
@roxasdog / roxasdog.tumblr.com


listen i know this website thinks that every gay on earth must enjoy and discuss the revelry of some grand event but literally everything i know about the met gala, i learned here on this hellsite and it was 100% against my will. i do not care it exists, who shows up, or what they're wearing. my air and heating hasn't worked in four years. my kitchen has a light switch with duct tape blocking it so we don't set the house on fire. my plumbing doesn't work. i'm one bad day away from my teeth or my gallbladder deciding to kill me. the only people at that gala who are my friends are the people cleaning the bathrooms and even that's a maybe at best.

all these things y'all are defending about celebs and politicians are great and all but again. and i mean it truly. i do not care. they're not my friends. you can say the left is eating itself but when you're starving, everyone at the feast looks the same.


A Twitter Thread from David Bowles:

[Text transcript at the end of the screenshots]

I'll let you in on a secret. I have a doctorate in education, but the field’s basically just a 100 years old. We don’t really know what we’re doing. Our scholarly understanding of how learning happens is like astronomy 2000 years ago.

Most classroom practice is astrology.


sometimes i remember how we had to do the pledge of allegiance every morning as kids and i go insane. like literally before we even knew what any of that shit meant we wld straight up pause our day to drone out a promise of loyalty to the creepy flag at the front of the room. nightmare nightmare nightmare


I’m saying this seriously. I think we’re gonna need to start treating air conditioning as a human right. Prisoners, the homeless, and generally the poor will suffer the most as our planet starts heating up


“We wouldn’t have to deal with the Delta variant if it weren’t for a bunch of uneducated people refusing to get their vaccine”

No, we would still have had to deal with the Delta variant, because neither Trump nor Biden showed any interest in distributing US vaccine stockpiles internationally during the early months when it could have had the greatest impact in dampening Delta’s spread throughout India. Public health experts explicitly warned policymakers at the time that this vaccine nationalism would enable the global spread of variants. But this explanation doesn’t let anyone in America feel superior to anyone else, so it won’t catch on


A few I’ve run into/witnessed:

  • You’re forced to use sick time for doctor’s appointments when your manager is not
  • You’re given “comp” time for mandatory overtime
  • You’re denied a raise because “we offer better benefits here than other places so you actually come out ahead”
  • Your benefits are actually paltry compared to your supervisor’s, who gets to be in a higher benefit tier that no longer exists
  • You’re doing way more than 40 hours a week because they have you on salary and overtime “doesn’t apply” to you
  • Your supervisor/company schedules meetings over lunch time and break time so that even though you technically have that time available to use, you never get to use it when you need/want to
  • Your holiday time is designed in such a way that it expires before you can use the full amount of time, or you’re only allowed certain blocks in the year that you can use it during

- if you’re salary and they drop you to hourly on weeks that are under 40 hours


Suspected Non-Criminal Collides with Bullet Misplaced by Heroic Police Officer at Great Velocity, Stops Being Alive

Dangerous Unarmed Man Shot 12 Times in Back While Attempting to Run Around Full Circumference of Earth, Attack Officer From Behind

Cannabis Addict Dies of Overdose During Police Grenade Explosion


cant say i saw it coming in advance but “violent crime rates rising slightly post-lockdown but still lower than pre-covid” being spun like crazy into a fake crime wave to justify more militarized policing definitely sounds like something that people could’ve seen coming

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