


Adventure forever ★ 18 ⭐ female, INFP, ♍☀♊🌛♋⛅ ⭐Anime lover, writer, busy student, digital artist, gamer, pianist ⭐introverted, child-like, thoughtful, amiable ⭐likes science, fantasy, mystery, philosophy, chemistry and astronomy
Anonymous asked:

What do you make of the aspect moon trine neptune?

An artistic soul blessed with imaginative & sensitive feelings 🌙🌊✨ people with this aspect are emotionally tender, they can’t stand to be in a bad atmosphere; they’re so deeply compassionate that they will sacrifice much to make everyone feel at peace. Usually gifted with psychic abilities and can be prone to emotional disillusionment. I absolutely adore this placement it’s somewhat of a dreamy aspect, it reminds me of a gentle little sweet-souled fairy ready to sprinkle everyone with their love + magic 😭💙💙


Awwww so true. Finally someone understands a bit T_T

“I find the best way to love someone is not to change them, but instead, help them reveal the greatest version of themselves.”

— Steve Maraboli (via goodreadss)

Source: goodreadss

Self Care with the Moon (Astrology)

Nurturing, Self care and your Moon sign/placement

The moon in a natal chart represents how we nurture, how we want to be nurtured, our habits and our receptivity.

If you’re feeling tense, anxious or in need of self care and nurturing, look to your moon sign for some help as to how you can take better care of your emotional well being.

Moon in Aries/1st House/conjunct the AC from the 12th - Express your emotions to others upfront - Take care of your appearance - Do jobs for yourself, you’ll feel better being independent - Have that emotional blow up, don’t hold it in - Don’t sit around wallowing in your emotions. Get up, and go DO something, take initiative - You want to cry? Do it…. - Be in solitude sometimes (if your moons in the first house, you’re quite receptive to other people’s emotions. You need to get away from that from time to time)

Moon in Taurus/2nd House - Material comforts such as good food, a soft bed, and comfy clothes will greatly help nurture you - Having a well balanced bank account - Write down 5 things a day that you value (about yourself, and/or what you have - not what you want). A gratitude diary would be great! - Listening to music (or making music if you like to) will help you relax. Also painting and sculpting - Hugs! Physically holding another will help you relax - Nice smelling perfumes on your body or in your house - Using Body moisturiser and beauty products

Moon in Gemini/3rd House - Talk about your feelings - Get out of the house and go for short trips around your neighbourhood/local area. Being in your house for too long will make you agitated - Talk to others, In real life or online. Prolonged solitude can make you feel lonely very quickly (Facebook/Snapchat/Skype people when you can) - Hang out with your siblings (if you have any/if your moon isn’t afflicted). If you don’t have any siblings, cousins and neighbours you’re close to is also great! - Write things down, especially about how your feeling. You may enjoy journaling

Moon in Cancer/4th House/Conjunct the Ic (possibly from the 3rd House) - Hugs Hugs Hugs! - Cook/eat your favourite food - Spend time at home (if you’re a 3rd House moon conjunct the IC, go out for short trips then come home to relax - you kinda need both) - Be with your mother/family (if your mother is present/if your moon isn’t afflicted) - Nurture others - Be with children - Cry on someone’s shoulder, it’s ok! - Snuggle in bed

Moon in Leo/5th House - Be generous and spread happiness to others - Take the spotlight (but don’t be too greedy) - Let people know how you really feel (don’t be too pushy about it) - Express your creativity! - Dance if you want to! - Watch a comedy or joke around with friends - Play games with children/Release your inner child - Party 🎉 - Play games! - Express your love to your lover. Give and get kisses and cuddles you deserve

Moon in Virgo/6th House - Take care of your health. Take your medication, eat healthy and exercise - Do yoga - Make a ‘To-do’ list and calendars. You’re naturally emotionally stressed, make it easy for yourself by planning things - Keep your house and environment organised and clean - Pamper yourself by being well groomed and hygienic - Relax in a spa bath - Enjoy a healthy meal - Make goals for yourself and aim to achieve them - Help someone else out. Be of service - If you aren’t feeling great, ask someone to do some jobs for you. It’s only fair

Moon in Libra/7th House/Conjunct the DES from the 6th - Make art. Draw and paint - Make yourself look beautiful. Wear your favourite outfit, get your hair/makeup done - Listen to music - Talk to others and close friends - Spend time with a romantic lover - Do something nice for someone - Settle/balance an argument - Weigh the pros and cons to making a decision - Beautify your home and environment

Moon in Scorpio/8th House - You’re emotions are so intense, you may need to seclude yourself fairly often from people. Take time out with yourself to avoid emotional strain - Spend time 'going within’ yourself. You can do this through mediation or simply self contemplation. You have a need to know yourself. - You need to protect your vulnerability. Find someone you can trust 100% to tell your feelings to, for you need a channeled way of release - You can purge excess emotion and passion through sex and connecting with someone on a higher level - Share your feelings with those you truly trust

