
Trash Dump

@minhyukielee / minhyukielee.tumblr.com

Bethany or Beta, 20+, she/her. Let’s fuckin go. Twt: betafish_bebe, ao3 beta_babelfish

Tumblr Code.

If I ever see any of you in public, the code is “I like your shoelaces”

that way we know we’re from tumblr without revealing anything

I’m just going to say this to strangers until i find a tumblr person


must keep reblogering!! Im going to be so suspicious if any one tells me this now!

Remember the answer is: I stole them from the president.


always reblog tumblr identification

good god this just crossed my dash in the year of our lord 2023


Let’s take it to 4 million, folks!


almost there!

TO 4 MILLION!!!!!!!!!



Gods bless the post. :)

(Remembering with pleasure when I got to do this last year with an auditorium full of people at Finncon in Tampere.)


Israel has done what we all predicted and warned about. Simple, pure evil. They pushed Palestinians by carpet bombing everywhere till they all had to go to the least bombed place (No, Rafah was never completely safe. They were bombed there, too, to a horrific degree), and then, after cramming what nears a two million civilians with about 600 thousand children, they are asking them to leave... to where?! Nowhere. They are just saying leave. So then, when they kill them all, they can say 'Oh, we warned them'

It was all predicted, and no one did a thing

Rafah is now the most densely populated place in the world, with a population of about 1.5 million and prehaps more in 64 km2. About 25 miles squere.

25 miles squere

A marathon is 26 miles straight. You can at least run through Rafah in length once and in width twice and pass the 1.5 million Palestinians. That's how crammed it is. With no where to run


When you see a post that makes you excitedly think of a mutual, only to realise it was the mutual who reblogged it... Is both annoying and also a great "yeah, I know you bitch" moment.


Every summer I forget how much I fucking love spiders I’ve drunk one every day this week

Drinking spiders??!

You put ice cream in a glass and pour soft drink over it. It creates a thick layer of delicious foam on top of a sweet, creamy drink with ice cream in it.

And yes I did attempt to get a picture by googling “Australia spider” like a fucking moron.

I think that’s called a float in the states. Although we usually plop the icecream into the glass after the soda. Similar effect though.

We wouldn’t be able to call it that because the word is way too easy to confuse with a floater, which is a meat pie floating in a bowl of pea soup. It is every bit as delicious as a spider though. I should get some pies and pea soup.


I would like to announce that this is not a standard Australian food, it’s exclusively a South Australian one and the rest of Australia is just as appalled as the rest of the world.

It’s not our fault that the rest of Australia is incorrect about food.

“average person eats 3 spiders a year" factoid actualy just statistical error. average person eats 0 spiders per year. Spiders Georg, who lives in South Australia and BADLY misinterpreted our survey question,,


As a rule of thumb, don't reblog donation posts or people asking for donations unless they've been vetted and reblogged by Palestinian bloggers. We usually go to lengths to verify this shit because we know scammers have been faking to get people to send them money, using the urgency of our genocide as bait.

It's disgusting this is what we're dealing with, but people are losing money because of some truly evil people out there.

Accounts don't just randomly spring up on tumblr without gofundmes while asking for someone to help them create a campaign. Fuck out of here with that shit.

I'm also gonna stop listing the reasons why I recognize something is a scam. It's becoming more and more clear there is 1 person behind this STRING of scams and they're leaving less trails behind but it still reeks of them and their MO.


At this point I'm fine receiving a bunch of inbox messages asking me to vet x y z so y'all can avoid this shit. But please have some critical thinking!

People are exploiting our situation.

Reblog this post.

Whether you wanna read the whole thing or not idc.


The person this was about deleted the 4th or 5th scam account they made and are definitely gonna make a new one soon. I don't want anybody falling for this anymore.


i hate when i send someone a meme in another language and they're like "uhm... translate? 😒" fucker i sent you a meme where 90% of the words have an english cognate and/or you don't need to know what they're saying to find it funny. can you at least TRY

i sent this meme to 7 people, and 4 of them asked me to translate for them. i legitimately do not think that was necessary.


marine biology is so scary because it’s such a small field. i was giving a talk on cetaceans and afterward a woman approached me with her husband and she said, “you did very well. [husband’s name] actually pioneered the research and published the first paper on that. We were very impressed by you.”

Which is such a scientific interpretation/public education win I will cherish forever but also for the rest of my life any time I give a talk I will be haunted by the knowledge that the world’s leading expert who literally discovered/invented the topic might be in the room,

which is like, the opposite of what you’re supposed to do for stage fright. In fact I never used to experience stage fright but now I will.

There are limitations to the benefits of being a marine biologist


i can never write a soulmates au cause i very quickly stop thinking about romance and start thinking about the sociological implications of a world where soulmates are a confirmed verifiable thing

is casual dating a thing in a world where everyone has a soulmate out there somewhere? is it frowned upon? is there a movement of people fighting for the idea that you don't HAVE to wait for your soulmate to find true love? is it considered queer to be in a non-soulbound relationship? how does polyamory function? how about aromantic people?

is it guarenteed you'll find your soulmate within your lifespan? are you drawn to find eachother even if you're born a million miles apart? if it's the kind of universe with physical soul marks (ie. matching moles, first words on skin), are there medical options to change or remove your mark? would it be considered a tabboo? could someone fake a soul mark? could you catfish someone by pretending to match them? isn't there some kind of inherent horror in knowing destiny has entwined you with a stranger?



Hey guys? I could really use some help paying rent this month. My court date to be evicted is on the 22nd of April. My boyfriend lost his job recently, but has gotten a new job. However, the first paycheck won’t be delivered in time.

I… really need help. I don’t have much food. Most of my money is going to gas to get my boyfriend to work. I’m… running out of options. I need help. Please. Even a share helps.

I can’t work because my back is really messed up but the disability process where I live can take YEARS.

Another thing: I have an emotional support cat and I really don’t want to give her up but I’m not gonna make her live out of a car. I’m really scared of losing her.

They also took away my food stamps for some reason so I have no way of getting food until they reinstate my card.

Please help if you can.


Ok, I think i've said it before but i'll say it again, a Lesbian Shen Yuan would have been a genuine danger to society, even pre-transmitgation. She'd be the type of girl to download tinder bc she wants to make friends but doesn't want to go outside, she uses her best photos bc she wants to make a good impression, puts her settings to girls only gets a ton of matches and since lesbian friendships and failed talking stages walk hand in hand she managed to realize her wish, she made lots of friends even if more than half of them are lowkey in love with her. She'd also have intense if short lived friendships with other woman that'd end up with her neighbor's car getting keyed because her ex-bestie confused it with her family driver's car. The system has no idea what evil they unleashed upon the PIDW world, this woman will straight up look you in the eyes, caress your cheek, comment on how beautiful she thinks you are and legit think y'all are just friends.

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