



Doing donation commissions !

This post is a bit rushed, but i don't really know how to handle making a sheet for this and i would rather get it here as fast as possible.

If you can prove to me that you have donated to UNRWA, Gaza eSims, or another reliable organization bringing support to the people of Palestine, i will draw a front facing sketch of a creature for you.

The amount of detail and potential color will depend on the amount donated. I can make you anything that isn't a realistic human portrait, or a complex machine. Above are recent examples of casual sketches of the sort which i am offering.


This is the same thing over and over again. Palestinians die every day, but it gets a lukewarm headline from mainstream media because death and destruction is inherent to Arabness. Then an aid convoy with white workers is obliterated, and now both the president of the United States and the president of Israel are making statements apologizing for “the poor protection of aid workers.” At one point we were seeing multiple reports a day of paramedics from the Palestine Red Crescent Society dying, but nothing. Crickets. Because they don’t care. And even in these “remorseful statements” there is a strategic reminder that white lives hold more weight than brown lives.


it's amazing how stupid queer terfs and the LGB movement are, because y'all really thought Gays for Hitler was going to work for you?

the conservative crowd only started saying that all trans people are deviant sex perverts because they knew they were losing the culture war. you could still say gays go to hell but to less resounding cheers.

but now we're back to square one. any little progress that was made in teaching the public that not all gay people were sex predators has been reversed because you decided to side with the transphobes and insist trans people are pedophiles and not one of you. they lumped you all together again anyway.

now they're back to calling all queers sex perverts and a danger to society and it's because you helped inflame them with the idea that trans people are just crazy and mentally ill. you're so fucking stupid.

how many fucking times do we have to do this

you collected wood for your own pyre, my delightfully deluded transphobic faggots. now you'll burn too.

you move forward with us or not at all.


Unprecedented does not mean unprovoked. Iran was within its right to retaliate against Israel, because prior to that Israel had attacked one of its embassies in Syria—a direct result of the US emboldening Israel to basically do whatever the fuck it wanted without repercussions.

However, this does not change the fact that it’s unprecedented: Iran has never directly attacked Israel before. It has indirectly done so, through other countries’ drones, but never directly. This is the first time in decades that any major state has retaliated against Israel directly. Does that mean it’s unprovoked? No. It absolutely was provoked. But it also is a first, which is why the SWANA region is teetering on an uncertain edge right now.

With all that said, mainstream media’s coverage of this is absolutely dishonest. They do make it seem as if Iran attacked Israel out of the blue, when it absolutely was not the case. I think it’s fair to think that Iran was within its right to retaliate, but to also be afraid for innocent civilians potentially caught in the crossfire.

At the end of the day Israel’s rabid actions pretty much forced Iran’s hand to attack—but this is also the worst possible outcome. A lot of us are afraid it will get worse from here.

As an Iraqi girl it’s just extremely hard for me to reduce anyone to an NPC when it’s literally both my mom and my dad’s family living in countries that might get entangled in this. I am supportive of any retaliation against the genocidal entity that is Israel in general, and Iran had a right to retaliate, but also scared for the blowback because I want my relatives to be safe. It’s hard to feel any other way because that is my family, my country, multiple countries… a whole region caught in the crossfire.

I blame the US for this entirely. It is the diseased root that is sowing all of this.


Take this with you

to all my white followers who stew in unnecessary guilt trying to come to terms with the privilege you have, watch this

White people and White passing people, this is a good video


Shout out to all the Black ppl that can no longer participate directly in the fandom they love because of the stresses of racism 👍🏾 you contain multitudes of value and I'm sorry that the color of your skin and the power of your voice makes people not want to acknowledge that.

Yes, nonblack people can reblog. I'd appreciate it, in fact, if y'all took the time to vocally support your Black friends/fans in fandom.


everytime I've seen a recovering addict on this site post something about wishing there were more fun social spaces that weren't geared around substance use (including myself) I've seen them get called immature asexual anti-sex homophobes who need to grow up and get a grip. which is definitely cool and normal and a reasonable way to react to people talking about different accessibility needs.


absolutely losing my mind that a bunch of nimby assholes spent $500k to build a sandcastle that was promptly wiped away

ted i really could not disagree more this is far from catastrophic. i am ensconced.

literally selling sand to people who live on the beach. some people's hustle and grift game cannot be overstated. world class shit right here

i love tumblr but i hate that we have been conditioned to think you can’t add some of the most insightful shit you’ve ever seen to absolute shitposts. please by all means reblog my posts with this kind of context because it’s so important. excellent points here.

Anonymous asked:

“I can’t be a trans man on the internet” go the fuck outside then dude. Signed a trans woman who has had enough of your bullshit posts

I’m gonna use this ask to make a point.

Trans guys if you get an anon claiming to be a trans women that says rude/bigoted shit, don’t believe them. Transphobes have admitted to pretending to be trans women and sending bigoted asks to trans men.

If you get an anon ask saying weird shit claiming to be from a trans women - always remember anons can lie about who they are! 9 times out of 10 it’s just some cis person lying to paint trans women as evil bigots.

And everytime I see a trans man fall for the bait and start saying transmisogynistic shit I just sigh.


Prev tags !!

Yep ! And it sucks to see so many other trans guys just fall for it.

I feel like I should note that what I actually said was “I can’t be openly trans on the internet.”

Because any trans person can tell you that no matter if you’re a trans man, trans woman, nonbinary, or whatever else - if you are openly trans you will get sent shit for being trans online.


