
Gay AF

@daftxlove / daftxlove.tumblr.com

♥33♥ Queer artist doing their best ♥

So earlier in art class today, someone drew a characters hands in their pockets and mentioned that hands are really like the ultimate end boss of art, and most of us wholeheartedly agreed. So then, our teacher went ahead and free handed like a handful of hands on the board, earning a woah from a couple of students. So the one from earlier mentioned how it barely took the teacher ten seconds to do what I can’t do in three hours. And you know what he responded?

“It didn’t take me ten seconds, it took me forty years.”

And you know, that stuck with me somehow. Because yeah. Drawing a hand didn’t take him fourth years. But learning and practicing to draw a hand in ten seconds did. And I think there’s something to learn there but it’s so warm and my brain is fried so I can’t formulate the actual morale of the lesson.

Saying "I'm not going to draw this thing because I don't know how to draw this thing" is really shooting yourself in the foot, because you've now cut yourself off from an opportunity to grow.

I had a friend in college who was an absolutely amazing artist. I loved seeing his work! One time I said something to the effect of "I could never do that."

He told me something that, as an artist, I resonate with. He said art isn't about natural talent; it's a learned skill. When you tell an artist their level of skill is impossible for you to reach, you're assuming their level of skill is a natural gifting they have, and it discredits the hundreds to thousands of hours of hard work they've put into getting where they are today, and you're cutting yourself off from trying to reach that point yourself.


Rashida Tlaib has set up a petition to send to the White House to recognize and stop the ethnic cleansing and forced displacement happening in Gaza. If you’re a US citizen please sign. I have no illusions that this will change policy, but the public outcry against their actions must continue. We will not be distracted or discouraged from continuing to object to these humans rights violations.

Hi likes do not help this post, please reblog


do you ever laugh with your friends and think oh this is the point. this is the point of everything


i'm literally begging people to relearn how to use earbuds and headphones. i don't wanna hear your fucking tiktok while im waiting for my flight.


100% this.


Go on do it. I want everything you can give.

Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust (2000) dir. Yoshiaki Kawajiri


Hey, are you aware of the fact that many people in Gaza have resorted to cutting pieces of their tents for scraps for pads? Which as you can imagine isn't the safest option but their only option in most cases. This also applies to those going through postpartum bleeding from giving birth. If you want to or can help:

The Pious Projects - they distribute feminine hygiene kits for people in Gaza! I suggest checking it out yourself but there's various amounts you can give from $5-$1,000 to help make and distribute these kits! They cost around $25 for each kit, but every bit helps. Make sure to share the link even if you can't currently help donate today!

Here are some other things to donate to under The Pious Projects that have not received much funding:

Free Dental Clinic - At the time of posting has received only $59 in donations

Gift of Hearing for Gaza - At the time of posting has received $632 in donations

Medical Equipment for Gaza - At the time of posting has received $719 in donations

(All numbers are in USD)

There are a lot of other fundraising efforts on their website. The people of Gaza need all the help they can get. Even if you can only spare a few dollars, every donation counts. You can make a difference.


No, kids should not have unsupervised acess to the internet.   Yes, I got that and it was the best thing that ever happened to me.    Its a paradox.


Maybe it's just my proximity to middle age, but for my money, Halsin is the most attractive romanceable character in BG3 by a mile. He's kind. He's courteous. He takes responsibility for his mistakes and undertakes to fix them without roping you into a bunch of drama about it and then goes on to help you save the world just because he likes you. He's a leader with a healthy ambivalence about leadership. He's effectively an eco-socialist with deep and abiding convictions about the treatment of the underprivileged, especially children. He is passionately romantic about you while also decrying the constraints and jealousies compulsory monogamy. AND he's built like a brick shithouse and will fuck your brains out. I'm just not seeing what's not to love about this man.

Reblog bc he’s a handsome, Responsible, RELIABLE mf who would have me on my knees


not to be rude but some of y'all need to look on the bright side sometimes. like, yeah sure the world is fucked and people suck and we all die whatever, sure, but like. go outside.

ok i phrased this poorly, hang on.

i'm not saying the cure for depression is touching grass. however, if you surround yourself with sad things and talk about how terrible life is and how much you're suffering and never take a breath and remember it's not all bad, you'll end up making yourself worse.

like, i've been diagnosed with clinical depression, and anxiety, and insomnia, and chronic pain, and a million other things that get in the way of me having a simple fucking good day, but you know what?

i watch videos that make me happy and wear pretty clothes and cut my hair in fun styles and do my makeup and drink strawberry tea and take two showers a day and i look on the bright side because goddamnit if god is trying to break me down, he'll have to try harder.

i see so many people talk about how sad they are, who make their depression their first priority, and i get it, i really do, but you know that is actively harming your mental state, right? please, just do something nice for yourself, think positively for one day. i promise things get better when you step back and breathe.


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