
Shh, I'm undercover

@questionablemotive / questionablemotive.tumblr.com

Jess, somewhere at the end of the teens. Not much to say about me other than I'm a writer and a HUGE shipper.

What I loved about Nace in 3x01 was the complete lack of subtlety and how literally none of their interactions with one another were left open to interpretation.

We are being hit over the head with exactly how they feel about each other and I just love that.

We already know from season two’s finale that Nancy has feelings for Ace. So we know every look from her or everything she says to him is a result of how she feels about him. But ACE. Ace was an open book in the premiere. And while he may still be ignorant to his own feelings for Nancy, the audience now is not. Because it’s so obvious.

Like here:

Ace obviously isn’t crazy about the idea of Nancy leaving Horseshoe Bay—and him—behind. He doesn’t want her to forget  about him—something he most likely assumes would happen if she did leave. And the way he looks at her as she walks away…he can sense something is wrong with her (of course he can; he knows her better than anyone else ever will) and he’s going into concerned mode.

And here we have one of the most blatant scenes in the whole episode that shows us exactly where Ace is at with his feelings for Nancy:

His immediate look to Nancy after saying “Silence doesn’t mean he’s not thinking about you” is reminiscent of Nancy talking about repressed feelings in 2X10 and turning around to specifically look at Ace as she said it. In both scenes, neither one was consciously aware of how they feel about the other. Subconsciously, however, is a different story.

Then, there was this exchange:

We have Ace admitting out loud (and TO NANCY) that he thinks she’s amazing. The look on his face right after he says it…it’s like that was the moment he realized just how amazing he thinks she is. And he even moves in a step closer to her as he says it, like he wants to give her a comforting touch (or perhaps even a hug), but she turns away before he can.

The scene on the steps, however, was THE MOST OBVIOUS Ace has been yet. As they discuss Nancy applying to other schools, he has this look on his face:

The boy who told Nancy in 2x01 that he didn’t want to lose her is beginning to realize that losing her might become a reality someday—and very soon. He hates the idea of her going off to college because while she’ll be moving on to bigger and better things, he’ll be losing his purpose. Nancy is the single most important person in Ace’s life. Losing her in any capacity would destroy him.

Yet, despite the fact he doesn’t want her to leave, he wants her to be happy and have everything she wants, so he offers to help proofread her supplemental essay prompts, earning this genuine smile and chuckle out of her:

Ace’s smile, however, is not genuine. It’s forced. Because helping her with something that could lead to her departure from Horseshoe Bay is the last thing he wants to be doing. You can tell by the way that fake smile quickly vanishes while her real one lingers:

Lastly, we have Nancy declaring that Horseshoe Bay is where she belongs, and that she’s going to grow where she’s been planted. The camera focused on Ace here for a reason: to show how relieved he was to hear that. Oh, and to also show us just how madly in love with Nancy he is. Because you can’t deny it: it’s written all over his face:

I absolutely cannot wait to watch as Ace fully realizes how he feels about Nancy. It’s going to be so beautiful. But it’s also going to be painful because obviously by the time he admits to himself that he’s in love with her, she’s going to be starting something with Agent Park…which is probably going to be what makes him start to seek out his own purpose and want to make him do something with his life. You know…so that Nancy could maybe someday love him back (since he won’t know that she already loves him and wants to be with him).

It’s going to be a crazy season. But it’s going to be THEIR season, and I am SO READY for that.


Looking back at 1x10, I remembered this scene—when Ace returns to The Claw after being in a coma—striking me as odd when I first watched it. The way they move toward each other, the looks they give one another, how softly he says “hi” and she says “I’m really sorry”, the way he looks kinda sad when their convo is cut short due to a phone call…it all felt more romantic to me than platonic. Am I the only one who feels that way about this scene?

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