Moon in Sagittarius/9th House - Go for a long drive/bus/train trip. Explore your local area, or if you can, take a trip to a nearby town. Explore your sense of adventure - You probably generally don’t like to think/talk about your emotions, and your resilience allows you to support yourself - Enjoy the company of good friends. Laugh and have a good time - You may enjoy watching a comedy - Ask yourself the biggest questions of life and let your mind wander in the possibilities. It brings you ease knowing that everything happens for a reason, allowing you to maintain your optimism

Moon in Capricorn/10th House/Conjunct the MC from the 9th - You like Scorpio moon folk, tend to prefer to keep your emotions under wraps - You make like to literally 'work’ your problems out. Doing jobs and focusing on goals allows you to gain satisfaction of achievement - At times, you may feel lonely and cut off from others. This is often self imposed. Don’t be afraid to open to others who you feel comfortable with - Like Virgo moons, setting your self job lists can help give you direction, removing any feelings of being at a loss with life - Spend sometime away from people who try to pry you open all the time as this can really stress you out

Moon in Aquarius/11th House - You’re emotional wellbeing may not be the focus of your life, and you have great difficulty expressing your feelings to others - You have the ability to logically analyse your emotions and fix things in your external environment that’s causing you problems - Change things in your home/environment often to keep yourself stimulated - Perhaps spend time partaking in humanitarian causes - Talk to anyone and everyone. Being part of society can make you feel quite buzzed

Moon in Pisces/12th House - Your emotions are highly sensitive and you are greatly sensitive to the emotions of others. Surround yourself with loving and supportive people or if that’s not possible, find a secluded space - You react to emotional stimulus quite easy. Listen to happy music or watch a funny, lighthearted movie - Never blame yourself for something you know you didn’t do. Don’t give into pieces victim mentality. Tell yourself the truth always - Learn how to set yourself boundaries and don’t give into everyone all of the time. It’s great to be loving and generous, but you need to also take care of yourself - Watch movies or play games that really draws you in and allows your imagination to run freely in a channeled way

©ellie-mae-astrology on Tumblr


As someone who has experienced child abuse (which ultimately led to acute paranoia and anxiety) first hand, I’m glad this video was made. More people need to be aware that how they treat their children can have a long lasting effect on their child’s health and mental and emotional stability.

This video is so important. All of you should watch this especially you parents and future parents.


You are born with the ability to see whether people listen more often to the angel or the devil on their shoulder, based on the opacity of each- if they listen more to the angel, it’s more solid and the demon is more transparent, and vice versa. You recently met a guy online and you’re finally going to meet. You go in for a handshake and glance at his shoulders, but you can’t see the angel. Only a solid demon.

Run. That’s my first thought and it keeps playing in my head over and over again. Run!

“You OK?” asks the man before me.

I realize I’ve been standing frozen, probably looking spooked. “Yes,” I fake what I hope is a convincing smile. I look back at his right shoulder, there’s nothing there, then to his left shoulder where a solid colored devil rests.

As he turns to our table I glance over the restaurant to make sure my powers are still working. There’s a woman one table away with a transparent devil and a translucent angel, she listens to the angel more. The woman across from her has a devil that’s translucent, she listens to it a little more than she should.

I’ve had this power my whole life, to see which side one listens to, but never before have I seen a completely solid devil, never before have I seen the angel completely gone…


Turning back to him I seen he’s pulled my chair out for me, watching me expectantly.

I could run now but what if he follows? Maybe it’s best I don’t tip him off, assuming I haven’t already, and sneak out while he’s not looking.

“Thank you,” I sit down.

He sits across from me and looks down, pulling on his long sleeves. “Order whatever you want,” he mumbles, “don’t pay attention to the price.”

“Oh, OK thank you.” I can barely pay attention to the menu. I glance over the restaurant, planning an escape route from the restroom.

“It was at 5:50,” he says, picking right up from where our last conversation online left off.

“I watched that video a dozen times and couldn’t see it.”

As we talk he seems just like the shy sweet boy I met online but then I glance at the devil on his shoulder and remember to be scared.

I’m looking at his shoulder so often that he glances back to see what I’m looking at. Worried about it I glance down and gape; on his arm a cut peeks out from under his sleeve.

He sees me seeing it and panics, pulling his sleeves down.

My gaze falls to the table and we sit there in silence.

This whole time I’ve been avoiding the people with the more solid devils because they listen to them more, I never questioned what the devils were saying. His devil isn’t telling him to hurt me, it’s telling him to hurt himself, that he’s worthless and doesn’t deserve me; and me acting scared of him isn’t helping.

