
The Vegan Abolitionist

@theveganabolitionist-blog / theveganabolitionist-blog.tumblr.com

twenty-four years old. vet med. bisexual. vegan. agnostic. writer. philosopher. fashionista. tattooed. pierced. texter. word smith. hablo español. je parle français.

A Bisexual’s Ode to Lesbians

My bisexual ladies out there... seriously, stop it. Okay, let me backtrack. I saw a post about a bisexual woman talking to a lesbian about “forgive and forget” with regard to oppression from straight people. And it really got me thinking. One of my best friends is a lesbian (hi, @veganamazon), and I am a bi woman. I have a very strong preference for women, but I am also in a long-term-leading-to-marriage relationship with the cis-iest cis man there ever was. I don’t really like getting into conversations about which of us is more or less oppressed. She doesn’t, either. But the fact is, it behooves both of us to unite as wlw, and to conquer fucking homo/biphobes together. THAT SAID... I get really fucking sick of bi women who talk over lesbians. Do I think there are particular things that face bi women in particular? Yes. We are subject to so much domestic violence, to sexual assault, etc. We are often shunned for not being “gay enough”, not to mention the small sect of lesbians who I have literally seen calling us “dick riders” and the like. But you know what? Our hands aren’t clean, either. I remember when I first realized I was bi, this epiphany I had, when I was 15. I realized I was bi and I buried it deep, deep down for four years. I think it was better for my mental health and self-esteem when I did finally come out at 19. But I won’t pretend this experience, common to so many wlw, was as traumatic for me as it was for lesbians. Like at least I had genuine attraction to men to fall back on. It made it less painful (but painful, still) to ignore that part of myself. I’m just done playing the game of “who is more oppressed than who”. How about we depart Tumblr politics that divide lesbians and bisexual women and acknowledge the ways we are different and benefit from privilege in certain circumstances, and also the ways our lives are great or not-so-great and band together in support? Because my life has been a hell of a lot more productive since I embraced the wlw community for the beautiful thing that it is. I’m tired of separating myself from lesbains. But I am also done with bisexuals who are playing the Oppression Olympics with lesbians who only want the best for all of us.

Anonymous asked:

I want to tell my racist, conservative family to fuck off so bad, but I need to stay in their good graces for those inheritance stacks someday. What do I do?

Shit, I didn’t know Tiffany Trump read this blog. Tell our racist family to fuck off, Tiff.


Did the OP not even register the irony of coming to the blog of a poc to whine about how horrible it is for a white kid to have to deal with their racist parents so they can stay in good graces for a future payout? Boo hoo, Tiffany. I’m sure your pain and suffering is immense. If the underlying question here is “am I a racist”?, the answer is yes.


Some of you all have the nerve to think that undocumented immigrants do not want to follow the immigration process so I will have to educate you regarding specifically Latinx immigration.

1) the immigration process is so expensive in itself without the costs of lawyers. 2) Most of the so called “rapists and criminals” work in the field all day with the burning sun for $1.25 a day 3) My family had to pay at least $25,000 to immigrate my mom and my sister. (which caused my family to lose our house) 4) Now tell me, where the hell do you think people can come up with that amount of money to apply? Given that Latinos are the most underpaid minority. 5) YOU ARE FUCKING IGNORANT 6) Trust me, do not think we get a fucking rush of adrenaline living undocumented.People actually fear being separated from their families. Don’t you think if they had the means necessary to prevent that they would have done it by now? 7) you owe me for educating your racist ass.

Not to mention the legal channels only apply to certain people in certain situations. So not everyone has the option of immigrating legally. When you finally can immigrate, its expensive and not a guarantee. You can do everything right, pay thousands of dollars and still not get the visa or status you’re looking for.

Undocumented immigrants pay taxes, work, and all without the legal protections that citizens of the US take for granted.


Undocumented immigrants pay taxes, work, and all without the legal protections that citizens of the US take for granted.

This myth about undocumented immigrants not paying taxes is ridiculous and tired. They still gotta buy food and pay rent and utilities and everything else. Where do you think they get that money?? And all employers have you fill out tax forms, so even if you’ve got a false SS card, obviously you’re still filling out those forms and paying INCOME TAXES, ya goddamn pinecones. Seriously, all these white people wanna moan and complain about how there are SO MANY “illegals”, but y’all somehow think there are also thousands or millions or trillions (as you would have it) under-the-table, no taxation jobs for these people, and that they take them, make bank, and blend in enough not to get caught while doing it? The series of delusions required to get to that conclusion is incredible.


