
Call this # for Curvy McTurtle

@1-800-tiny-nip / 1-800-tiny-nip.tumblr.com

Interests: KAT-TUN (Kamenashi Kazuya) V6 (Miyake Ken) I prefer to post original gifsets/translations and seldom reblog. If you want to use my work on other sites, that's totally fine as long as you credit/link me, no need to ask for permission =) I am happy to receive all PMs and will do my best to reply, but to keep this blog fandom-relevant, posts that are too off topic will be removed within a few days My stuff #mine Radio translations #radio Recommendations #rec

Kame and Yamapi in New Dorama 「Boku, Unmei no hitodesu」 ♥

Genre: romantic comedy, Kame´s screenmate will be actress Kimura Fumino. And now, most importantly, hold on, Hyphens! The drama song will be sung by Yamapi and Kame? (I hope that´s true :D ) 😱😍 Kame will play a man who believes in fate, Kimura - a woman who stubbornly rejects it, and Yamapi - a mysterious guy who will connect their hearts. Drama will go on Saturdays at 22.00 on NTV channel)


Kame Radio Tidbits 2017.02.04

Fanmail: (Talks about his 5th grade daughter who has a crush on a boy and his advice to her.) Kame-chan is still single, but if you become a father with a daughter, what kind of advice would you give her?

Kame: Ehh… My own daughter right? Until you’re 20, I’m your boyfriend. [Translator’s Note: 20 is coming of age in Japan] *LOL* That’s super annoying isn’t it? Like, “Huhhh?” *LOL* Actually she’d probably say, “Mom, don’t wash my clothes with dad’s clothes!” That would be a shock

But what kind of advice would I give ne. Since it’s my own daughter, I’d say it’s fine, date the way you’d like. Do what you like. But if she brought home a guy who’s better than I am, I really would be a bit jealous. “Oh, this guy is really kakkoii…” *LOL*  

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Fanmail: (Introduces streetcar/train from his hometown that provides oden, beer, and karaoke during the winter.) Kame-chan, what do you think about trains like this?

Kame: That sounds super fun! I want to try riding it, sounds like fun. Oden is nice ne [Translator’s Note: Oden is a Japanese dish traditionally eaten during winter. Kame actually owns the equipment to make his own]. We had oden during the new year and throughout winter, but I haven’t made any since then. I want to go have some, there are lots of tasty oden restaurants these days

In middle school, on my way home there was a place that sold chikuwa (fish cake) for 30 yen each, sausage for 20 yen, etc. I’d eat that while returning home; it was so tasty. Was I not supposed to eat on my way home? I forgot *LOL* Is that shop still around? Next time I return to my hometown I’m going to check


Kame Radio Tidbits 2017.01.14

Kame: So about my New Year’s this year, I relaxed with my family. Every year on Jan 1 my friends, kouhai, and people I know will come over. It gets pretty busy. To prepare for that, on Dec 30 and 31 I would go out shopping with my older brother and my mom. And we’d start making preparations on Dec 31

At night I watched Kouhaku, and then starting 11:45 it was Countdown. This is the first time since debut that I watched that at home. So I watched it properly, Johnny’s Countdown. Then when it was “Happy New Year!” I got pretty sleepy. I slept before 1 AM. That’s right, it was that kind of New Year’s. I usually don’t get to watch New Year’s programs lazily at home. Because if I appear in Johnny’s Countdown, there are rehearsals and stuff. And then when it’s time for Countdown, I’m on stage, so I can’t watch it on TV right? This was a new experience ne. I haven’t had this kind of slow, proper New Year’s since I was a kid

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Kame: I had a very conventional New Year’s. The 31st was watching Kouhaku, and on the 1st people for real started coming in the morning, starting around 9 AM. Like, “Happy New Year!” By the way, the very first visitor to my house this year was Yamapi *LOL* Yamapi was the first

But watching Johnny’s Countdown as a spectator was a rare experience. I thought, Amazing! Johnny’s! *LOL* Like, “They’re so sparkly! There are so many groups, and everyone’s sparkly.” It was kind of a peculiar feeling though…. As for myself, I’ll work hard this year in order to be able to participate (in Johnny’s Countdown). [Translator’s Note: He sounds so wistful here. T-T I hope KT is back for Countdown 2017]


Kame Radio Tidbits 2017.01.07

Fanmail: Good morning Kame-chan, my goal for 2017 is to be able to speak English at work with others without assistance. Kame-chan, you use English for work, do you have any recommendations for how to learn it?

Kame: Well I can’t really speak it either ya know… At any rate, for work I’d listen (to English), watch movies and stuff with subtitles. Create that environment as much as possible. Hmm, I put effort into it. Well if your work creates such an environment, that is great. Because then you would really want to speak English. I think that feeling is the most important, even more so than just studying. [Translator’s Note: I totally agree, for learning any language]

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Fanmail: My goal for 2017 is to travel. Right now I’m studying French. I want to learn enough that when I travel I won’t have any troubles!

