Anonymous asked:

not sure why whenever you take a break a-hole anons decide to try and send you hate comments?? it's real sad and pathetic on their end but i hope you had a good break from this app. Followed for years and whenever i get a notification you are back it's bittersweet

Glad to hear you’ve stuck around 🫶🏻

It shocks me that people still find the energy to send hateful messages. It also shocks me that anons target a page that is used pretty occasionally these days.

However, I’d be lying if I said the hate doesn’t give me a good chuckle

Anonymous asked:

You should just delete your blogs if you’re not going to use them

I’m back. Just in case you missed me 😘

Anonymous asked:

Thank you for being so kind and loving🥰 I don’t know you, but I admire you. You’re awesome😊

🥹 I’m very soft and will cry at any form of affection. Thank you 🥲

Anonymous asked:

Hey! My blog keeps saying that I have 8 inbox messages, but when I go to see them it says that I have no messages🤔 Do you know if this has happened to anyone before? I contacted the help thing but I haven’t heard back. That was a year ago. Just strange haha😂

Hey!!! Mine actually does the same thing. I’ve tried answering all the inbox questions and it always stays at the same number, regardless if I answer every inbox question or let them accumulate. Must be some glitch on tumblrs end 😅💀

If they give you a reason behind it let me know!! It drives me crazy

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