
DarkWings DarkWords

@darkwingsdarkwords48 / darkwingsdarkwords48.tumblr.com


Can finally post my pieces I did for the @supercorpzine ! I’m so happy that I was able to be part of it again this year!! Everyone did such an amazing jbo and the zine turned out BEAUTIFUL.

Anonymous asked:

Extremely frustrating as Palestinians watching the world stand in solidarity with The Ukraine and suddenly knowing how to use the word occupation.

dropping this here

and this one too. they let refugees fleeing a different war freeze to death in the middle of winter while the world turned a blind eye at the frozen corpses of children who were denied asylum and died because of it. this was happening as of two months ago as well, it’s not old news

i stand with ukraine, obviously.

i also stand with those who are calling out the blatant hypocrisy in how others in the same situation were treated, as well as those who are rightfully upset in the world’s support of and reaction to of one group of people but not others who have faced the same and much worse.

and before anyone jumps on this with ‘omg not appropriate right now’ or ‘stop comparing the two’, it’s entirely possible to stand with ukraine and the russians who are protesting the russian govt, while at the same time acknowledging that the world’s eurocentric response to this situation is extremely different to the response it gives other countries in places the western world declares are “backward”, and “uncivilized”


It isn't lost on anyone that white war refugees are treated much differently than others....

and for all butthurts around here, I'm not saying Ukrainian refugees shouldn't get help. just pointing out that the racism in which lives are more deserving of help is just so very blatant and I'm disgusted by polish and Hungarian politics in particular.

we should help everybody besties.


Amazon continues to ban indie romance authors with no justification. Keep tabs on your favorite authors and alternative ways to support them.

In the article:

Bestselling indie author loses Amazon account and royalties because she supposedly did something wrong and Amazon won't tell her what.

Extra advice:

If your favorite author has a mailing list, consider subscribing. It's the only way for authors to keep in touch with their fanbase without any dependency on the goodwill of a platform, be it Amazon or Twitter.

This is the point of alarm, thank you for clarifying. Authors can't follow rules they don't know exist and can't get clarity on!

Anonymous asked:

yelena is aroace, why is it so hard for you to admit it???

I’ve been staying away from this because it feels like such a pointless thing to argue about. Despite me having my own tagging system that keeps me out of the show, character, and ship tags a seemingly endless amount of you have been ceaselessly hounding me for days, trying to police what I say and do on my blog. I've finally reached my breaking point so…here we go I guess.

Let’s start with the basics since it appears that most of you fail to grasp even that. There’s two distinctly different concepts that fandom conflates and/or tries to use interchangeably because evidently only a handful of us took a literature class in school. Time for a lesson.

CANON: Canon are the elements of a fictional story that are officially a part of it. Canon is IRREFUTABLE information provided directly from the media to the audience. In movies and TV this would mean things like action or dialogue that happen ON SCREEN. In a book or comic it would be things EXPLICITLY said or shown on the page. Canon isn’t fan interpretation/speculation, fix-its, headcanons, what-ifs, something an actor said at a con in front of 200 people or that they “thought maybe that’s a thing their character would do” at an interview in a press junket. Canon is what is IN THE TEXT. End of story.


-Authorial Intent: An author can have an “intention” with a piece but that ends the moment the story is out of their hands and the reader/viewer takes ownership of it. Why? Because none of us see the world the same way. Literally. The author simply cannot control how an individual will read their work, cannot dictate how we embrace what they supposedly wrote, and cannot force us to throw out our own takeaway of the text. It is entirely possible that my experience with the text or the characters is vastly different than what they “intended” that to be and there is nothing wrong with that. Once art is out in the world it is going to take a life of its own. That is how subjectivity works.

-Death Of The Author: TV Tropes defines Death Of The Author as follows: “It holds that an author's intentions and background (including their politics and religion) should hold no special weight in determining how to interpret their work. This is usually understood to mean that a writer's views about their own work are no more or less valid than the interpretation of the reader.”

Now that we’ve established both those things let’s break down Yelena’s case in particular.


Updated anti blocklist

Hey, if you’re pro Kate x Yelena in any way, shape or form, here’s a blocklist to use for your own sanity. None of these accounts bother to block the Kate x Yelena tag and will attack you for having an opinion differing from theirs. Even if you think Yelena is ace and ship her in a romantic relationship with Kate, or any iteration of the sort, it’s not good enough. They will quote the creator at you and then stick their fingers in their ears when you point out that the same person expressly stated she’s cool with people shipping it. It’s just not worth anyone’s time or energy to interact with them.