“Don’t listen,” slips out before I’ve finished getting my thoughts together. I take in a long breath and speak slowly. “Don’t listen to the voice that tells you you’re useless, that you’ll never make a difference… You’ve made a huge difference to me.”

I risk looking up and see him teary eyed. “Thank you,” he whispers, and beside his head a barely visible angel fades back into existence.

Thank you so much for doing this prompt @hannahcbrown!

To all the amigos out there, know that you are loved ❤️


reblog because this is important and beautiful


It’s important to remember that a good hand of people who treat you badly or you think they don’t like you, actually have no issues with you. They treat you foul because someone close to them dislikes you. They are bandwagoners. They are adapting to their atmosphere to save their own spot. We have so many in this world. They just don’t wanna be in your position.


You always come with facts. I’ve gotten to the point where I see bandwagoners as worse than my actual enemies. You can never trust a coward

Its so many people like this. We underestimate it.

This is gospel truth. That’s why they say people are more dangerous in a group if it was just one on one they wouldn’t do half the shit they do. That’s why bullying turns deadly so fast cause people are trying to impress their so called leader

Never trust a coward is a big mood

I actually had to unlearn this behavior because in highschool, there would be people we weren’t “supposed” to associate cause a close friend didn’t like them or had ‘beef” lol. But if you actually hanged out with the person they seemed like ok people and were not what people made them out to be. 


Massive problem in society, huge weakness which probably won’t be self addressed by millions every generation. Sad truth this.


22 Signs You're An INFP

The True Romantic And Idealist

You hate conflict more than anything and you love love.

INFP’s make up about 2% of the population. They’re the dreamers, the mediators, the romantics, the people you know will always have your back. Your INFP friends put you at ease and are very laid back. Are you an INFP yourself, or think you may be? Check out these 22 signs that you are, indeed, an INFP.

1. You avoid conflict at all costs.

INFPs are not confrontational people. Personally, even if it means I’m going to hurt myself by avoiding conflict, I’ll still do it.

2. You just want everyone to get along and be happy.

This goes back to hating conflict. We don’t like it when people fight or are upset - you just want everyone to be happy.

3. You really put your thoughts and feelings into creativity – you pour your heart into poetry, paintings, songs, or other creative forms.

When you paint a picture, you don’t just paint a flower - you put real thought into it. You pour your heart into your art forms and that’s what really makes them stand out.

4. It’s really hard for someone to get to know you because you are so guarded.

It’s hard for an INFP to let their guard down. We’ve been hurt so many times it’s just natural for us to stay guarded.

5. You like to daydream more than spending time in reality.

Personally, I have a very detailed fantasy world. I spend a lot of time in my fantasy life where everything is perfect and everyone is happy. This is typical for an INFP.

6. Simply put you’re a hopeless romantic.

You love love.

7. You don’t handle criticism well.

INFPs have the tendency to take criticism, even when it’s meant in the most constructive, heartfelt way, very personally. Maybe this is why I cry every time I do something wrong?

8. You are the most loyal friend there is.

You won’t find a better friend than an INFP. They’re your ride or die from day one on.

9. You love anything and everything inspirational.

I have way too many inspirational quotes hanging on my wall. If you smack a quote, even a simple as “dream big,” on something I’m a million times more likely to buy it.

10. You see the good in EVERYONE.

Even the people who screw you over time and time again.

11. You are very optimistic and positive.

That glass is always half full to you.

12. You care about others more than they care about you.

Which means sometimes, yes, you’ll let people walk all over you.

13. You love when people recognize your hard work.

You’re not one to brag about yourself and you aren’t the biggest fan of the spotlight, but when your heart work is noticed you glisten with pride.

14. You tend to have mood swings – one minute you’re at an all-time high and the next you’re at rock bottom.

There have been days that have started out for me in tears and then an hour later I’m happier than ever. It’s an INFP thing, I guess.

15. You love animals & truly appreciate their company.

Nothing beats cuddles with your dog.

16. You love helping others but never want to bother others with your problems.

You’re the first person to offer to help out a friend in need but if you ever need something you’re quite hesitant to ask even your best friend for help…

17. It makes your day to hear someone say you’ve made their day.

You just love making other people feel good!

18. You always take the blame and give credit to others.

Even if you’re the only one who does any work, you’re quick to pass the credit onto someone else.

19. You feel like no one understands the “real you”.

I mean, being an INFP can be kind of difficult to understand…

20. You are terrified to show others your creative projects even though they’re typically amazing.

You have talent. Stop hiding it. Your poems, your paintings, your songs - they’re all amazing.

21. You’re pretty clumsy.

You trip over your own feet quite a bit.

22. You’re not the type to party every night.

Don’t get me wrong, INFP’s like a night out every so often, but we’re completely okay spending Saturday nights snuggled in bed with Netflix.

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