

@tokenmancy / tokenmancy.tumblr.com

Magic: the Gathering Tokens and whatnot

Magic: the Gathering - Critter Collection

Some very lovely work by artist Andrea Radeck, here on Tumblr for StarCityGames.com Creature Collection based on well loved illustrations by Wizards of the Coast.

‘Pandra Nalaar’, based on the Aether Revolt key art featuring Chandra Nalaar

'Bengali Rai’, based on the Kaladesh key art featuring Saheeli Rai by Chase Stone

'Mole Warden’, based on the Soul Warden art by Randy Gallegos

'Hedgehogahog’, based on the Atogatog art by Ron Spears


The FlavOracle ReBorn


What is The FlavOracle

The objective of the experiment was relatively simple, but ambitious for its time. It would provide official flavor text for Magic cards that lacked space for flavor text on the physical card. 

To add an extra layer of both complexity and awesomeness, fans would be able to submit ideas for flavor text, and then vote on their favorites. 

This wasn’t just meant to be “honorary flavor text” either, it would be the real thing. Winning submissions would be included in Oracle, the official database of all Magic cards. 

So what happened to The FlavOracle? 

Keep in mind that as stated earlier, The FlavOracle was incredibly ambitious for its time. It was launched at a time when a website was more a destination, rather than a place to interact. Early social media sites like MySpace existed, but they weren’t prevalent like today, and definitely not a tool used by respectable companies like Wizards of the Coast. 

Basically, the concept was fantastic, but it lacked the technology to succeed in its time. 

If The FlavOracle failed, why talk about it now? 

Because it is no longer 2002, and technology and internet culture have both advanced more than a decade since the original experiment concluded. 

It’s time to launch The FlavOracle again, and see if it can reach its true potential. 

The FlavOracle ReBorn 

OK, what’s the plan? 

To start off, let’s keep things simple. Each week this blog will post a card that lacks flavor text. Fans will be able to submit their flavor text suggestions as comments or (preferably) reblogs of the post. Submissions will be open for one week from the initial post. 

After that, a compilation post will be made with all submissions (excluding submissions with profanity or offensive content) for fans to vote on. Voting will be open for one week, and fans can vote for as many submissions as they choose, but should not vote more than once for a single submission. 

Votes will be tallied and a winner announced at the end of the week. 

So at the beginning of each week, there will be three posts to expect: 

  • A Magic card lacking flavor text, open for submissions 
  • A compilation of the submissions for the card from the previous week, open for voting 
  • Announcement of the winning flavor text from the card posted two weeks prior 

What happens to the winning flavor text?! 

At this point… not much besides a feeling of satisfaction and fun. This time the experiment is being started by fans, not official Wizards of the Coast staff, so there’s no current path to get the flavor text officially added to Oracle. 

If this whole thing is unofficial, then what’s the point? 

Well for starters, it’s meant to be fun. As with many projects among the fandom, the chance to be creative and engage with other fans is the real drive and motivation here. 

In addition to the fun, it’s also meant to illustrate to actual Wizards of the Coast employees that this IS something that fans want enough to engage this time around. After all, it’s one thing to ask for something, but actions speak louder than words

So instead of asking, let’s just work our own magic and bring The FlavOracle back to life!! 


In summary… we could ask @wizardsmagic to revive The FlavOracle for us. 

OR the could just revive it ourselves and SHOW them it could succeed this time! 

Who’s with me?!! 

This is a cool idea! I’m definitely in!

I’m 100% on board for a do rather than hope mentality!

To help spread the word and promote the success of The FlavOracle ReBorn, I require assistance from some friends. 

I SUMMON… THE FLAVORUM!!! *renames the mallet Glorius Purpose, then strikes the Oversized Gong with Glorius Purpose* 


Why do people think that having more powerful cards in a format will make the format more fun? This seems like an obvious cognitive error.


People seem to think more about playing with something than having it played against them.

Anonymous asked:

The link you posted to commander rules update isn't working. Any alternate sources?

That link is to the only official source. The site just keeps crashing for some reason. The entire forums went down shortly after I made the post.


Between tumblr and reddit, the site crashed :P


Commander Rules Updates 1-18-16

Rules Committee updated the Commander rules and ban list for Oath of the Gatewatch. Traffic broke the link (here), so I’ll just type the changes out for you folks.

  • Commander is officially adopting the Vancouver mulligan rules. After taking a mulligan, players will scry 1. This replaces the old Partial Paris rules. It’s still advised to take a free seven-card mulligan in multiplayer.
  • Rule 4, which governed the color of mana you can create, is stricken from the books. In the past, a Blue deck trying to create Black mana would result in getting colorless mana. This loophole could be used to pay for colorless costs, but the Rules Committee has determined that they don’t want a corner-case rule being used as a loophole by more dedicated players. So Darksteel Ingot can now tap for any color in a Blue deck. If your Blue deck steals an opponent’s creature with a non-Blue activated ability, you can use that ability if you can generate that color mana. Enjoy your converge and sunburst cards in any deck.
  • Prophet of Kruphix is banned.

Yay Rule 4 is gone!


Why is this only 1.50$?? This can be super good in EDH! Plus its only 1cmc!


It only protects you if an effect makes you discard a card, though. If the discard is part of the cost (like retrace or desolate lighthouse), you still have to discard :(

I learned that one the hard way

But Desolate Lighthouse has the discard as part of the effect, not the cost?

My bad, youre right!


I’m seriously considering getting a modern event deck. Current TCG mid on the list is >$200…


The one with IoK and sword of feast and famine? Ya I picked it up when it first came out. Sooo worth it

It wasn’t totally worth it at the time but with the spikes of IoK, Path and Relic have really pushed it.


It went over $200? Ugh, these spikes are disgusting... (The price spikes, not the players)


Why is this only 1.50$?? This can be super good in EDH! Plus its only 1cmc!


It only protects you if an effect makes you discard a card, though. If the discard is part of the cost (like retrace or desolate lighthouse), you still have to discard :(

I learned that one the hard way


You’re now stranded on the plane you started playing MtG with, how screwed are you?


That would be Zendikar. Um. Oh boy.

Ice Age Dominaria. So pretty much no different from where I grew up–Michigan. No complaints. Could’ve been worse.

no big deal, just the middle of apocalypse town, apocalypse plane of the multiverse


Kamigawa... I don’t think WotC is going to be sending any planeswalkers to rescue me anytime soon...


Yknow, an "oath" can also be an expression of anger. I think there was a real missed opportunity to print Oath of Ob with flavor text like, "Oh, for Pete's sake! Fine, then, I'll leave."


One last time. The Oaths represent not just any oath but the specific oath of joining the Gatewatch.


This has really been the set of frustrating things that MaRo has to say again and again...


Nivix Pauper, here we come! Not only does it grant unblockability, but it replaced itself!

Full card gallery’s up, btw!

I super hate to be the one to burst your bubble, but we already had this at instant speed in Shadow Rift, which I’ve been playing as a one-of, and have been mildly impressed with (though I don’t think I would want another one).

Haha, ive been building Modern Pauper so long i forget to make the distinction :P

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