The good news is there’s only a dozen of them or thereabouts, so once you’ve blocked them, you’re really free to go on your merry way! Plus, these accounts all seem to be run by folks 21 and under, so maybe take that into account.

Feel free to add. I know there’s more, but they already blocked me lol (good for them).



@thebladesofstar (literally made a meme shooting anyone who disagrees? Lol ok)



Lemme just say this and get it off my chest.


Everyone has the freedom to choose whatever they wanna take from FICTIONAL *lemme repeat* FICTIONAL characters.

I mean lesbians *myself included* have been shipping straight female characters together for ages it’s not a fuckin problem.

I’m seriously sick of this. You don’t like? Don’t go in that tag and shame ppl for what they love. period.


Take a moment to read this and ship and let ship. Last message from Devin Grayson (Yelena's creator) herself from today. Exchange between @/LorenaThranriel and her TODAY. #Yelena’s sexuality is COMPLETELY and oficially up to fans, open to any kind of interpretations. So write what you want fellas, however you want and be respectful of one another. I also add another capture of some time ago (because Devin actually only saw her as ace and attracted to women). But as of now, with this response from today, Yelena can have any sexuality as a headcanon, which is the only thing we only really had about her: headcanons. Anyway, congrats folks: nothing is canon, everything is allowed as for now so we can stop pushing our hcs onto other people. The first one that does it, idc what their hc is, will go to my block list. You’ve been warned and you have actual proof now. From today. I’m very happy about this and will feel better when writting and reading fics. ❤️


Susanna and the Elders, Restored (Left)

Susanna and the Elders, Restored with X-ray (Right)

Kathleen Gilje, 1998


Oooh my gosh this is rad. This is so rad.

For those who don’t know about this painting, the artist was the Baroque artist Artemisia Gentileschi.

Gentileschi was a female painter in a time when it was very largely unheard of for a woman to be an artist. She managed to get the opportunity for training and eventual employment because her father, Orazio, was already a well established master painter who was very adamant that she get artistic training. He apparently saw a high degree of skill in some artwork she did as a hobby in childhood. He was very supportive of her and encouraged her to resist the “traditional attitude and psychological submission to brainwashing and the jealousy of her obvious talents.”  

Gentileschi became extremely well known in her time for painting female figures from the Bible and their suffering. For example, the one seen above depicts the story from the Book of Daniel. Susanna is bathing in her garden when two elders began to spy on her in the nude. As she finishes they stop her and tell her that they will tell everyone that they saw her have an affair with a young man (she’s married so this is an offense punishable by death) unless she has sex with them. She refuses, they tell their tale, and she is going to be put to death when the protagonist of the book (Daniel) stops them.

So that painting above? That was her first major painting. She was SEVENTEEN-YEARS-OLD. For context, here is a painting of the same story by Alessandro Allori made just four years earlier in 1606: 

Wowwwww. That does not look like a woman being threatened with a choice between death or rape. So imagine 17 year old Artemisia trying to approach painting the scene of a woman being assaulted. And she paints what is seen in the x-ray above. A woman in horrifying, grotesque anguish with what appears to be a knife poised in her clenched hand. Damn that shit is real. Who wants to guess that she was advised by, perhaps her father or others, to tone it down. Women can’t look that grotesque. Sexual assault can’t be depicted as that horrifying. And women definitely can’t be seen as having the potential to fight back. Certainly not in artwork. Women need to be soft. They need to wilt from their captors but still look pretty and be a damsel in distress. So she changed it. 

What’s interesting to note is that she eventually painted and stuck with some of her own, less traditional depictions of women. However, that is more interesting with some context.  

(Warning for reference to rape, torture, and images of paintings which show violence and blood.)

