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Kundalini Shakti

On a beautiful summer day, I gracefully ended up at Canada’s Wonderland on LSD. Aloof to most of what was going on, I found myself strapped into a seat on Leviathan, one of the largest roller coasters in the world. Before the ride could start, my sober friend began to panic. As I realized her fear was somewhat justified, it hit me that I had no fucking idea what I’d gotten myself into. A big ass roller coaster on LSD? Really dude? Just as I was about to shit myself in fear, I noticed the conductor’s nametag: Shakti.

A wave of relief came over me. My body and mind relaxed totally. I surrendered to the Goddess. Then we blasted off. Though there are no words to describe the glory of the experience that followed, I’m quite certain that nobody has ever ridden a roller coaster like I did that day. This beautiful unfolding was a mere foreshadowing for what was to come over the months that followed.

Shiva is the God, the masculine, the absolute, awareness. Shakti is the Goddess, the feminine, the relative, experience. Shiva is like the bottle of ink, unmanifested. Shakti is like the written words, manifested. They are not-two. Shiva resides at the crown of the body. Shakti arises from the root and joins Shiva at the crown where humanity and divinity are experienced as One.

Shakti is also known as Kundalini Shakti. It is the evolutionary energy that rests coiled at the base of the spine until the point of awakening when it moves up the spinal column, through each chakra, clearing away all blockages and finally merging with the divine absolute at the crown. About two months ago, like a freight train conducted by the love drunk Goddess herself, Kundalini Shakti blasted off from my root, traveled up my spine and exploded out of the top of my head in a mystical divine feminine orgasmic experience which I’m still processing. I once dismissed the possibility of this energetic event as woowoo nonsense. ‘Kundalini schmundalini’, I said. Yet the weeks that followed this awakening in me literally had me on my knees in surrender and reverence to such a divine force. The awakening of Kundalini energy brings every wound to the surface to be healed, loved, and released. It is the evolutionary force within us all that is meant to transform every level of our being, merging our humanity with our divinity. Kundalini literally alters our physical, mental and spiritual bodies. This transformation is by no means easy, but it’s exhilarating. Most importantly, it’s real. Upon the awakening of this energy within me, I began a descent into the darkest phase of my life. My bed became my Bodhi tree where I must have spent a few hundred hours in meditation. Every single piece of emotional and mental debris began to surface to be loved and healed. I think I cried every day for three weeks straight. I was puking, gagging, and my legs turned to jelly. My whole body vibrated with this cleansing energy day and night. All kinds of deep traumas, insecurities, fears, beliefs, and collective wounds began to surface to be examined and healed. My faith was tested in each moment. There are no words to describe the intensity of the emotions that I felt.

They talk about dark nights of the soul. How about a dark month of the soul? At my lowest point, I prayed for the first time in many years. I said, ‘God, you piece of shit. Fuck you!’ Though it hurt, though it was scary, I knew what had to be done and so I did it. I loved and welcomed each painful thought, emotion, or physical trauma that arose. I even went so far as to ask any bottled up pains to surface with the promise of loving and recognizing them as divine. (I’m badass like that.) As they arose, I sat with them patiently, silently, in love. Receiving my love, they said thank you by dissolving, leaving me a little bit more light, open, healed, blissful. And then more pain arose and I continued with patience and unconditional love. This went on and on until there wasn’t much left to heal anymore and only a soothing bliss radiating from within. Though the awakening of Kundalini Shakti within me brought upon great despair and agony as it forced me into a state of the deepest purging, I was never left alone. The support I’ve had throughout this experience has been incredible. I’ve been fortunate enough to be close with some of the most evolved, loving people on the planet. I love you all! Discarnate entities, ETs, and spirits all came to my aid in many ways. My guides had my back, providing me with direct insight, visions, and synchronicities at every turn. Dreamscape beings whispered potent messages into my ear. The trees encouraged me with their sturdy wisdom and in my sleep, frightening beasts came to scare the fear out of me. Bloggers and teachers that had experienced similar transformations offered their insight. My dog, Crash, gave her love too. But most importantly, my Heart supported me as it knew and appreciated the beauty of what was happening all along. To borrow from Scott Kiloby, I sat with infinite patience and I now sit in bliss. The ride isn’t over yet though. Who knows where it will take us next?


When people compare the greatness that is The Simpsons to other animated shows like Family Guy it makes me want to set myself on fire

As I have stated here previously, Lisa Simpson is one of my heroes. (I do like Family Guy though). How many of you grew up thinking that women, POC, and LGBTQ people didn’t have a place in science?

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