you helped him scrub shampoo in his hair. After he washed his hair he helped you with yours, kissing you underneath the warm water.

When you finished you both dried off and changed into your pj’s. Dean wore his boxers and a dark green tank top while you decided to wear his favorite shirt and your blue shorts.

“Hey” You said, making him turn around and gasp when he saw the shirt

“Look at my baby girl, so beautiful.” You blushed, making him smile and kiss you after.

You climbed into bed and gave Dean a concerned look noticing he didn’t get in with you.

“I – I’m scared… I’m scared I’ll hurt you.”

You got up, took him by his hand and walked him over to your bed. You laid down along with him and laid your head on his chest.

“I trust you, I know you won’t.”

“But what if I do? I already hurt Sammy.”

“You won’t. You’re out of there now, babe. You’re home safe with me and Sammy. You’re not who you were in there. You’re sweet, loveable, caring, generous, smart, sexy and definitely a badass. You have been my boyfriend for 7 years and have never once hurt me. I know things are different now after all you been through, but you would never in a million years hurt me that way. I trust you, I love you.” You placed your hand on his heart and kissed his cheek, feeling him grip his arm around you tighter.

That was the first night in months Dean didn’t have a nightmare.

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