“it’s going to be WW3!!” no bitch it’s going to be vietnam, korea, afghanistan, it’s going to be another war wherein the US commits unspeakable and indefensible acts against a severely weakened people seeking self determination. it’s going to be another war where protesting is criminalized and “freedom of speech” is gutted in the interest of pushing propaganda. it’s going to be another nation of people added to the long list of victims of US imperialism and another demonstration of the strong undercurrent of fascism running through the foundation of america



‼️URGENT: KOSA has been officially introduced in the House as of today.

We need to spread the word on social media and urge people to send emails to Congress through stopkosa.com.

• There will be a hearing on Wednesday (17th April) where KOSA, along with some other bad internet bills, like the Protecting Kids on Social Media Act could be pushed.

• We will be having a calling day on TUESDAY (16 th April) to make clear to Congress that there is still a ton of opposition to these bills. https://energycommerce.house.gov/posts/chair-rodgers-and-ranking-member-pallone-announce-legislative-hearing-on-data-privacy-proposals-1

• House Energy and Commerce is holding the hearing so they are the best offices to call this week ‼️ https://energycommerce.house.gov/representatives

• You can use http://badinternetbills.com/ to contact your congresspeople !

• And https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative to find all of the phone numbers of your House Representative, and faxzero.com to send up to 5 free faxes a day

While the bill needs to be aproved by both the house and senate WE NEED TO MAKE SURE IT NEVER LEAVES CONGRESS.



??? are you seeing what's happening in Berlin with the Palestine Congress??

[URGENT: German police have announced they are shutting down the Palestine Congress and demanded delegates leave immediately. They have threatened to use force and already arrested one of the organizers, Jewish activist Udi Raz. He is the third person to be arrested today, two of them Jewish.

The announcement comes after police stormed the speakers' stage just 20 minutes after the congress had begun, shut down the organizers' livestream and then broke into the control room and shut off the power.

Police then went round to each delegate and demanded they stop livestreaming from their phones.

900 police are deployed to the congress, whose start they held up for hours. They demanded that organizers allow all German media into the congress, ironically to "safeguard free speech" and then denied entry to most of the registered delegates.

The primary aim of the congress was to raise awareness about Germany's complicity in Israel's genocide, for which it is facing charges in the ICJ.]


RTVS Palestine Fundraiser, April 12th-14th

This weekend, Radio TV Solutions will be holding a 3 day marathon fundraiser event for the people of Palestine.

All weekend long, we will be streaming a variety of games and events in an effort to raise money for on-the-ground aid groups and direct Palestinian support campaigns.

The event will not be a traditional stream fundraiser, rather than pointing people at one donation point, we will be suggesting many different support recipients, and you may donate to any of them. You can then submit your donation amount to be tallied into our rough total.

The information document detailing suggested groups/campaigns to support will open up closer to when the event starts, as well as a schedule of events for the weekend. The event will be hosted on my twitch channel, where http://stream.rtvsfundraiser.live/ links to.

Lastly, if you know of any GoFundMe's or similar site campaigns for Palestinians that you trust as legitimate, please send an e-mail to info@rtvsfundraiser.live with links and details, and I will add as many as I can to the event document.

Please tune in and support however you can, whether that be through donations, spreading the word, anything and everything helps. Even if you can't or don't want to tune in, please consider donating. See you this weekend!

poster art by the one and only @logmore

We have raised over $41,000 for Palestine and it is time… for Scorpy’s Beautiful Discs… a LATE NITE GRAB BAB hosted by scorpy himSelf


RTVS Palestine Fundraiser, April 12th-14th

This weekend, Radio TV Solutions will be holding a 3 day marathon fundraiser event for the people of Palestine.

All weekend long, we will be streaming a variety of games and events in an effort to raise money for on-the-ground aid groups and direct Palestinian support campaigns.

The event will not be a traditional stream fundraiser, rather than pointing people at one donation point, we will be suggesting many different support recipients, and you may donate to any of them. You can then submit your donation amount to be tallied into our rough total.

The information document detailing suggested groups/campaigns to support will open up closer to when the event starts, as well as a schedule of events for the weekend. The event will be hosted on my twitch channel, where http://stream.rtvsfundraiser.live/ links to.

Lastly, if you know of any GoFundMe's or similar site campaigns for Palestinians that you trust as legitimate, please send an e-mail to info@rtvsfundraiser.live with links and details, and I will add as many as I can to the event document.

Please tune in and support however you can, whether that be through donations, spreading the word, anything and everything helps. Even if you can't or don't want to tune in, please consider donating. See you this weekend!

poster art by the one and only @logmore




RTVS Palestine Fundraiser, April 12th-14th

This weekend, Radio TV Solutions will be holding a 3 day marathon fundraiser event for the people of Palestine.

All weekend long, we will be streaming a variety of games and events in an effort to raise money for on-the-ground aid groups and direct Palestinian support campaigns.

The event will not be a traditional stream fundraiser, rather than pointing people at one donation point, we will be suggesting many different support recipients, and you may donate to any of them. You can then submit your donation amount to be tallied into our rough total.

The information document detailing suggested groups/campaigns to support will open up closer to when the event starts, as well as a schedule of events for the weekend. The event will be hosted on my twitch channel, where http://stream.rtvsfundraiser.live/ links to.

Lastly, if you know of any GoFundMe's or similar site campaigns for Palestinians that you trust as legitimate, please send an e-mail to info@rtvsfundraiser.live with links and details, and I will add as many as I can to the event document.

Please tune in and support however you can, whether that be through donations, spreading the word, anything and everything helps. Even if you can't or don't want to tune in, please consider donating. See you this weekend!

poster art by the one and only @logmore



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