
Hey Holmes, Let's Go!

@heyholmesletsgo / heyholmesletsgo.tumblr.com

Lurker for 10,000 years then I watched The Untamed, so now I make stuff: fanvids, fanfic, and crochet and draw sometimes.
I tag everything!! I love birds. Lord of the Rings and Star Wars forever ♥
My fanfic is posted on AO3.

Junior Quarter art brought to you by your local proud advocate for more junior quartet content!

Kind of tried something new with this piece, but also not really?? If anything, my rendering style changed the most, and that was mostly influenced by my previous piece.

Also, this is, what I’ve realised to be, the first time I’ve drawn 4 people interacting with each other in one piece, which-besides being a bit tedious at times-was actually quite fun! So I guess at the end of the day, we all are trying something new, whether we know it or not.

[Total Time Taken: 16h 30min]


last summer I saw a giant moth who had fallen into a water trough, and I gently lifted her out so she could dry her wings and fly away. This was an act of great foresight on my part, as I know that one day, when I am in grave danger and all hope is fading…she will appear, and remember me from long ago, and lift me out of the water trough that I have fallen into. I’m telling you, this moth was huge


STAR TREK: THE ORIGINAL SERIES season two | episode three- the changeling What's the problem? An almost human stubbornness, Captain. I have been unable to convince Nomad to lower its screens for analysis. Without its co-operation, I can do nothing.

The back and forth eye contact in this bit just kills me! Spock manages so incredibly much sass just by tilting his head and timing his looks! You can tell he's in a mood over his failure with Nomad!

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