Kame: That’s nice, everyone’s studying languages. Tokyo Olympics is coming up ne. If you can speak a bunch of different languages, that is definitely enriching. I truly think so. French huh? Bonjour (Hello)~ Bonsoir (Good evening)~ Isn’t that nice. I also love France and have been there many times, but I can’t speak the language at all. When I’m about to go on a trip, I’ll learn just the most essential phrases. But in order to practice speaking as much as possible, sometimes it’ll be like “Ah!” and then I pull out my cellphone and look it up. On the flight there, it’s fun to read books in that country’s language. I do that a lot


Kame Radio Tidbits 2016.12.31

Fanmail: Good morning Kame-chan. I’m a 4th grade boy. During the 10Ks concert, I wore the Sekai Ichi Tame ni Naru Tabi outfit my mom made. Her birthday is in January. Can you say Happy Birthday to my mom, who loves Kame-chan? I’m also eagerly waiting to talk to Kame-chan

Kame: He sent a photo ne, that’s awesome. The name badge says “Kame-chan Fan” [Translator’s Note: It says “Kame-chan tantou” which literally means “in charge of Kame-chan”] Boy: (Mom handed him the phone) Hello? Kame: Hello, this is Kamenashi. What were you doing just now? Boy: Is this Kame-chan? Kame: Yes it is, thank you for coming to 10Ks. What were you doing? Boy: I was taking a bath Kame: (Has conversation about the bath) It’s your mom’s birthday right? Kame-chan is going to congratulate her, so tell me her name? Boy: (Hands phone to mom without answering) Mom: Hello? Kame: Eh? *LOL* (Wishes her Happy Birthday) Mom: Thank you so much!

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Fanmail: There is someone I started liking in 2016. Here at the end of 2016, I’d like to convey my feelings to that person!

Kame: Hello Sakura-chan, this is Kamenashi Kazuya no Hang Out Fan: *flails* Eh?? You’re kidding! Kame: By the way, what are you doing right now? Fan: I was taking a bath Kame: Everyone’s taking a bath ne *LOL*. There seems to be a lot of people taking a bath *LOL*. (Advises her to use a towel and not catch a cold). How old are you? Fan: 17 Kame: Oh 17? Fan: No that’s not true, I’m 16 Kame: 16 years old? Why did you tell a small lie like that? Fan: Because like, I’m going to be 17 Kame: There’s someone you started liking in 2016 Fan: Yes Kame: Well then please give that person a message Fan: *shyly* It’s Kamenashi-kun Kame: Ohh! Me? Fan: Yeah Kame: You started liking me in 2016? What was the cause? Fan: Probably because of Yamaneko Kame: “Probably” Fan: Well, my friend likes KAT-TUN. And then a bunch of us who like Johnny’s sang karaoke together. I originally liked Arashi, but then, you know, we sang a bunch of different songs. When I heard KAT-TUN, it was like, aren’t they so kakkoii! Around December I started listening to KAT-TUN’s songs, I felt like I was falling for Kamenashi-kun [Translator’s Note: Not certain about this last phrase, I can’t hear it clearly] Kame: Oh that makes me happy Fan: And when I watched Yamaneko, it was like “Oh so cute!” *giggles* Kame: Cute huh, *LOL*. The 16 year old Sakura-chan thinks I’m cute Fan: You know how at the end of the last episode, all that happened, and after the fighting was finished and the silliness started. Even though everyone else was like, “Ah Kamenashi-kun! Oh the plot turned out like that??” Meanwhile I was thinking by myself, Kamenashi-kun is super cute right now~ Kame: *LOL*


Happy New Year! 

Erm... sorry for taking an impromptu hiatus with no notice whatsoever. And an extra large SORRY to those people whose PMs I've neglected for 3 months >.< I promise I will reply to everyone! I hope you can forgive me. m(_ _)m After all the drama from 2016, I felt like I needed my own recharging period before I could return to KAT-TUN without bitter feelings. Now that I'm back, I look forward to catching up on how our boys are doing. Let me know what's new in the fandom ne~

During my break I gained an additional bias, Miyake Ken from V6. It was just too hard to resist this adorably trolly senpai =3. This means from now on, 1-800-TINY-NIP is no longer a KAT-TUN only blog. I thought about starting another blog instead or changing the name of this one, but honestly that would probably be even more of a hassle. If this bothers you a lot, please do let me know, and I will think it over again.

This year I'm determined to work on my Japanese, so if nothing else, I will focus more on radio translations. 2017 mo yoroshiku ^^b

Anonymous asked:

do you know where I can watch Tame Tabi? even w/o subs, thanks ;;

Hi there! I think dailymotion.com probably has all/most of them. Just type “KAT-TUNの世界一タメになる旅” in the search bar. For higher quality videos, try the various KAT-TUN Livejournal communities. Hope that helps =)


Hello! I finally watched the 10Ks Live and just wanted to tell you that in your last translation Nakamaru didn't say that he cried before Ueda even won, but that he even cried in the marathon that Ueda didn't win (the one in 2013 where he placed 5th). Thank you always for the translations and the gifs, I love seeing them. ^^


Thanks for letting me know! That makes so much more sense. I will make an edit on the post right away (and credit you of course) ^^b

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