
Avery's Randomness

@the-font-bandit / the-font-bandit.tumblr.com

Personal blog of author Amy Avery. Multi-fandom chaos and anything that catches my fancy.

reminder to worldbuilders: don't get caught up in things that aren't important to the story you're writing, like plot and characters! instead, try to focus on what readers actually care about: detailed plate tectonics

@dragonpyre any chance you could elaborate on this


I grew up learning about land formations. Seeing fictional maps that don’t follow the logic and science of them makes me upset

What are the most common sins you’ve seen relating to this? I wanna know


Why is the mountain range square. How did the mountain range form. Why is there one singular volcano in the center. Why does it act like a composite volcano but have magma that acts like it’s from a shield. If it’s hotspot based volcanic activity why is there only one volcano.

And then the misty mountains!!!! Why isn’t there a rain shadow!! And why is there a FOREST where the rain shadow should be!!!!!!!!

So what is a rain shadow?

Wind blows clouds in from the sea, but mountains are so tall the clouds can't get past 'em, so you get deserts on the windward side of mountain ranges because clouds can't get there to water the land, or do so only very rarely.

Oh yeah nothing is more annoying than fantasy maps that can't get mountains, rivers and rain shadows right.


May I recommend my new favorite tool: Mapgen4. You start with a random seed and then add mountains, valleys, shallow water, or oceans as you like. You can adjust the wind direction to make wind shadows off the mountains fall where you want. You can adjust overall raininess to make the rivers larger or smaller, or have more or fewer tributaries. It works best for small, isolated landmasses (think islands more than continents) but as there’s no scale bar and it’s all slightly abstracted anyway you can do whatever you want with it. I’ve only just started playing with it but it’s SO FUN.


i love tumblr because sometimes i get an urge to rb posts about something nobody likes and everyone just politely ignores me. everyone's like oh he's fallen into madness again, he'll be fine later i guess


my one skill is expertly manipulating the shape of the eggs I’m cooking so that they fit perfectly onto my toast every time

Bow down to your king

I can’t stop outdoing myself

Remember that post? The one that said “what if we all have super powers but they’re so mundane we don’t realize?” That post? This is proof that post was right

My cousin can ALWAYS detect when a cop is within a mile. One friend will get anyone lost while traveling with him, even if they've been there a hundred times before.

I can match two colors perfectly every time, first try. (Most noticeable when picking thread for sewing projects)


i know lisa frankenstein stylized movie silly movie but also i Felt Humanity for a sec when he sat down at the piano and I realized…even though he’s been dead for a hundred years, sheet music is still written the same way. he can still play it and connect with people through it. augh.


jurassic park has a good philosophical message but unfortunately the only thing i ever take away from watching jurassic park is "god i wish i could go to jurassic park." like yeah it's a blatantly obvious don't create the torment nexus scenario, but this torment nexus has DINOSAURS.


Ok I know it's such a small thing but my old 4yo phone was finally dying so I had to get a new one. And yes, it's still on the lowest end of smartphone tech, but the camera is MILES better even it's it's shitty by current phone standards and I'm giggling in glee testing it out.

Photo is for my cocktail IG. If you want the recipe:

2oz blended scotch

1/2oz cream of coconut

1/4oz Aperol

1tsp spicy ginger syrup*

1oz lemon juice

*I use Liber & Co, but you can make your own with equal parts water and sugar heated until sugar dissolves, then simmering on low with peeled sliced fresh ginger until desired spice is achieved.

1) mix all in cocktail shaker with ice

2) shake well about 20 seconds

3) strain into glass


queer is such a good word. im queer as in fuck you. queer as in odd. queer as in fucked-in-the-head. queer as in i hope you choke on it. queer as in a slur i laugh at. queer as in not like you. queer as in none of your business. queer as in a line in the fucking dirt. queer as in we’re here. get used to it. queer as in this is who i am and what i am. queer as in im different and i dont fucking care. queer as in with or without you i exist and ill keep doing it. queer as in queer

only one person has tagged this as “q slur” so far which is one person too many tbh, so. this post is inherently anti “q slur”. queer is a good fucking word and if you dont want people to see it on your blog then dont reblog this post.

“queer as in spiteful” doesnt leave room for queerphobic nonsense, thanks

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