

@coalescency-fr / coalescency-fr.tumblr.com

My Flight Rising Related Blog Coalescency

I'm glad so many people like my bio frames. I don't play flight rising anymore but I see the random influx of likes and reblogs and it makes me smile ☺ I'm always over at my main blog @coalescency if anyone wants to see what I'm up to

me: I'm almost caught up on collecting the new familiars!!
Flight Rising: here's 18 more from the new venue
me: will i ever know peace
Anonymous asked:

I have a question about the fr flight frames you made for people to use? Do want credit put somewhere when people use the frames? Also, would you mind if I made similar fr frames inspired by yours? I wouldn't distribute them to others. I'd just like to use them to frame my art and the art I make for fr commissions. Is that ok? When I make them I can credit you for the inspiration.

I don’t know how old this ask is (ask don’t show up on mobile very well???)

Anyways, you can credit me if you like, but it’s not required :) As for similar frames, these were inspired by art nouveau so I can’t really claim the inspiration as my own anyways. Something similar would be fine by me!


motherfucking undel Jesus christ fuck dude flight Rising bullshit jesus can you Fucking believe this shit

god Damn created flight rising and fucking Lawyers and shit right fuckin festival Recolors god damn rowing the boat fuck Yo shit i can’t even fucking believe this shit have you seen this shit fuck i just Watched This shit fuck undel man

motherfucking plague Plague you put in the time fuck put in the time motherfucking Built shit with their bear hands Fucking best friend shit undel I’m very tired.

no man i’ll just talk about flight rising shit man you have to be so interested in the shit i have to say about flight rising fuck dude i just played it a year and a half ago fuck undel man he fucked over ice crazy festival recolors rowing aequorin did the soundtrack fuck this guy who invented i don’t like die i can’t think of who the fuck invented flight rising all i can think of is who played the guy who played the guy who invented flight rising who the fuck invented flight rising


The flight rising x game grumps crossover I was never expecting...


What is up with the AH lately? Everything’s expired and it must be a bug because a dragon that was listed as “expired” I could buy so uh wtf.

Check the clock/date on your device and resync it with the internet


Sometimes, the mods make me feel so frustrated.

A word of warning: this post is lengthy and heavy with forum post screenshots. You should skip past this post if you can’t load images well or if you want to avoid black-on-white eye strain.

So Mod Barbie is vacationing in Arcane, and she’s already started to mess up the Arcane forums. Expanding Arcane is an organization to help expand Arcane flight members’ lairs through dragon tithes equaling approximately one-third of the cost of the actual lair expansion. It was located in the regular Arcane Forums until the other day when Mod Barbie moved it to Arcane Sales without warning.

Expanding Arcane’s users were understandably confused.

The OP sent a Contact Us report and pinged everyone who uses the thread to help curb the confusion.

EA’s users continued to be understandably maddened, confused, and panicked by the sudden and unwarranted move.

Apparently Mod Barbie moved some other dom-related threads as well. Here’s the stinger, though:

It was recently decided that threads where any kind of treasure, item, and/or dragon trading was happening (such as Expanding Arcane) would be moved to their respective flight sales forums!”

That uses passive phrasing, and it avoids naming names. The way that sentence is phrased, Mod Barbie could have been the only one involved in this decision. There was no mention of an administrative or moderator-wide decision to do this. There isn’t a single hint that there was any sort of group discussion taking place. It was recently decided implies that Mod Barbie’s “reorganizing” is just some trashy let’s-disrupt-the-entire-Arcane-flight-on-a-whim-by-making-everyone-do-things-the-way-I-do move. Barbie didn’t even acknowledge the (legitimate!) complaints regarding how useful the move actually was.

I feel as if the entire Arcane flight just stepped on something gross, and we can’t wipe it off until next year at the earliest.

Ignoring the other gross comments on this... Shadow had a treasure type thread that was dom oriented moved to sales by the mod currently in shadow. Though I don’t remember if they gave the exact same reason, I’m sure it was along a similar line. And despite saying we thought it did not belong there it has not moved back. I’m pretty sure this is more than just one mod on some kind of power trip 



I’m going to tell you a story. Once upon a time, I was a wee frightened child of twenty-something, and I had nary a single light sprite to my name. A beautiful heroine heard my pathetic weeping and gifted one to me. I kept this light sprite. I hoarded it like I hoard old books and the pre-chewed gum of celebrities. And then I decided to quit. Flight Rising, not hoarding delicious celebrity gum. And I thought, I shall pass on the tradition and share this light sprite with an equally sad and pathetic tumblrer. AND SO, WITHOUT FURTHER ADO THE RULES 1. YOU MUST NOT ALREADY HAVE A LIGHT SPRITE*. I will check and I will publicly shame you if you don’t follow this rule. This isn’t to add to your light sprite collection, yo.

2. You must reblog this with your USERNAME.

Those be the rules. I will be choosing this based purely on how I feel about it. This isn’t chance. This is whim and fancy. It ends when I feel like it. IT BEGINS NOW. NOW, I SAY.

Oh, and side note. I don’t care if you follow me or not, that won’t affect my choice. So don’t follow me because you think I give away lots of free stuff, because I don’t. I am a bitter and angry old woman who has not yet learned the value of generosity… or love.  *and don’t give me this “oh, I’m entering for a friend” ridiculousness. If they play FR they have keyboards and the ability to type their own username. 



I'm Coalescency (67016) on FR and a light sprite would light up my sad, pathetic life B)


Please Undel!

Make colors that perfectly match the elemental eyes! I will love you forever if you do!

Have you not seen mulberry shadow dragons?


What the admins want the coliseum to be: A game where you have to use at least a modicum of strategy and team building to overcome a variety of enemies.

What the players want the coliseum to be: A big red button that, every time you click it, your dragons gain exp and loot.



I have a question that I’m honestly curious about. 

Is it okay if my clan lore includes dark themes such as torture, abuse, rape and other types of violence? I see members here complaining about others who have lore as such, but I don’t know whether it’s against the rules or not. 

And no - I do not condone any of these things. I merely enjoy it in fiction and fiction only.

“Violence & Sexuality

This includes both clear/masked language OR links to websites containing such language or images that:

  • Refer to extremely violent real life actions
  • Refer to extreme or violent sexual acts
  • Pornographic material of any nature”

it has to be pg13 as that’s the site’s rating


I am the monster.

When I saw the Loga I knew I needed another one.

I checked it’s price. It wasn’t too bad I thought, Dryads were cheap as dirt and were weirdly labeled as very rare so I thought it’d be a snap to get the gold goo. I open the auction house.

The cheapest was 40,000t. I wasn’t going to pay for that but I had to do something, I needed a 2nd Loga. I checked my hoard. Nothing I would put in the pot that was that labeled as rare was there. There was only one more place to look.

My dragons.

And with one of them was a Dryad in an awaken state. I remembered that the Dryad was a permanent familiar of this dragon and had been so for months.

“We can get you a new one later.” I thought as I unequipped her long time pal and threw them in to the brew.

“We can get you a new one…”

Too bad rarity has nothing to do with what color goo you get *continues destroying kelp bed familiars*

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