



And she will be a completely different woman, but that’s alright.

Most folks with this guy’s mindset will go far in life. 


I hope that Freddy collected on this bet.

Omg those interviewers were horrible! Wtf!

Freddie Prince Jr. always been fine to me tbh


Xyphos, is a derivative of the greek word Xiphos, which means sword. Which is why I made sure she had sword cards next to her.

She does actually do fortune telling, with her mother and sisters. They all took turns, and it was part of one of many scams they were all running. She just makes it all up as she goes along. Any correct readings was all dumb luck.

I used to randomly collect star signs, and do “readings” for that for one of the other players, and they always happen to come true which was funny! I stopped, because it really bothered the other player, even though I showed him I picked a star sign at random, and they were generic as star signs are.

It was for this character I designed the Elven Tarot deck for actually.

Her new wig, which I love was made by the lovely @missmaishka who will hopefully be opening her store soon!

Oh wow, the notes! Thank you so much everyone!


Honest question: Why do pop culture references work and get a laugh in things like Shrek, but in others they just come across as just being lame and forced? What makes a pop culture reference work? 


I think the thing with references in general is that they need to either a) work on their own even if someone DOESN’T understand the source material and/or (preferably and) b) are brief enough that someone who doesn’t understand them most likely won’t notice them, instead of stopping the story shut in its tracks for a minute so you can wink at the viewer and say “geddit? eh? eh?”… metaporically speaking.

Example: in Shrek 2, Shrek sees an old poster in Fiona’s old room in the castle.

When I was a kid, I genuinely didn’t recognize that this was supposed to be Justin Timberlake, because I wasn’t that up on celebrity stuff (and he already wore a full beard at this point). But I still smiled, because even if you DON’T recognize the celeb it still is a solid joke even without that, narrative is still easy to recongize that Fiona as a tween had a crush on some male celebrity, and it ties into character development of Shrek feeling insecure because he’s not human - so it fullfills point a).

And in addition to that: that shot? It lasts for THREE SECONDS. It’s a quiet scene (except for music), noone makes any mention of that poster, there’s no dialog or callback or anything. If you don’t get it, you miss absolutely nothing. So it fulfills point b) at the same time.

True, and even the longer references (like the scene in Shrek 2 where Fairy Godmother sings “I need a hero” and you get that whole Godzilla Cookie bit) don’t actually impede the story, because there’s still stuff going on. Most of the time, when a reference falls flat, it’s because the movie stops in its tracks or doesn’t advance the plot, which tends to get on the nerves of viewers :P

another example: in Meet The Robinson’s, when Wilbur says his dad looks like Tom Selleck and we’re given this picture for a fraction of a second among a bunch of pictures of goofy cartoon characters:


now as a kid this was hilarious bc come on, thats not a cartoon character, thats just a man!!! and it’s absurd and only there for a second. and then i learned later that his dad is actually voiced by Tom Selleck and GOD THATS HILARIOUS

pop culture references usually just fall somewhere on a spectrum from “funny” to “obnoxious,” with “boring” smack dab in the middle


Fuck other customers/ passengers

The other night I was out late at a friends place and had to get home.  My friend lives downtown in the city, and my apartment is right across one of the bridges going out of the city.  The bus that goes across the bridge is super unreliable at night, so I decide to call the pink carpool app instead.

For those who don’t use carpool apps, carpool apps have an option where you can request a “line."  This makes your fare cheaper, but it will also pair you with other passengers who are going a similar direction as you (so you sometimes end up taking detours when doing a line.)  So I request a line because I’m trying to save money, and if I’m forcing a driver to drive over the bridge for me, I don’t mind having another passenger going over the bridge in the same car as me. 

I match with a driver who’s only 3 blocks from me and immediately get a phone call. 

Driver:  This is your driver, I’m on the corner of 1st and A Street.  Where are you?

Me:  I’m on the corner of 3rd and B street

Driver:  You’re not on 1st and A? 

Me:  (I’ve had drivers who aren’t good with technology before, so I assume he’s looking at the wrong thing) No, I request to be picked up at 350 3rd st.  Is it not showing that address on your screen?

Driver:  I don’t see it….

Me:  The GPS glitches sometimes, let me make sure that the address is correct on my app.  (I take the phone away from my ear, check my app, and see that my pick up address is correct.)  Yes, my pick up address is listed as 350 3rd st.  Is it showing something different to you?

New Male voice on phone:  You need to cancel your ride!

(For those of you who don’t know, if you cancel a carpool after being matched with another passenger it’s a $3-$5 cancellation fee)

Me:  No I don’t? My address is correct and you’re only 3 blocks away, so you need to come pick me up?

New voice:  This is the other passenger.  I don’t want to go out of my way to pick you up.  So YOU have to cancel.

Me:  Well, I don’t want to pay the cancellation fee, so I’m not canceling.

New voice:  "Oh boo hoo, bitch, it’s $3.”

It took my brain 3 seconds to process that 1) an adult male just told me “boo hoo bitch” 2) He just told a stranger what to do with their money, with no idea about what my financial situation was and 3) If his time is so important to him but money isn’t, he should have just requested a private ride

Me:  Well next time pay extra and don’t choose a line if you don’t want to go out of your way (I’m pretty sure I didn’t say it that articulately since I was in shock)

New Voice:  Where are you going? 

Me: to (my neighborhood)

New voice:  Oh.  That’s ok then.

Cool???? I don’t need your approval to get home??? and now I’m hoping that you have to go 20 minutes out of your way for me since you’re so rude.

The driver then cut the other passenger off and said that he saw my pick up address now.  I hopped in the front seat next to the driver, and the driver and I had a pleasant conversation on drive across the bridge while the other guy sulked silently in the back.  When the driver pulled up to my house the other passenger said “I’ll hop out here too, I live around the corner."  So I literally didn’t inconvenience him AT ALL.  In fact, we’d both be home 3 minutes faster if he hadn’t tried getting me to cancel.  Fuck that guy for being entitled and thinking that his time and money are more important than other people’s.

Tl,Dr: Other passenger in a carpool app gets mad at me, and tries to tell me to pay a $3 cancellation fee because he doesn’t want to go 3 blocks out of his way 

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