Today in art history class we learned about Victorian weeaboos.

That is, people in the Victorian era who were obsessed with Japan. It was called Japonisme. 

I had to try really hard to not die in class.


I fucking had to OK?


Weebs are a god damn tradition.

Yeah, Victorian weebs were very much a thing.

It’s called orientalism and weeaboos are an extension of that / the othering of (original west but now including east) Asia in order to create Europe as the west and therefore “superior.” This isn’t cute history or anything, it was just another example of the west seeing Eastern Asia as nothing but an aesthetic they can exotify and use to benefit themselves

Right, so there are plenty of westerners who are very secure in their knowledge that Japan (which is the capital of Asia, right?) is just filled with quirky freaks whose days are filled with octopus porn and kawaii girls in cute sailor costumes. And when all of Asia is viewed under that lens, it becomes really easy to totally erase the wealth and diversity of all Asian cultures, and worse, to paint their people as hilarious caricatures. This weeaboo shit is an extension of the same system that empowers pathetic, thirsty white boys to subjugate Asian women here and in their own damn countries, to see them as submissive recipients of all of their most degrading sexual fantasies, the ones too gross to inflict on white women. It’s the same system that disenfranchises and infantalizes Asian men, while reinforcing white supremacy, especially the supremacy of white men. Weeaboos aren’t just annoying and gross (though they’re that, too) - they’re ignorant twits who happily partake in this nastiness and pretend they’re experts on ~Asia~.


shout out to this gr8 tyranny review thats only making me want to play the game EVEN MORE

the saga continues

You can buy Tyranny on Steam or GoG and please support Obsidian so we can get more amazing games ♥


sign me the fuck up

So it’s fine and belivable when men are strong, powerful leaders and warriors. But when women are, that’s too much. Gotcha.

Anonymous asked:

Excuse me, but I've been hearing the "opinion" that fetuses with the chance to be (or will be) autistic/on the autism spectrum/mentally ill (though the former two more often) should be aborted. My brother has ADHD and autism, and I have borderline personality disorder, depression, generalized anxiety, and social anxiety. He is one of the kindest, loving people I know, and hearing that some people believe that sickens me. He is not 'wrong'. He is perfect. I wouldn't trade him for the world.

You’re correct; there’s nothing wrong with a person being autistic or mentally ill. They/we are just as valuable as NTs. 

It is the case that everyone has the right to an abortion on demand for any reason, but it’s possible to do something morally good or neutral for an immoral reason. And I agree that the prejudice those people are expressing against non-neurotypical people is revolting. I would never stop anyone from getting an abortion, but someone who wants one only because there is a chance an otherwise wanted child would be autistic or mentally ill should examine why they believe that non-NT lives are not worth living. 


I have serious mental illness. I don’t intend to ever give birth largely BECAUSE of the chance that my child will share that mental illness. If I was going to try to get pregnant, if I had a way of knowing my child would be sick, too, I’d abort. Mental illness as I’ve experienced it is fucking awful and I wouldn’t wish it on any child. It is a disability. I hate it. Anyone would hate it. It is objectively bad. I understand why people have concerns about that view translating to poor treatment of the mentally ill, especially when that view is held by someone who is neurotypical. It doesn’t change my feelings about it.


i’m having a time here waiting for my disability decision. i have bipolar disorder and legit cannot work due to the symptoms of that and my eating disorder.

i seriously don’t know what’s going to happen with disability, but i might know something toward the end of this month/beginning of next. the point is, i’m freaking out because i’m hella broke. and i have no idea what to do.

i get $194 per month in food stamps. i stretch that as far as i can, but anyone who does grocery shopping knows it’s not much. i have $40-60 of prescriptions each month and a variety of medical expenses that i don’t know how to pay. my teeth are crumbling. i’m losing weight (without intending to) and my clothes are all falling off my body. basic shit like soap, shampoo, toiletries, and personal care items are a daily struggle.

like i said, i don’t know what to do. so if anyone is able, please consider donating to my paypal. https://paypal.com/nikh || nikhartsfield@gmail.com

i’m sure folks are tired of seeing posts like this, and i’m tired of making them, but as i’ve said, i don’t know what else to do. please reblog and donate if you’re able.

thank you for your time and support <3

Please help if possible. I have less than $10 cash and about $50 in food stamps to get from here to November 8.

Bipolar is a special kind of hell. Please try to help this person out, if you can.


how to include Dungeons & Dragons on your resume

I normally don’t comment on posts like this but HOLY SHIT I can tell you that this sort of thing is EXTREMELY helpful if you need to buff up your resume a bit. 

