

@isitodyssey / isitodyssey.tumblr.com


Jun Togawa (戸川純) with a robotic arm, photographed by Masayoshi Sukita (鋤田正義) in 1984. 


改造への躍動 - ゲルニカ Aún no estoy tan seguro del sonido de este álbum, pero me fascina la estética de la portada.


Decidí volver

Desde la adolescencia -hasta hace un par de años- tuve una costumbre muy ridícula, y propia de mis rollos y alucinaciones: cambiar constantemente de cuentas de correos, redes sociales, y perfiles, para intentar “recomenzar” en la virtualidad de Internet. Más allá de considerar si esto fue bueno o malo, lo que sí es un hecho es que tenía un caos entre todas las cuentas que necesitaba manejar para poder acceder a cierta información. En un ejercicio de adultez (zzzz), decidí ir ordenando mis cuentas, borrando lo que ya no necesitaba, y dejando una especie de llave maestra de correos y contraseñas para poder acceder a ciertos recuerdos y memorias que fui perdiendo. Fue así como, sin querer, me reencontré con esta cuenta de Tumblr que usé entre los 20 y los 24 años, y en la que deposité muchos de mis anhelos de transformación y ganas de construcción de un mundo distinto. Pues bien, aquí estoy. He decidido documentar mis experiencias actuales, mucho más monótonas y un tanto aburridas respecto a lo que hago en el presente: trabajar como profesor en dos escuelas públicas de Santiago, Chile, y sumado a eso, haber recuperado mi interés y, hasta cierto punto, obsesión por la cultura japonesa, y de algunas otras partes de Asia. Este 2019 sumé algo que antes nunca realicé: coleccionar vinilos de distintas idols y bandas de J-Pop de los sesenta, setenta y ochentas. Ha sido algo bien entretenido, y quisiera dejar registro de aquello aquí. Eso sería, espero que les llamé la atención a quienes siguen utilizando Tumblr, y bueno, si es muy distinto a lo que esperaban, no hay problema en dejar de seguirnos y todas esas cosas.


Street of Shame (Kenji Mizoguchi, 1956)

Shizuko, a virginal teenage girl who’s just joined the brothel, is seized with fear as she watches her sisters flirt with the nighttime patrons. This would be the final image of Mizoguchi’s oeuvre, whose body of work was largely dedicated to the suffering of Japanese prostitutes and geisha, and whose life was cut short soon after.


Hoy en la actividad con el canciller de Bolivia, David Choquehuanca, quien accedió a una actividad con la Federación de Estudiantes de la Universidad de Santiago (FEUSACH). Por la unidad latinoamericana y de Abaya Yala.


Release of urgency, campaign “Verdad y Castigo por Juan Pablo Jiménez” (“We demand truth and justice for Juan Pablo Jiménez”): Attorney and PDI's (Chilean Policy of Investigation) version is imposed in court, Juan Pablo Jiménez is killed for the second time.

Thursday January 15, 2015, it has been imposed in the courts the thesis of the "stray bullet", built by the PDI, the Prosecutor and the Ministry of Interior of Chile. In a simplified trial, and before a clear agreement between the prosecutor and defense counsel of the accused for the crime, the accused admitted to being the shooter that ended the life of Juan Pablo Jiménez, young Chilean sindycalist, despite pleading guilty systematically over the last two years. The minor was sentenced as author of unlawful killing, with no single test that can determine that the alleged bullet he fired into the air actually impacted Juan Pablo. That is something that neither the accused himself neither the judge nor the prosecutor can claim. We note that because there was an agreement between the prosecutor and defendant, not an oral trial, not a single instance to perform tests was developed. In the case of Juan Pablo, it has not been rendered before the Court any evidence; defense, family and colleagues had no opportunity even to present the results of the analyzes before the judge, in which comprised new background and a complaint anonymous marking the full name of the author that may have shooted of Juan Pablo from within Azeta (the electricity outsourcing company he worked for). As “Campaña Verdad y Castigo por Juan Pablo Jiménez”, we denounce this orchestrated trial by the Chilean State, whereby the assembly of Attorney, which alleges that a child of a poor population was guilty of killing Juan Pablo. We make a call to continue mobilizations to report that today justice has assassinated our colleague Juan Pablo Jiménez once again. For purposes of mobilization call on an URGENT MEETING TO ALL COMRADES wishing to show solidarity. Place: CEPCH (Valentín Letelier # 18, Metro Moneda, Santiago, Chile)

When: FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 2015, 19:00 HOURS. Juan Pablo Jiménez was a Chilean syndicalist killed on February 21st, 2012, within the company he was working. He fought during ten years against outsourcing and other ways of laboral abuse. This happened last wednesday in Santiago’s downtown, in the capital of the country.


Auntie Annie Mokiao grew up in the 1930’s when it was still forbidden to speak ‘Olelo Hawai’i (Hawaiian language) in schools, although she was lucky enough to speak it at home.  She became part of the reclamation of ‘Olelo Hawai’i throughout the 80’s, and is a pioneer for keeping the Hawaiian language alive when it was at threat of almost dying out.   Midweek did a story on her, read it here: http://www.midweek.com/hawaiian-language-almost-died/

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