
From Lourita | New Designs & Inspiration

@laurafosterdesign / laurafosterdesign.tumblr.com

The Latest: New Project Updates & Inspirations

Ha! I like the logic behind the "Debby Downer" side. I may have to purchase this poster at some point in my life. Maybe you will, too?



With summer brings sunshine and some much needed time with good friends. Summer is also the season of trips and weddings. My good friend Kelsey is getting married in the mountains near Denver next month, and I am pretty thrilled to be a part of the ceremony.

This morning I finished designing the bridesmaid's hair pieces to match our dresses. With air travel ahead of me to get to Denver, the need for a design that won't break in my tiny carry-on bag, or mid-clip into the hair, was important to keep in mind. The purple painted wood petals are nested in with green fabric leafs and button accents. These pieces clip into the hair firmly with a single bobbie pin attached in-between it all.


Ian Ruhter/ Wet Plate Collodion 27”x36”/Oscar Loreto jr/ Los Angeles CA 6.4.2012

Ian Ruhter's Silver & Light project is worth keeping an eye on. All of it. 

"This is the most powerful image I've taken to date. In order to create this image, Oscar Loreto jr had to demonstrate incredible courage and bravery. This photograph resembles a level of trust that pushed the boundaries of my own photography. It also pushed Oscar's comfort level. He has never be photographed showing his leg without his prosthetic on. It was an honor to be able to work with him. Photographs like these are why I created this project." - Ian Ruhter

Today I was thinking it might be nice to get a new idea going to help others. LoveMe would aim to raise money and/or awareness towards anti-bullying/hate efforts, or other causes which target people in emotional need. I'd like to see if I can get a site going at some point and actually do some good around the internet -- more to come!?


I saw this little jem show up on Facebook when a profile picture was not loading, and it got me thinking about how out of date this "image" message is... right? While everything on the internet keeps evolving and changing rapidly, this really takes me back to the days of Window's 95 or something. 


"i don't know what is going on here."  -- meh. I don't know.

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