

@purgatorian / purgatorian.tumblr.com

♛ 30-something. She/her. I like playing video games and looking at bugs.

Hi, not sure if you remember me but we used to illustrate sacred cuneiform next to each other on clay tablets 6,000 years ago?


I admit I’m a sucker for adorable animals in videos and pictures. With all the troubles in the world today, sometimes it’s nice to vicariously immerse myself in piles of puppies, kittens, and other cute critters. Unfortunately, sometimes the media I’m consuming is a source of troubles itself. Many times ignorance about animal behavior is at the root of the cruelty, though there are situations that are born out of greed for money, prestige, likes, and so forth.

Obviously some of these videos have worse origins than others. The upset gecko gaping its mouth at its supposed rival in a mirror isn’t being nearly as badly mistreated as the loris that’s starving to death due to an incomplete or incorrect diet. What’s important is developing a critical eye for this sort of media and learning more about how to assess whether the animals involved are actually enjoying themselves or not.

Here’s some sauce for those of you who want to read further:

http://blog.whyanimalsdothething.com/ - Why Animals Do the Thing (@why-animals-do-the-thing) is a great start to learning more about animal behavior, which ones are healthy and which ones indicate stress (here’s an especially good post that goes into even more detail about some of these viral videos and photos: http://blog.whyanimalsdothething.com/post/128327199132/animal-science)

http://thehsi.org/2015/04/01/the-cruel-cost-of-cute/ - the Herpetological Society of Ireland explores more about the cruelty behind staged frog photos and more

http://www.pbs.org/newshour/science/whimsical-wildlife-photography-isnt-seems - more on those staged photos, including some good links throughout the article

http://chimpsnw.org/2013/10/take-action-tuesday-new-childrens-book-exploits-anjana-and-tiger-cubs/ - goes into more detail about how TIGERS and similar organizations exploit wildlife for profit

http://www.rabbitwelfare.co.uk/pdfs/BathingBunnies-RO.pdf - if you absolutely must bathe a rabbit, here’s when and how to do it as safely as possible

Species portrayed: Domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris), Sunda slow loris (Nycticebus coucang), orangutan (Pongo sp.), tiger (Panthera tigris), white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), scrub frog (Rhacophorus sp.), rhinoceros beetle (Dynastinae sp.), domestic rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus), tokay gecko (Gekko gecko)


If you need a reputable source of cute, I highly suggest ZooBorns, a collection of pictures of newborn animals at accredited zoos, and usually a blurb about conservation of that animal or some cool information about that species, or how they are cared for in that facility.

Also, seal/sea lion rescues have the CUTEST pictures of their patients while in recovery.

Reblogging for this ^^^ (thanks for a great addition!)


Gonna tell y’all what I can hear now that I got my hearing aids

Birds! They chirp and it’s so beautiful.

Far away cow moos

My friend has this is his back yard and to say I cried is an understatement.

My best friends singing voice

Chickens: *chicken noise*

Me, sobbing:

The filter for my fish tank! Bubble bubble bubble

I sit in the bass section in band. Today I could clearly hear the flutes up at the front! They’re not great, but I can finally hear them!

The sound of walking in sand.

Soft but kinda crunchy? Very nice sound 10/10

Me playing guitar for the first time. Took the hearing aids out. Not a very good sound… yet

Tree leaves in the wind. I got a little spooked at first because it’s 1 am and I’m alone in the park but it’s a real good sound.


Let me say, it was really fucking terrifying walking past the flowering tree in my backyard and hearing zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz coming from it.

“sunlight” by Hozier

I sat in my car alone while listening to it. I knew it would be special but wow, that was a religious experience.

Their hooves make sounds in the grass but they are completely silent. Beautiful creatures. Beautiful sound

Pine needles and pine cones make crunchy sounds!!! Oh my! Very nice

Colored pencils make a real nice scratch noise when I’m drawing. I didn’t know they did that

I always just feel so nice reading this, i take so much stuff for granted



Maybe you’re right. Maybe we can’t win this. But we’ll fight you regardless. Just like we did Sovereign. Just like I’m doing now. However “insignificant” we might be, we will fight. We will sacrifice and we will find a way. That’s what humans do.
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