So, Gentileschi’s story continues in the very next year, 1611, when her father hires Agostino Tassi, an artist, to privately tutor her. It was in this time when Tassi raped her. He then proceeded to promise that he would marry her. He pointed out that if it got out that she had lost her virginity to a man she wasn’t going to marry then it would ruin her. Using this, he emotionally manipulated her into continuing a sexual relationship with him. However, he then proceeded to marry someone else. Horrified at this turn of events she went to her father. Orazio was having none of this shit and took Tassi to court. At that time, rape wasn’t technically an offense to warrant a trial, but the fact that he had taken her virginity (and therefore technically “damaged Orazio’s property”. ugh.) meant that the trial went along. It lasted for 7 months. During this time, to prove the truth of her words, Artemisia was given invasive gynecological examinations and was even questioned while being subjected to torture via thumb screws. It was also discovered during the trial that Tassi was planning to kill his current wife, have an affair with her sister, and steal a number of Orazio’s paintings. Tassi was found guilty and was given a prison sentence of…. ONE. YEAR……. Which he never even served because the verdict was annulled.

During this time and a bit after (1611-1612), Artemisia painted her most famous work of Judith Slaying Holofernes. This bible story involved Holofernes, an Assyrian general, leading troops to invade and destroy Bethulia, the home of Judith. Judith decides to deal with this issue by coming to him, flirting with him to get his guard down, and then plying him with food and lots of wine. When he passed out, Judith and her handmaiden took his sword and cut his head off. Issue averted. The subject was a very popular one for art at the time. Here is a version of the scene painted in 1598-99 by Carivaggio, whom was a great stylistic influence on Artemisia:

This depiction is a pretty good example of how this scene was typically depicted. Artists usually went out of their way to show Judith committing the act (or having committed it) while trying to detach her from the actual violence of it. In this way, they could avoid her losing the morality of her character and also avoid showing a woman committing such aggression. So here we see a young, rather delicate looking Judith in a pure white dress. She is daintily holding down this massive man and looks rather disgusted and upset at having to do this. Now, here is Artemisia’s:

Damn. Thats a whole different scene. Here Holofernes looks less like he’s simply surprised by the goings ons and more like a man choking on his own blood and struggling fruitlessly against his captors. The blood here is less of a bright red than in Carrivaggio’s but is somehow more sickening. It feels more real, and gushes in a much less stylized way than Carrivaggio’s. Not to mention, Judith here is far from removed from the violence. She is putting her physical weight into this act. Her hands (much stronger looking than most depictions of women’s hands in early artwork) are working hard. Her face, as well, is completely different. She doesn’t look upset, necessarily, but more determined. 

It’s also worth note that the handmaiden is now involved in the action. It’s worth note because, during her rape trial, Artemisia stated that she had cried for help during the initial rape. Specifically she had called for Tassi’s female tenant in the building, Tuzia. Tuzia not only ignored her cries for help, but she also denied the whole happening. Tuzia had been a friend of Artemisia’s and in fact was one of her only female friends. Artemisia felt extremely betrayed, but rather than turning her against her own gender, this event instilled in her the deep importance of female relationships and solidarity among women. This can be seen in some of her artwork, and I believe in the one above, as well, with the inclusion of the handmaiden in the act.

So, I just added a million words worth of information dump on a post when no one asked me, but there we go. I could talk for ages about Artemisia as a person and her depictions of women (even beyond what I wrote above. Don’t get me started on her depictions of female nudes in comparison to how male artists painted nude women at the time.) 

To sum up: Artemisia Gentileschi is rad as hell. This x-ray is also rad as hell and makes her even radder.

I love art history.

I’m reblogging this again to add something that I also think is important to know about Artemisia Gentileschi. Back in her time and through even to TODAY, there are people who argue that her artworks were greatly aided by her father…. As in he either helped her paint them or just straight up painted them himself. Hell, there are a number of works only recently (past several years or so) that have been officially attributed to Artemisia because people originally saw the signature with “Gentileschi” in it and automatically attributed it to Orazio. So, not only was Artemisia Gentileschi an amazing artist and amazing historical figure, but I don’t want it to be ignored that there are people over 400 years later who still won’t give her the credit she deserves, just because she’s a woman and obviously women can’t paint like she did.

there’s this book Blood, Water, Paint that’s about her and it’s honestly so amazing 10/10 would recommend


A Luthor Walks Into A Bar... - A Supercorp Fanfic

TITLE: A Luthor Walks Into A Bar...

PAIRING: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor (Supercorp)  

SUMMARY:After a long day preparing her company's move to National City, Lena Luthor needs a drink, and finds herself in Al's Dive Bar.  An alien bar, as she soon discovers.  But a chance meeting with a dorky, beautiful, sunny blonde alien who is also patronizing the bar quickly changes her life for the better.


DISCLAIMER: Don’t own ‘em

Also on: AO3

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