Ever customize a tumblr theme? BAM! You have HTML experience. 

Taken on commissions, even if it was for something like, I dunno, Gaia gold back in the day? BAM! Professional artist.

Create your own graphics for your blog? BAM! Image editing experience/junior graphic designer.

Roleplay? BAM! Working collaboratively in a creative capacity. 

You gotta look at your hobbies and boil them down to what you’re really doing. Everything you do gives you experience in SOMETHING, you just gotta figure out how to word it in different ways. 


You can add anything you fucking want on your resume, it’s all about how you word your useless life.

Reblob to save a life!


Whittier, Alaska, is a town of about 200 people, almost all of whom live in a 14-story former Army barracks built in 1956. The building, called Begich Towers, holds a police station, a health clinic, a church, and a laundromat. Its hallways resemble those of a school . One can often find residents shuffling around in slippers and pajamas.

Because the winters are so ferocious, the town’s only playground is indoors.

(Fact Sources+more info+pics: 1 2) Follow Ultrafacts for more facts

This is some dystopian young adult novel bull.


To be fair pretty much all of Alaska is some dystopian young adult novel bull in one way or another. 

I have only been to the outside of Whittier, that one time I took the ferry from Valdez, and it’s grim-looking as hell.

This also neglects to mention that the only ways to reach Whittier are either the aforementioned ferry, bush plane, or a 2.5 mile-long, approximately 15′x15′ tunnel through a mountain that looks like this inside:


The AKDOT website reassures us that “During the 1964 Good Friday Earthquake (the greatest magnitude earthquake ever recorded in North America) the tunnel suffered no significant structural damage and no cave-ins.”

Also please note that though most of the population now lives in the Begich Towers, the townspeople used to reside in the Buckner Building, which is now abandoned and just. Sitting there. Empty. The building that used to be a whole town. Looking super fucking haunted:

“The constant sound of cascading water echoes throughout the complex. Bears have been reported both wandering the upper floors in the spring and hibernating on the lower floors during winter.” 

I’d bet living in a building like this is probably better for mental health (assuming there’s good lighting) than in a suburb.

yeah this actually looks pretty cool


This is a bummer, but we need to talk about it.

Corporate giant chain store in malls, Francesca’s, sold unauthorized copies of pins by me and 20+ other artists. I cannot tell you how exhausting it is to deal with this constant barrage of copying of my artwork, and how much it takes me away from things like sleep, family, and making new work. It’s made me fearful of sharing new work, and fearful of releasing new pins.

I called, they ignored. I lawyered up, they didn’t respond. Supporters of art and confused Francesca’s customers commented on their social media channels about this and were deleted and banned. Their handling of this situation is awful and unethical and doesn’t point toward resolution as they force artists to pursue expensive legal action.

I need your help.

Would you please share this image or story with your networks?

Would you please call out Francesca’s for their bad business practices and urge them to make it right with the artists?

Any of these things would be a huge help, and I welcome your suggestions as well. Thank you so much to those who are already doing so much to support me and the other artists. It’s been devastating, and while I’m not a stranger to being copied unethically, this is the first time I’ve ever experienced a company’s complete unwillingness to respond to a lawyer, not to mention their awful business practices in silencing consumers who felt misled. They know most artists can’t afford to or can’t take the time to fight legal battles in court, but I hope to find justice, and their customers deserve to know the truth.


I deal with this bullshit CONSTANTLY, but on a much smaller scale. Solidarity with original artists who take the time to create unique artwork. 


how is this funny to anyone.

Those people obviously don’t realize the extremely high kill rate for cats at shelters, not to mention that people literally dump indoor cats outside when they don’t want them anymore, and indoor cats often die due to starvation/predators (duh they have no survival skills).  

Also - I might also be crying.

Jackson Galaxy is awesome. His story is is that he used to be a drug addict, and that while he was in the beginning of his recovery he saved a stray cat and nursed it back to life, and in return the cat essentially did the same for him, and ever since then, he’s taught himself everything there is to know about cats and their behavior. Cats saved his life, so he’s saving cats lives. He’s awesome.

I love this guy.


A relationship with no gender roles. We both hustle, we both cook, we both clean, we both pay, we both spoil each other.

literally gay ppl been doing this for years lol being straight sounds exhausting 

This type of dialogue makes me real uncomfy. I like ripping on hetero norms like any other certified queer, but I guess I just don’t find anything funny about straight women, bi women, pan women, etc being debased by men on the regular.

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