
Hi! Im Hank, also known as Pansy Leatherwork. I'm a fat, butch, tgurl leatherworker based out of Chicago. I started working with leather last June after working a retail position at a large leather shop in my city. One of the big things that led me to leave that job is how they thought they were making stuff that was inclusive to everyone but just frankly... weren't

Where was the stuff for the transsexuals, the fat bitches, the girlies getting paid $15/hr, the freaks that make up the actual communities I exist as part of?, the freaks like me? So I put in my two weeks, started doing phone sex again to cover my bills, and bought some tools and got to learning

Now, just under a year out, I'm genuinely astonished at how well my work has been received. I operate on sliding scale, even on my website, and getting to hear how my stuff gets used or seeing it in action genuinely fills me with an amount of joy I can't properly express.

If what I do seems interesting to you, you can check out my work at Pansy-Leatherwork.com or my Instagram, @pansy.leatherwork

Listen to me!!

No, really, listen to me

I did not scroll back through 2 hours of posts just for you to ignore this.

Take a second to look at her site

These leather prices are great. Downright criminal even.

You see those beautiful, hand painted CUSTOM stamped collars? That shit would usually be EASILY 100 bucks

Those collars are 70 dollars max and have a sliding scale down to 45

Do you know how insane that is??? Do you know how insane it is that that quality is available practically at cost if you’re struggling???


Pay as high as you can to make this something she can continue to do for others.


a raven father (i call him "pants") I've been feeding sometimes likes to sit outside my window and either wait for more food or just listen to the stuff I'm watching while I draw. Today's a colder day so he likes to fluff up a bit, and I kid you not :

this is an accurate representation of my view

Pants sure is pantsing today


Apparently Iowa has some WILD statues. Like, Titty Out Milf Civil War Union Victory Lady, but also;

15 foot gnome

33 foot tinfoil alien

And Baphomet in the Capital building

I think they put something in the pork tenderloins idk


Hey, so--we cooled your boyfriend down to a hundredth of a kelvin above absolute zero. Yeah, it was so cold that all of the chemical reactions in his body ceased. Sorry. We, uh, yeah, we used him as a dielectric material in a tiny qubit. And then we quantum-entangled him with another qubit, just to see if we could. Sorry. Yeah, anyway, we thawed him out after two weeks and apparently he's doing fine now. Didn't really teach us anything about how quantum processes work in biological systems, but it sure was, uh, cool. If you'll pardon the pun.


this is literally Schrodinger's cat. Like, the whole premise of that thought experiment is that quantum superpositions are stupid because they don't make sense when you apply them to complex systems, but apparently you can actually do that.


struggling to comprehend the scale of the mistake I almost just made

would you know the course of my folly? does it not gratify sufficiently to hear merely that I have suffered? where amid this tortured realm does space for mystery remain?

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