
the critically shy blog

@bottleoffairies / bottleoffairies.tumblr.com

Hi my name is Emery and I am a critically shy person trying to learn how to be less critically shy because this life is not very fun. Also, very lonely. It is a work in progress.
If your friend is crying over a break up in the middle of the night, and you have a Psychology final at 6 AM.. it’s okay to choose the test and support her in the morning. If you’ve promised someone that you would see a movie with them but stayed up all night coughing your brains out.. it’s okay to reschedule. You do not need to feel obligated to sacrifice your own self for the sake of someone else all of the time. The only person I was born to nurture is me.

disappoint people and be okay with it (what I’m learning)

this isn’t disappointing people, its setting healthy boundaries

(via stsathyre)

Sometimes you have to put yourself first, and THAT’S OK.


What is the true cost of piracy to an independent creator?

I just saw a torrent site that had more than a thousand illegal downloads of my Photoshop Megapack … in 24 hours. Seriously, how many people use Photoshop out there?! I mean, of course I’m upset, but I’m equally baffled by this number - I didn’t realize that many people had an interest in making digital art. It’s nuts.

Artists stealing from artists. I can’t understand it.

And I am always afraid to raise my already insultingly low prices BECAUSE I am afraid of more piracy. So, what am I supposed to do here? 

The sad truth is that I either DO need to raise prices to make up for the gross number of thefts and keep my income stream from diminishing (which would, of course, make them less affordable for students and young pros), or I need to completely change the business model somehow to somehow fight piracy. I don’t know how to change it, exactly, but since piracy of my products has been steadily increasing every year since I started, I need to figure something out.

Final thought: If just 5% of those people had bought legally, I’d have made $750 today. Okay, okay - that thought will definitely not improve my mood.

If you are a victim of piracy of your creative products, and you have some thoughts on this topic, I welcome them in comment form. Also, if you agree that this behavior is disgusting, and that we artists should be supporting one another, rather than acting like cannibals, then PLEASE REBLOG. Perhaps, if we make a little noise, it will at least make people reconsider using torrent sites when they realize that working artists are behind all of the creative products they love: music, art, film - all of it.

Thanks for reading. - Kyle


I'm so proud *tear* Same character. Drawn 3-2 years?? apart u v u


Claiming that bisexual or pansexual people are homosexual or heterosexual based on the person they are with at the time is like claiming all single people are asexual. Relationship status does not define sexuality.

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